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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,叉车操作,安全要诀,TLGH W/H 2006/4/1,叉车安全驾驶,(一)日常应做例行检查及保养工作,(二)货物安放,(三)常见之操作错误,(四)货叉、链条之安全标准,(五)电池使用守则,(六)如有可能,参与叉车安全驾驶课程,(,本刊物内容只供参考之用),(一)日常应做例行检查及保养工作,驾驶员以经过适当训练和指定人员为限,您是否适合工作为铲车驾员?,对于这一车辆的驾驶方法,熟悉吗?,有否戴上安全头盔,在工作时有否穿着工人衣?,Only properly trained and authorized drivers should,operate forklift trucks,Are you qualified to be a forklift driver?Are you familiar with the forklift truck you operate?Do you wear a safety helmet and proper clothing on the job?,在运转前,检查车辆情况,在开始一天的工作以前,考虑一下安全问题。车辆情 况不良、不能运转。如驾驶员认为不安全时、可以拒绝 运转。,Before starting work,check the condition of the forklift truck,Stop and think safety before starting the days work.No truck should be operated unless it is im good working condi-tion.Refuse to operate a forklift truck which in your opinion is unsafe.,发现有任何故障时,应立即报告上司,在未恢复安全状态以前,不能运转。,应切记:”有了安全的铲车,才能保证安全的装卸。”,Immedidtely report to your supervisor any obvious defects or required repairs,A defective forklift truck or one requiring repairs should be taken out of service until it has been restored to safe,operating condition.Remember,safe handing begins with a safe forklift truck.,每日完工后,检查铲车情况,应使您的铲车,保持最良好的健康状态。由于您,的细心保护,不但可以减少高额修理费用。更能,保证您本人的安全,以及您四周的人员和设备。,当有故障时,应立即报告上司。,Check the condition of your forklift truck after the,days Work,Keep your forklift truck in the best of health.Your personal,Care will not only prevent costly repairs and reduce downtime but will also make you safer,as well as the people and equipment around you.Report any faulty performance without delay.,熟悉铲车,考虑安全,随时要把安全作为您自己的问题,进行考虑。随时准备突发事故,作适当合理判断。,Know your forklift truck and think safety,Make safety a matter of attitude.Expect the unexpected and use sound judgement whenever you are behind the wheel.,(二)货物安放,绝对不能过载,检查有无过载,一定要按铲车载重能力,进行装卸。,在货物装上叉以前,要确定一下货物重量,重心位,置。安全运转的第一条,在于理解叉车能力,加以,严密遵守。,Dont overload,Check load weights and handle only within the rated,Capacity or your forklift truck.Before picking up a load,be Sure of how much it weights and where its load,center is located.Safe operation requires understanding,and observing the forklift trucks rated load capacity.,使用适当尺寸的载货台板,检查载货架的状态、强度、安全负载能力。在堆积时突然发生捆包散落,是由于载货的不适当。,Always use the proper size pallet,Check the condition and safe loading capacity of the pallet,The sudden collapse of block stacking often results from a faulty pallet.,叉幅尽可能宽大,在货物装上叉之前,要确认一下:载货台板的宽度,或是货物的宽度,是否和叉的宽度相合适。,叉的宽大,可以保证载货的稳定。,Set the forks to the maximum possible width,Before picking up a load,make sure that the forks are as Wide apart as the pallet or load will allow.Wide fork spacining keeps the load stable.,确认载货台板上的货物是否有松驰,稳定而安全捆扎好的货物,才能装运。,Watch for loose loads,Handle only stable,safety arranged loads.,叉上货物的位置和重量应有良好的平衡,装卸宽大货物时,或是有偏负重时,在操作时要特别注意,不要使铲子车颠倒。也要注意长尺寸货物,如铁条、木材等等,Position loads evenly on the forks for proper balance,When handling wide loads,or off-center loads that cannot be centered,operate with caution to prevent tipping over the forklift truck.Also use caution when handling long lengths of bar stock,lumber,etc.,(三)常见之操作错误,绝对不能在倾斜不平的路面升举货物,经常要注意路面情况,车辆在倾侧状态下高举货物时,如恰巧遭遇到微少的冲击或地板上的孔穴,会发生颠倒,情况.,Never elevate a load with the forklift truck on an incline.,When on an incline always watch the condition of the,surface.,When operating on an incline with the load lifted,high,just a slight bump or hole in the floor would be enough,to overturn the forklift truck.,不能容许任何人员进入升举的货叉之下,在升举货叉之前,要确认一下四周有无其他人员逗留,不管,叉上有无装载货物,不能容许任何人员.包括你本人在内,进入货叉的下面。,Do not permit anyone to stand between elevated forks,Never stand or pass,or permit anyone else to stand or,pass under the elevated forks whether empty or loaded.,在柱之前,不能放入手足,从使为捆扎松散开的货物,也不能昧然把手伸入柱之间,小,的不注意,会招致大的损害。,Keep hands and feet out of the mast assembly,Never reach through the mast assembly for ANYreason.Just one small mistake could result in serious injury.,经常装借背架和认顶,向高处堆积货物时,要特别注意落下货物,同时更,需确认堆积在顶上的货物,有无松散情况,Always use the load backrest extension and overhead,guard for hig stacking,Be especially alert for falling objects when high stacking.,Make sure no loose articles are lying on top of the load.,柱在前倾时,不能升举货物,升举货物时,柱只能垂直或是后倾,绝不能前倾。,升举起的货物放下货堆时,才能前倾。,Do not elevate the load with the mast tilted forward,The mast should always be vertical or tiltde,Backward when lifting a load,never tilt forward,beyond the vertical.An elevated load may be,tilted forward only when putting it on the stack,or directly over the unloading area.,装载货物驶行时,尽可能离地面愈近愈好,不能遗忘货叉降低。,在普通情况下,约离地面100-150mm(4-6寸)就,行。却不可把叉升举到超过规定的离地高度,带货驶行。,Carry loads as close to the floor as possible,Keep the forks low,100 to 150mm(4 to 6 inches)off the floor in most cases.Never travel with the load raised higher than necessary for adequate clearance.,(三)常见之操作错误,驶行时,柱向后倾侧,用支架支撑好货载,在行驶时,不能升举或降下货载。更要确认货叉之全长,和货载尺寸是否合适,以及支架是否确定支持好货载。,Keep the load against the backrest,with the mast tilted,backward,Never lift or lower loads with the forklift truck in motion,And,be sure that the full length of the forks is under the load,with the load against the load backrest.,开始运转前,经常要确认一下四周


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