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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 2 Curriculum Theory,第,2,章 课程理论,Focusing Questions of This Chapter,1. What is theory? (,理论的定义,),2. What are the key functions of theory?,(理论的功能),3. How do educators build the theory?,(理论建构),4. What is curriculum theory?,(课程理论的定义),5. What are the main theories in the filed of curriculum?,(主要课程理论流派),6. What is the relationship between the curriculum theory and instructional theory?,(课程理论与教学理论的关系),7.,What are the new directions of curriculum theory?,(课程理论新取向),知识、理论与实践,知识的定义与功能:是什么?能干什么?,说说你所理解的课程知识,理论的定义与功能: 是什么?能干什么?,说说你了解的课程理论,实践的定义与功能: 是什么?能干什么?,说说你经历的课程实践,教师的知识,实践取向的知识,通过实践获得的知识,实践知识,Knowledge for practice:,教育研究者的知识,Knowledge in practice:,通过在实践中的探寻与对实践的反思获得的知识,Knowledge,of,practice:,在处理具体教学实践问题中获得的知识,1. What is theory?,(理论的定义),A set of,assumptions, propositions, or accepted,facts,that,attempts,to,provide,a plausible or,rational,explanation,of cause-and-effect (causal) relationships among a,group,of observed phenomenon. The,words,origin (from the Greek,thors, a spectator), stresses the fact that all theories are,mental models,of the perceived reality.,(心智模式与理性阐释),Read more:, theory is a based upon a,hypothesis,and backed by evidence. A theory presents a concept or idea that is testable. In science, a theory is not merely a guess. A theory is a fact-based framework for describing a phenomenon. In psychology, theories are used to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions and behaviors.,2014-09-29,研究问题与研究假设(五个一:问题、视角、方法、逻辑、线索),论题思考的,12345,:一条线索;两个特性;三个考问;四个维度;五个部分,In many ways, theory is an expression of belief.,George Beauchamp/,比彻姆,has asserted that all theories are derived from three broad categories of knowledge: (1) the humanities; (2) the natural sciences; and (3) the social sciences. These,divisions of knowledge,are well established as the basic realms/,领域,/,范畴,of knowledge.,2. What are the key functions of theory?,Theory is as necessary as it is unavoidable. Without it, it would be impossible to learn or to act in consistent fashion; without generalizations and abstractions, the world would exist for us only as a chaotic patchwork of discrete, disconnected experiences and sensory impressions.,(没有理论世界会混乱吗?),(卡尔,.,波布尔:理论是我们撒出去抓住“世界”的网。,科学发现的逻辑,,,p35,),Of course, in everyday life we do not speak of theories; we use them with no awareness that we are doing so. (,我们无意识地使用着理论,),Specific hypotheses or theories are proposed to deal with specific problems; one then tries to combine several such specific theories to make a more general theory that links together the various generalizations in consistent fashion.,(一般理论与具体理论),from: What is theory? By Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knobl ,Four functions to theory:,1.description,2.prediction,3.explanation,4.guidance, see: Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Theory, 1994,,,p186-187,理论能指导实践吗?理论怎样才能指导实践?,理论研究者的实践意识与行动;实践者的理论意识与行动,3. How do educators build the theory?,Two ways or process for developing theory:,1. Induction:,key words: accumulating and summarizing,2. Deduction:,key words :inferring and constructing,Steps in theory building,1. Defining terms,2. Classifying,3. Models,(1) linguistic model/,语言模型,(2) physical model/,物理模型,(3) mathematic model/,数学模型,(4) graphic model/,图表模型,(see,Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Theory, 1994,,,p187-189),反思实践、记录行动、描述重点、发现问题、寻找关系、得出结论、修正结论,4. What is curriculum theory?,Richard Snow states that “a theory is essentially a symbolic construction that is designed to bring generalizable facts or laws into systematic connection.” The theory itself consists of a set of units that can be “facts, conceptions, or some variables, and a noting of relationships among the units identified.”,( see: Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Theory, p184),Curriculum theory is a systematic knowledge of principles and methods about curriculum plan, implement and evaluation.,Curriculum theory is a systematic decision based on some principles and methods about curriculum plan, implement and evaluation.,What is curriculum theory? The short answer is that curriculum theory is the interdisciplinary study of educational experience. Not every interdisciplinary study of educational experience is curriculum theory, of course; nor is every instance of curriculum theory interdisciplinary.,(课程理论是对教育经验进行多学科研究的特殊结论),Curriculum theory is a distinctive field of study, with a unique history, a complex present, an uncertain future.,(see: William F. Pinar(2008) What is Curriculum? p2),This interdisciplinary structure of the field, and especially the strong influence of the humanities and the arts, makes curriculum theory a distinctive specialization within the broad field of education, a fragmented field broadly modeled after the social and behavioral sciences.,(课程理论的独特性),As a distinctive interdisciplinary field (rather than subfield of a single academic discipline such as educational psychology or the sociology of education), curriculum studies may be the only academic discipline within the broad field of education.,(不是分支,而是一个广阔的教育研究领域),(see: William F. Pinar(2008) What is Curriculum? p2),3,What is curriculum theory?,(William F.Pinar, 2004),5. What are the main theories in the filed of curriculum?,Source of Curriculum Theory,Joseph Schwabs idea:,We had no curriculum theory, and perhaps were not spending our time wisely in trying to develop one.,Theory from itself or others:,borrow or copy?,(课程理论的分类:取向、人、主义、中心),The classic bases of curriculum theory:,Scientific theory:,law,Philosophical and humanistic theory:,value,Ideas from textbook,There are two major categories of curriculum theories design theories and engineering theories.,Design theories,address the basic organization of the curriculum plan. For this, curricularists draw on philosophy as well as on social and psychology theory.,Engineering theories,explain, describe, predict, or even guide curriculum-development activities. They involve specific plans, principles, and/or methods or procedures. Engineering theories of curriculum are also partially based on principles of measurement and statistics.,Structure-oriented,theories are concerned primarily with analyzing the components of the curriculum and their interrelationships. Structure-oriented theories tend to be descriptive and explanatory in intent.,Value-oriented,theories are concerned primarily with analyzing the values and assumptions of curriculum makers and their products. Value-oriented theories tend to be critical in nature.,Content-oriented,theories are concerned primarily with determining the content of the curriculum. Content-oriented theories tend to be prescriptive in nature.,Process-oriented,theories are concerned primarily with describing how curricula are developed or recommending how they should be developed. Some process-oriented theories are descriptive in nature; others are more prescriptive.,Some ideas about,curriculum theory,Curriculum theory provides a foundation for curriculum action.,Curriculum theory as a subset of philosophy.,Philosophy addresses the most important questions and from the questions evolve theory.,Curriculum theory based on curriculum philosophy.,No one curriculum theory can be seen as only best one theory to the very complex curriculum practice.,Curriculum is a complex phenomenon existing within ever expanding social and political dynamics.,The historical development of curriculum theory,Bobitt and Charters/,博比特与查特斯,Dewey/,杜威,Maccia/,马吉亚,Johnson/,约翰逊,Macdonald/,麦克唐纳,Kliebard and Freire/,凯利巴德与弗雷雷,Pinar/,派纳,Bruner/,布鲁纳,Oliva/,奥利弗,Lamm/,拉姆,Giroux/,吉鲁,Garman/,加曼,Cogan/,科根,Glatthorn and Glikman/,格拉斯洪恩与格里克曼,Prigogine/,普瑞格基尼,推荐阅读:,西方教育哲学流派课程与教学思想,(陈晓端 郝文武 主编,中国轻工业出版社,,2008,),西方,13,个教育哲学流派(主义),理想主义,现实主义,自然主义,自由主义,实用主义,存在主义,要素主义,永恒主义,社会重建主义,结构主义,分析哲学,批判理论,后现代主义,( see: Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Theory, p193),( see: Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Theory, p194),6. What is the relationship between the curriculum theory and instructional theory?,Curriculum,Instruction,Teaching,About department name,35%: curriculum,30%:curriculum and instruction,25%: curriculum leadership or educational leadership,10%:curriculum and supervision or curriculum and teaching,about college,About the term be used in history,Before 20,th,teaching,After 20,th,curriculum,During the early time in 21,th,curriculum and teaching,(see, p198),About deciding for good teaching,7. What are the new directions for curriculum theory?,A balanced approach to theorizing,A cooperative group of people,(p206),See: Curriculum: from Theory to Practice,Exhibit 3.2 Shaping Factors in Curricular Deliberations,1. The developers: their espoused,主张,and practiced values; their knowledge and competence,2. The students: their values, abilities, goals, learning styles,3. The teachers: their values, knowledge, teaching styles, concerns,4. The organization: its ethos,精神特质,and structure,5. The administrators of that organization: their values and expectations,6. External individuals and groups (parents, employers, pressure groups): their values and expectations.,7. Accrediting,官方,bodies: their requirements and recommendations,8. Scholars in the field: their recommendations, their reports of research; their perceptions of the,structure of that discipline,9. The community and the larger society: what is required to maintain or change the social order,10. Other courses in that field of study, courses taken previously and subsequently,11. Courses in other fields that students are likely to take concurrent with the course being developed: their contents, impacts, and requirements,12. The schedule for the course: number of meetings, length of meetings, frequency,13. Accountability procedures: examinations, “curricular audits”,审计,(see, CURRICULUM THEORY, 2005, p88),回顾与讨论,理论的意义,理论与实践的关系,课程理论的独特性,课程理论的主要流派,我国教育理论与教育实践的特点,西方教育理论对中国教育实践的影响,教育理论与教育目的的关系,下周课堂学习安排:提前研读与课堂分享,下周讨论问题:,1. Why is it important to establish aims and goals for student development?,(为什么说对于学生发展而言制定教育目的是重要的?),2. What are the factors that should be considered when developing educational goals?,(影响教育目的确定的因素有哪些?为什么?),3. What is the relationship between goals and learning activities?,(教育目的与学习活动之间有何关系?),4. How do you think of the idea about Whole Child Education in USA?,(你是如何理解美国的整体儿童教育或全人教育理念的?),5. What types of goals should be addressed by schools?,(学校应该明确哪些层级的教育目标?为什么?),6. How do you understand the educational aims of all-round development in China?,(你对我国全面发展的教育目的是如何理解的?),学生自助问题,


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