仁爱英语 八年级下册 八下Unit 6 Topic2+Topic3 复习+练习题 PPT

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问心无愧,高枕无忧. A clear conscience is a soft pillow. Everyday Proverb P33-1a.swfP35-1a.swfP37-1a.swfGive ear to the video 短语回顾收 到 一 张 明 信 片 receive a postcard为 考 试 做 准 备 prepare for an exam在 度 假 be on a vacation当 然 You bet!制 定 计 划 make a plan 短语回顾在 山 脚 下 at the foot of在 北 京 西 北 部 in the northwest of Beijing在 路 的 两 边 on both sides of the way确 保 make sure顺 便 提 一 下 by the way 短语回顾对 感 到 吃 惊 be surprised at四 面 八 方 in all directions看 不 见 be out of sight抬 头 raise ones head到 处 here and there 短语回顾对 感 到 满 意 be satisfied with忍 不 住 cant help doing sth They must be great. 1.对现在的肯定推测 He must be happy at the moment.2. 对现在的否定推测 He cant be at home now.Key structuresmustcantmustnt 禁止,不准 (一)in the east 与 on the east的区别 1in the east表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。2on the east表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向。这里的方向是相对的。 China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。 1要表示A在B的范围之内时就用A is in the of B. Japan is in the east of Asia. 日本在亚洲东部。2要表示A在B的范围之外,且相隔有一定的距离. 就用A lies to the of B. Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东方。3. 要表示A在B的范围之外且 A与B相邻接。就用A is on the of B. Guangdong is on the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南南边。4如果把方位词当作一个整体看就用A is at the of B . There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula.在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。方位词辨析 1. afraid adj. 害怕的 be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕某事发生(不可预知) I am afraid of bitten by a snake. be afraid to do sth 害怕某事而故意不去做 Many peaple are afraid to go out at night. I am afraid that 2. frighten V. 吓唬,使害怕 That dog frightened the little boy.3. frightened adj. 吓人的 He seemed frightened。4. fear V. /N. 害怕 Her heart was filled with fear when she heard of it. (A) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。41. How about going _ (camp) this weekend?Thats a good idea!42. When you go to a new place, you should remember the _ (direct). 43. We _ (notice) the bad man run out of sight quickly just now. 44. Tom is looking forward to _ (receive) his fathers letter, because his father works far away. 45. The old mans job is to look after _ (camel) and he is satisfied with it. 41. camping 42. direction 43. noticed44. receiving 45. camels . 句型转换。(5分)51. She took care of her mother at home last Monday. (改为同义句)She _ _ her mother at home last Monday. 52. The teacher went home after he went over the students homework yesterday. (改为同义句)The teacher _ go home _ he went over the students homework yesterday. 53. Lucy will give a phone call to her friend. Lucy will get off the plane. (用as soon as合并) Lucy will give a phone call to her friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.51. looked after 52. didnt; until53. as soon as she gets off the plane 54. Its about half an hour on foot from school to my home. (改为同义句)My home is about _ _ _ _ from school. 55. Tony doesnt know which book he should choose. (改为同义句)Tony doesnt know which book _ _. 54. half an hours walk 55. to choose (B) 根据句意及首字母提示填空。46. We went to Beijing last week. Its a p_ trip. 47. Her s_were so soft that nobody in the room heard her coming in yesterday. 48. When we reach Mount Tai, well see plenty of h_ stones there. 49. Beijing is in the n_ of China. 50. Most of the doors of the buildings have the sign “Pull” or “P_”. 46. perfect 47. steps 48. huge 49. north50. Push (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41. When you are going across the road, you shouldnt r_. 42. You may call the police when you are in t_. 43. In China, when you see the yellow lights, please s_ down. 44. He always wants to get more money without working. He must be c_. 45. Lance Armstrong l_ the American team to win the Tour de France in 1999.41. rush 42. trouble 43. slow 44. crazy 45. led . 句型转换。(5分)51. Its impolite to spit everywhere. (改为同义句)_ _ everywhere is impolite. 52. I have over ten story books. Would you like one?(改为同义句)I have _ _ ten story books. Would you like one?53. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(改为同义句)Shanghai is _ _ _ in China. 54. Why dont you go to school earlier?(改为同义句)_ _ go to school earlier? 51. To spit 52. more than 53. the largest city54. Why not (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。46. There are twenty _ (乘客) in the bus. 47. It is _ (不可能的) to finish this work in an hour. 48. Mary won the game. She was _ (成功的). 49. Bicycle accidents can also bring us sadness and _ (死亡). 50. Did you see my watch? I cant find it _ (任何地方). 46. passengers 47. impossible 48. successful49. death 50. anywhere 55. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句)_ _ _ get up early, you _ be late. 55. If you dont; will . 句型转换。(5分)61. Did you decide on going on a field trip?(改为同义句)Did you decide _ _ a field trip?62. We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo of Beijing. (改为同义句)We _ _ in the zoo of Beijing. 63. I think he must be a teacher, _ _?(完成反义疑问句) 61. to have 62. had fun 63. isnt he 反义疑问句:1. Lets play basketball,_?2. Let us go to the playground,_?3. Youd better finish it now,_?4. Everyone is here,_?5. Close the door,_?6. I think she is a good girl,_?7. I am as tall as your sister,_?8. I wish to talk to you, _?9. They seldom come here, _?shall wewill youhadnt youarent theywill you isnt shearent Imay Ido they no, nothing, nobody, seldom, hardly, little, never1. Some plans never blown, _?2. There are few apples in the basket, _?3. He can hardly swim,_? do they? are there? can he 64. We dont know the way, so lets see the map of Beijing. (改为同义句)We dont know the way, so we _ _ see the map of Beijing. 65. We spent one and a half hours finishing this notice. (改为同义句)We spent one _ and a _ finishing this notice. 64. had better 65. hour; half . 单项选择。(15分)( )1. John isnt happy today. Lets go and _. Good idea. A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. to cheer up D. cheer up( )2. What _ sad news! We cant get the movie tickets. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )3. My father doesnt have much money. I dont have, _. A. too B. also C. still D. either( )4. Dont let _ in. Im too busy to see _. A. nobody; somebody B. anybody; nobodyC. anybody; anybody D. somebody; anybody1. B 2. D 3.D 4.C ( )5. On my way _ home, I lost a ticket _ Titanic. A. to; to B. to; of C. /; of D. /; to( )6. Mom, my classmates invited me _ a field trip. May I go with them?OK. A. go on B. to go on C. go in D. to go in( )7. Please be quick, or we will have no time _ have lunch. A. to B. in C. on D. /( )8. Li Lei isnt _ Liu Ming. A. tall as B. as taller as C. as tall as D. as the taller as 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C ( )9. The old man lives _ but he doesnt feel _. A. lonely; alone B. alone; aloneC. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely( )10. Im going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend. _ you are there, can you buy me some green tea?A. Because B. If C. While D. After( )11. I think he is a student, _?A. dont IB. isnt he C. is he D. do I9.C 10.C 11.B (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。51. What did you do last night?I went to the c_ with my friends. H ero was on.52. If you want to go to other countries, you need to have a p_. 53. Please speak quietly, the baby is a_. 54. We came to r_ that happiness is the most important thing in our life and work as we grow up. 55. He faced his illness with great c_. 51. cinema 52. passport 53. asleep54. realize 55. courage ( )12. My parents are always strict _ me. A. with B. in C. on D. at( )13. It is not right _ in public places. A. smokes B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke( )14. She will call you if she _. A. goes toB. go back C. come back D. comes back( )15. One of my teachers _ an Englishman. A. is B. are C. do D. does12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。56. Did you see the _ (通知) of the sports meeting?No, I didnt. Lets go to see it together. 57. Mom, the medicine is a little _ (苦味的), I dont want to take it. 58. My teacher told me to give a _ (演讲) about how to learn English. 59. People all over the world are looking f_ (向前的) to having a peaceful life. 60. Every _ (空间) on the walls is covered with pictures. 56. notice 57. bitter 58. speech59. forward60. space . 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)61. Dont let the kids _ for a second. 62. Tom hopes to _ with his old friends in America. 63. Mike was late for school _ his illness yesterday. 64. You must _ all the windows are closed before you leave the room. 65. We can _ to help Mary with her lessons. get together, take turns, make sure, because of, be out of sight 61. be out of sights 62. get together 63. because of 小试牛角 1. I go to school _8 oclock in the morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for 2. We like Mr. Green because he often tells_funny stories in class. A. we B. us C. our D. ours3. This is my twin sister Lucy. Both she and I _ good at drawing. A. am B. is C. are D. be4. Yao Ming did a good job in the basketball match yesterday. He is my favorite_. A. worker B. teacher C. dancer D. player 5. You are new here,_? A. do you? B. dont you? C. are you? D. arent you?6. _he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science than his father. A. But B. Though C. So D. Because7. Whats your plan for the summer holidays? I have no idea, but Ive decided _at home and have a good rest first. A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying8. I didnt sleep _last night. I feel tired now. A. well B. nice C. fine D. good 9. During the Spring Festival, the heavy snow stopped many people from _. A. go B. goes C. went D. going10. When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow? _is ok. Im free these day. A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither11. Who is that boy reading in the garden? Is it David? It _ be David. I saw him in the classroom just now. A. must B. cant C. may D. shouldnt 12. Rita, your Chinese is vey good. _have you been in China? Since I was five. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often13. Please _the dog for while I am away. A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look out14. Im waiting for my friend._, I will go shopping alone. A. If she comes B. If she will come C. If she doesnt come D. If she didnt come 15. Nancy, dont always_that old jacket. It looks terrible. But I think its cool, Mom. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off16. What bad weather! Yes. The radio says it will be even_later on. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst17. _you _the film Harry Porter 5? Not yet. I will see it this Sunday.A. Did, see B. Are, seeing C. Have, seen D. Do, see 18. Please tell me _. I have some good news for him. A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live19. Ben, would you like to play football with us? _, but I have to wash the dishes first. A. No, I cant B. I dont want to C. Yes, please D. Id love to20. Whats your father like? He _. A. likes history B. is tall and thin C. likes eating meat D. is 40 years old 1. 作文。2. 课课练45-48。3. 下次上课讲评课课练,下课前上交。Hom ework 1. 作文。2. 课课练47-48。3. 下次讲新概念Lesson 50.Hom ework 1. 作文。2. 课课练73-74。3. 下次上课讲新概念Lesson 75.Hom ework


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