[八年级英语]新目标八年级下unit4 he said i was hardworking sectiona 课件

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[八年级英语]新目标八年级下unit4 he said i was hardworking sectiona 课件_第1页
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[八年级英语]新目标八年级下unit4 he said i was hardworking sectiona 课件_第2页
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[八年级英语]新目标八年级下unit4 he said i was hardworking sectiona 课件_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,He said I was hard-working.,Free talk,Free talk,Free talk,A:What do you usually do for your mother on Womens Day?,The boy/ girl said he/ she usually did/bought/cleaned/went,Womens Day,B:I usually do/buy/clean/go.,drinks and,snacks小吃,Lets,have a surprise party,for mothers.,意外的,drinks and snacks,The girl said, “I,can /cant,come to the party.(,直接引语,),The girl said she,could/couldnt,come to the party . (,间接引语,),The boy said ,“I can/cant come to the party.”,The boy said he could/couldnt come to the party.,Can you come to the party?,Listen and say,.,Sing a song,What did he sing?,He s,a,ng .,What did she say,?,She said,she,was,working hard.,she,was,jumping and dancing,I,am,working hard,I,am,jumping and dancing,I,go,to the beach every Sunday,I,read,books everyday,What did he/she say?,he,went,to the beach,every Sunday.,she,ate,bread every morning.,he,read,books everyday,I,eat,bread every morning,He/she said,I,can,play the piano,What did she /he say?,She said,she,could,play the piano,He said,he,could,speak three languages,I,can,speak three languages,I,am hard-working every day.,我,每天都很认真学习。,He,said,he,was hard-,working every day.,他,说,他,每天都很,认真学习。,人称,I,dont,like cleaning the room.,我不喜欢打扫,房间。,He said he,didnt,like,cleaning the room.,他说他不喜欢打扫房间。,时态,She is very,shy,.,Lana said ,He is,un,friendly.,Lana said ,He is,funny.,Marcia said ,He is,smart.,Marcia said ,He is,serious.,Ben said ,She is,friendly.,Ben said ,Grammar: 直接引语与间接引语,1.直接引语与间接引语的概念:,说话人直接引用别人的原话叫,直接引语。,说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来叫,间接引语。,间接引语用途更为普遍。,2.直接引语变间接引语时要注意:,(1)间接引语中从句的,谓语要与主句的谓语时态一致。,(2)变间接引语时根据意思,改变人称,。,直接引语,间接引语,一般现在时,一般,过去,时,一般将来时,过去,将来时,现在进行时,过去,进行时,过去时态,直接引语,间接引语,amis,was,are,were,Havehas,had,will,would,can,could,do,did,词汇变化规律表,直接引语,间接引语,1. am/is,1. was,2. are,3. have/has,4 .do,5.will,6. cant,2.were,3.had,4.did,5.would,6.couldnt,评价手册 P30 D:Grammar,He told Marcia he (willwould) call her tomorrow.,Ben said he (cancould) speak four languages.,Judy said (goeswent) to the movies last Friday.,She said she (willwould) bring snacks and pizza to your party.,My mother said she (iswas)cooking supper.,评价手册: P33 C-PART 1,2.,Gina said,“,(I llId) see you tomorrow, Dan.,”,3. Martin was happy. His parents told him he (cancould) borrow the car.,4. We told our friends that we (gowent) camping every year.,5.,The reporter asked,“,(DoDid) you speak Japanese well?,”,6. Sandy said she (iswas) very tired.,7. Jack told his mother,“,(ImI was) going to study at Davids house on Saturday.,”,8.They said they(waswere) having a surprise party for Nina.,评价手册: P33 C-PART 1,P 34 PART 2,2. Tony said,“,I can play the violin.,”,Tony said _,3. Tanya said, “Carol is studying Japanese.”,Tanya said_,4. They said, “Were going to Sams house.”,They said_,he could,play the violin.,Carol was,studying Japanese.,they were,going to Sams house.,5. Susan said, “Im very hungry.”,Susan said_,6. She said,”You can do better at,science.”,She said_,7. He said, “I have to get up early.”,He said_,8. They said, “We will go to the beach,tomorrow.”,They said_,_,she is,very hungry.,I could,do better at science.,he had,to get up early.,they would,go to the beach,tomorrow.,This is,my,computer.,这是,我的,电脑。,He,said this was,his,computer.,他,说这是,他的,电脑。,所有格,1.(Gina),I,will call,you,on Sunday.,2.(Tony),I,go camping every week.,3.(Linda),I,am upset at,my,report card.,4.(Sally),I,am learning to speak English.,5.(Joe),I,wont go to Sams house on Friday night.,Gina said,she,would call,me,on Sunday.,Tony said,he,went camping every week.,Linda said,she,was upset at,her,report card.,Sally said,she,was learning to speak English.,Joe said,he,wouldnt go to Sams house on Friday night.,直接引语变为间接引语,将直接引语改写为间接引语,1. Lana said, Im going to have a surprise party for Maria.,Lana said that _.,2. The teacher said, My students are hard-working.,The teacher said that _.,3. Tom told Jane, I will lend my bicycle to you.,Tom told Jane that _.,4. My friend said, Im sorry that I d gotten mad.,My friend said that _.,5. She asked me, Why do you want to do that?,She asked me_ .,参考答案,1. Lana said that she was going to have a surprise party for Maria.,2. The teacher said that his/ her students were hardworking.,3. Tom told Jane that he would lend his bicycle to her/Jane.,4. My friend said that she was sorry that shed gotten mad.,5. She asked me why I wanted to do that.,soap opera 肥皂剧,ev,er曾经,“Young Lives,Lana,Ben,Macia,She,was mad at,Macia.生气,Macia said she would have a surprise party for Lana.,SUMMARY,I am mad at Marcia.,She said she was mad at Marcia.,I can speak English.,He said he could speak English.,I will call you tomorrow.,She said she would call me tomorrow.,1a GROUPWORK Talk about these questions.,What is a soap opera?,Do you,ever,watch soap?,What are some soap operas you know?,What are some things that happen on soap operas?,1b Listen and number the statements 1-4 in the picture.,Picture,.,Picture,. Picture,. Picture,.,1,2,3,4,曾经;永远,be mad at,be/get mad at someone/ something,对某人(或某事)恼火,be mad about/ for/ on someone/ something,狂热的迷恋某人(或某事),eg.,My younger sister is always losing her keys and Mother gets really mad at her.,我妹妹总是掉钥匙,妈妈对她很恼火。,The boy is mad at online games and he spends all his time in playing PC games.,那男孩对网络游戏着了迷,把时间都花在电脑游戏上。,1c Ask and answer questions about what the people in the soap opera said.,A: What did she say?,B: She said she was,hav,ing,a surprise party,for Lana on Friday night.,have a surprise party,举办一个惊喜晚会,2a Listen and circle true or false for each statement.,1. Ben told Lana that Marcia was going true false to have a surprise party for her. 2. Lana said she,wasnt,mad at,Marcia true false,anymore,. 3. Lana said that she wouldnt go to true false Marcias house on Friday night. 4. Marcia called everyone and told them true false she wasnt going to have the party. 5. Lana told Marcia she would,bring,true false some books to her house on Friday night.,anymore,再;还;今后,notanymore,不再,mad,疯狂的;狂热的,be mad at sb.,对某人生气,bring,“带来,拿来,取来”,指从别处把某人或某物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点来。,take,“带去,拿走”,指从说话者所在地把某人或某物带去或拿走。,What did the people on TV say?,Circle the correct answers.,Young Lives,2b Listen again. What did the people on TV say? Circle the correct answers.,Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.,Marcia ( is / will ) going to have a surprise party for you.,Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore.,I ( am / was ) not mad at Marcia anymore.,Lana said she would go to Marcias house on Friday night.,I ( will / would ) go to Marcias house on Friday night.,Marcia told everyone she wasnt going to have the party.,I ( am / was ) not going to have the party.,Lana said she would bring some drinks and,snack,s to Marcias house.,I ( will / would ) bring some drinks and snacks to your house.,小吃,will,2c PAIRWORK Have a conversation about last nights,episode,of “Young Lives”.,A: What happened on “Young Lives” last night?,B: Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a,surprise party for her.,插曲;一个事件,Grammar Focus,Direct speech,Reported speech,I,am,mad at Marcia.,She said she,was,mad at Marcia.,I,am having,a party for Lana.,She said she,was having,a party for Lana.,I,go,to the beach every Saturday.,He said he,went,to the beach every Saturday.,I,will,call you tomorrow.,He told me he,would,call me tomorrow / the next day.,I,can,speak three languages.,She said she,could,speak three languages.,直接引语,间接引语,直接引语如何变成间接引语:,一、根据意思改变人称:,He said, “I go to the beach every Saturday.”,He said he went to the beach every Saturday.,二、如果主句的谓语动词为,said,或,told,时,从句的时态要变成过去的某种时态。,1. She said, “I am mad at Marcia.”,She said she was mad at Marcia.,2. He said, “I am doing my homework.”,He said he was doing his homework.,3. He told me, “I will call you tomorrow.”,He told me he would call me tomorrow.,一般现在时 一般过去时,现在进行时过去进行时,一般将来时过去将来时,3a Read the newspaper story. Fill in the blanks.,“Young Lives” this week,It was an exciting week for the people on the soap opera “Young Lives”.,First of all, Marcia told Ben she,having a surprise party for Lana, and that Lana,she was going to her house to study. Then Lana,Ben she,mad at Marcia, and that she,going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was,to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she,mad at Marcia anymore, and that she,go to Marcias house on Friday night. However, Marcia called everyone and,them that she,going to have the party.,was,thought,told,was,wasnt,going,wasnt,would,told,wasnt,first of all,首先,3b Imagine the next episode of “Young Lives”.,Finish the newspaper article.,Last night on “Young Lives”,it was an exciting night. There was a surprising party. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcias house on Friday night. But Lana forgot to bring some things. Marcia was still very glad. Then they went to the park outside the Marcias house. Marcia and Lana were surprised to see their classmates. They smiled. Then every student took out their gifts. They laughed, ate and drank. How happy they were!,4 GROUPWORK Role play. Work in groups of four. Use the role play cards to have a conversation. Then change roles and practice again.,Student A,Student B,Student C,You are at home. B and C are at Bs house doing a homework project. You want B to pass this,message,to C: C borrowed your jacket and didnt return it. You want to know why C didnt return it and where it is.,You are at home. C is at your house doing a homework project. A calls you with a message for C.,Pass on,the message, and then give Cs answer to A.,You are at Bs house working on a homework project. You have As jacket. You,were,suppose,d to,meet at the bus stop this morning to return it, but A didnt come to the bus stop.,消息;信息,传递,suppose 假定;认为;期望,be supposed to 被期望或被要求,pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.,将某物传给某人,He passed a book to me. = He passed me a book.,他递给我一本书。,pass on,把传给另一个;转移,pass on the message,把消息传过去,1. Pass on the stick.,传递接力棒。,2. Please pass the book on one by one.,请大家传阅这本书。,3. Please read this notice and pass it on to others.,通知看后请传给其他人。,Task 1,Interview,Try to be the best reporter of CCTV.,The questions you can use:,Whats your name? How old are you? What animals /sports do you like? What can you do? What will you do in ten years? What are you doing?,You can have a report like this:This is 宋丹丹/.He/She said he/she was 40 years old.He/She said he/she liked football.He/She said he/she could/would,*,What am I like in their eyes?,Tom said I was /you were friendly. Lisa said I was/you were good at studies. My father said I was cute.,Ask : What do you think of me/Miss Cai? Write down their views,then say it out.,Task:,The boy/The girl said Womens Day was coming,Free talk,watch,What did he say?,He,said,he,was,Tony Baker, from ABC company.,间接引语,“I,m,Tony Baker,from ABC company.”,直接引语,Whats his name?,What did the man say to the woman ?,He,said,he,wanted,her to stay.,间接引语,“I,want,you to stay.”,直接引语,What did the woman say?,She,said,she,was looking,for a bag.间接引语,“I,m looking,for a bag.”直接引语,What did the woman say?,She,said,they,would,find it.,间接引语,“We,ll,find it.”直接引语,What did she say?,间接引语,She,said,she,could,dance, too.,直接引语,“I,can,dance, too.”,Can the girl dance?,She/He said he/she could/was/wanted/would/was doing ,What did the girl/the woman/the man say in Picture1?,Pairwork:,5,3,4,2,1,


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