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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,市级教学技能大赛课件,市一高 袁东辉,高中英语,市级教学技能大赛课件,Noun Clause,Teaching aims,To let students know what noun clause is and how to choose proper connective.(引导词),To understand why we learn it and how to make use of it.,Teaching aimsTo let students,Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine,Im leaving my life in your hands,People say im crazy that i am blind,Risking it all in a glance,How you got my blind is still a mystery,I cant get you out of my head,Dont care what is written in your history,As long as youre here with me,I dont care who you are,Where youre from,What you did,As long as you love me,Who you are,Where youre from,Dont care what you did,As long as you love me,Although loneliness has always,Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine,Im leaving my life in your hands,People say im crazy that i am blind,Risking it all in a glance,How you got my blind is still a mystery,I cant get you out of my head,Dont care what is written in your history,As long as youre here with me,I dont care who you are,Where youre from,What you did,As long as you love me,Who you are,Where youre from,Dont care what you did,As long as you love me,Although loneliness has always,What is,noun clause?,What is,TXR,名词性从句(Noun Clause):,在复合句中起名词作用的从句称为,名词性从句。,主语从句 SC(Subject Clause),宾语从句OC(Object Clause),表语从句PC(Predictive Clause),同位语从句AC(Appositive Clause),TXR名词性从句(Noun Clause):,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,_ 前,_ 或_后,_后,_后,表解释说明,动词,及物动词,介词,系动词,特定名词,主语从句 _ 前动词及物动词介词系动词特定,Which connective,should be chosen?,Which connective,is lost is lost.,2.Dont put off till tomorrow what should be,done today.,3.Children are what the mothers are.,what-既充当句子成分 又有意义,(有情有义),主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,覆水难收,今日事,今日毕,耳濡目染,言传身教。,is lost is lost.主语从句宾语从句表语,引导词:连接词、连接代词、连接副词。,连接词:that,whether,连接代词:,what,who,whom,whose,which,(有情有义),连接副词:,when,where,why,how,(有情有义),无情无义,不能省略(shylock),无情有义,引导词:连接词、连接代词、连接副词。无情无义,不能省略(,I do,therefore,I am.,Practice,makes,perfect.,I do,A,B,C,U,F,O,H,I,T,Go!,AB C U F O HI TGo!,少年不知愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁。,The young men dont know what worry is and feel worried about,writing poems.,【最新】-名词性从句优质课-完整课件PPT,我住长江头,君住长江尾。,I live in where Changjiang River,begins while you live in where,Changjiang River ends.,【最新】-名词性从句优质课-完整课件PPT,蓦然回首,,那人却在灯火阑珊处。,When I suddenly turned back,the very person was where the lights dimmed.,【最新】-名词性从句优质课-完整课件PPT,改错:,I dont know where is the trouble.,where the trouble is,语序-,名词性从句中用陈述语序,提示:一定要找准从句的主语哟!,改错:,改错:,news the we will have four days off,excites us.,2.He is still alive is a wonder.,That he is still alive is a wonder.,3.My idea is we should take action to protect our world.,提示:that 在何种情况下可以省略?,that,that,改错:thatthat,改错:,1.He said that he will go to the station.,would,2.He told us that light travelled faster than sound.,时态-,主从一致(宾语从句用相应的时态),从句表示客观真理或谚语则用现在时,travels,改错:travels,填空:,news _we will have four days off excited everyone.,2.The news _he told us excited everyone.,提示:同位语从句和定语从句有何区 别?,(that/which),that,填空:(that/which)that,填空:,said just now made us very delighted.,2._he told a lie the other day made the headteacher disappointed.,提示:what 和 that 的区别是什么?,What,That,填空:WhatThat,填空:,1.I think _better that she has got what he wanted.,2._makes me happy that so many teachers attend our class.,提示:it 在句中什么成分?,it,It,填空:it It,I think,therefore,I am,I think,温馨提示,语序问题,时态问题,that的省略,Attention!,-陈述语序,-主从句一致,除宾语从句的第一个that可省略,其余在正式文体中均不能省。,温馨提示 Attention!-陈述语序-主从,4.it 作形式主语和形式宾语,5.what 和that 的区别,6.定语从句和同位语从句的区别,what 有情有义,that 无情无义,意义不同,引导词不同,what 有情有义意义不同,引导词不同,The Childrens Day is coming!,The Childrens Day is comin,致我们终将逝去的童年,当我还是个小女孩的时候,我从未在意过自己的外表,长得多高。我最喜欢的就是跟在大哥哥大姐姐后面。成为他们中的一员是我最大的梦想。,那时我们关心的不是自己有多少钱而是我们积攒了多少卡片。我们在意的也不是手机有多好而是能爬得多高。或许我们什么都不曾拥有,我们却拥有想要的一切。,致我们终将逝去的童年,To my everlasting childhood,When I was a little girl,I never cared about what I looked like and how tall I was.What I liked most was that I could follow elder sisters and brothers.To be one of them was what I wanted to do best.,At that time,what we cared was not how much money we had but how many cards we had.Also,what we were concerned was not how good the mobile phone was but how high we could climb.Maybe we had nothing at all,but we got what we wanted.,To my everlasting child,Songs for learning grammar,名词性从句:,as long as you love me,you make me wanna,thats why you go away,虚拟语气:,Beyonce Knowles If I were a boy,claude kelly-if I had you,vince gill I will always love you,状语从句:,no matter what,when youre gone,more than I can say,Songs for learning gr,What is,noun clause?,There is no shortcut of learning English but more reading,more reciting and more thinking.,学习英语无诀窍,,多读多背多思考。,What is There is no shortcut o,Homework,To write a passage to your father as a gift on the Fathers Day.,Homework,


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