英语: good and bad manners

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英语: good and bad manners_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,There are lots of good and bad manners in our daily life .,Today we will show some of them for you .lets see it together !,Enter,Good manners,“Manners make the man “,观其待人而知其人,Good manners on the table,1.Speak,quietly,2.,Smile,a lot , but,dont laugh,all the time,3.,dont,take more food than you need,In public,1.Speak in proper and friendly manners, no use of bad words,2.When you cough or sneeze , cover with you hands,3.Take good care of the public facilities,4.Give up seats to pregnant women or elderly people on bus.,Bad manners,Good manners or not ?,Peoples bad behavior,3.cutting in line,4.Being late,6.Talking loudly in public,7.Not flushing the toilet after using it,/ scribble(乱写乱画,littering,scrabble,causes,1.When developing economy , Chinese people have ignored the improvement of human quality.,2.Schools and parents have not taken the responsibility.,3.The government has not taken the effective measures to stop them.,bad effects,Polluting the environment and doing harm to our health.,Causing traffic jam and traffic accident,Casing unnecessary quarrels and conflicts,There is something we can do to improve it:,solution,1.The government can lay down regulations to standardize peoples behavior.,2.Schools should organize more activities to teach them to be well-behaved.,3.Every citizen should be aware of the importance of civil behaviors for a cleaner environment and a harmonies society.,Thanks for watching !,


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