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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 38everything except the weather,warming up,What is your favourite city,How is the weather there,Have you ever been to England,Do you know the climate in England,If you have ever been to England ,you must be impressed by the beautiful scenery.However,everyhing there is perfect except the weather.,As is know to all ,a typical English gentleman usually takes an umbrella with him.,Similarly,when people there meet others,they usually begin with the weather .,Let us have a test,Here are some proverbs,guess the right meaning.,Its rianing cats and dogs.,下得倾盆大雨,A misty morning may have a fine day.,早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。,A good winter brings a good summer,瑞雪兆丰年,Read the text and find answers to these questions:,1.Where had harrison spont many years,2. What did he want to do waht did he buy,3.Was the summer that year good,or was it very bad,4. What was him complain about,5. Did harrison sell his house at last,6. Did he left his country,complain v. 抱怨,complain to sb. 向某人抱怨,complain of/about sth. 抱怨某事,continuously adv. 不断地,连续地指动作中间没有连续,You mustnt watch TV for such a long time continuously.,This plane can fly continuously for twenty hours.,continually adv. 频繁地,反复地指动作中间有连续但又持续很久,It rained continually. 天频繁地下雨。,The river flows under this bridge continuously. 河水不停地从桥下流过.,bitterly adv. 刺骨地,bitterly disappointed 彻底的失望disappoint vt.使失望,I am bitterly disappointed.,bitterly cold 刺骨地寒冷,Its bitterly cold. chilly adj. 寒冷的,no soonerthan 一就关联词,引导时间状语从句,主句里常用过去完成时,than,后面的从句用一般过去时,had no sooner donethan +一般过去时, 固定用法 (时态构造: 完成时态+ than + 一般过去时),He had no sooner arrived than he called me up.,no sooner 放在句首就要倒装,No sooner had he arrived than he called me up. (倒装),No sooner had he begun speaking than he was interrupted.,more than 表示“超过的范围,This piece of news is more than I can believe.,It was more than I could understand.,I cant afford it. It is more than I can afford.,hardlywhen 还没来得及就,用法同no soonerthan,hardly had sb. done when (hardly在句首, 要倒装),He had hardly opened his eyes when he was knocked out.knock out : 打晕, 击倒,Hardly had he got into the bus when it began moving.,as if( sometimes subjunctive mood ),He acts as if he knew me.(事实上并不知道我),They treat me as if I were a stranger. 我并不是陌生人,It looks as if it is going to rain (天要下雨),连词as if/though引导方式状语从句,通常跟在描述行为举止的动词之后,如act,appear,feel,look,,smell,sound等后面:,She acted as if she were mad. 虚拟语气,It feels as if/though its going to rain,immediately,1.adv,He lay down and was asleep immediately.,All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.,2.conj.,I will tell him the news immediately he gets back.,directly,instantly,


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