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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 7,Too late,复习检查,翻译以下短语:,1.向某人索要某物,2.作为报答,3.倒立,4.拜访、光临(某地),5.一块奶酪,6.打昏某人,ask sb. for sth.,in return for this,stand on ones head,call at,a piece of cheese,knock sb out,expect,1. 预料,认为,猜测,eg. Will you be late 你会迟到吗?,I dont expect/think/suppose so. 我认为不会。,2. 期待,盼想,eg. The children were expecting Christmas presents from their parents.,孩子们正期待着父母的圣诞礼物。,3. 期望,乞求,eg. You expect too much of your child.,你对孩子的期望太高。,valuable,1.贵重的,值钱的,of great value, worth or use,expensive cheap / inexpensive,2. 很有用的,很有价值的,valuable information 极其有价值的信息,valuable advice 有价值的建议,value n. 价值,be,of,great,value,to sb 对某人价值很高的,be,of,no,value,to sb 对某人无用,eg. This advice is valuable to me.,这个建议对我很有用。,eg. This advice is of great value.,这个建议很有价值。,main 作定语,无比较级或最高级形式,the main street 主干道,the main building 主楼,the main idea of the passage,这篇文章的主题思想,the main chance,赚钱,盈利等的时机,可能性,major 主要重要之意,a major problem 一个重要/主要的问题,guard,1. U 戒备,看守,守望的行为,stand guard 站岗,eg. Two detectives were keeping guard at the door.,两个侦探在门口守卫着。,2.C 警卫尤指士兵,警察,body guard 保镖,v.1. 看守,监视,eg. The policeman guarded the prisoners.,警观察守囚犯。,2.保护,eg. A helmet guards your head against injuries.,头盔保护你的头部不受伤害。,precious,pres,adj. 珍贵的,stone,n. 石块;石子;碎石,rock,rk,岩石,( precious ) stone 宝石;钻石,eg. To kill two birds with one stone.,一石两鸟;一箭双雕,within a stones throw 一箭之地,stone-blind 完全瞎的,stone-deaf 完全聋的,The plane was late and detectives,were waiting,at the airport all morning. They,were expecting,a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.,Africa,frk,非洲 African 非洲的,The African Americans 美国黑人,Asia,亚洲 Asian 亚洲的,America,美洲 American 美洲的,Europe,jrp,欧洲 European 欧洲的,A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.,Customs House 海关,custom 风俗,习惯,customs 风俗,习惯pl.,海关,customer 顾客,takeoff 1) 把从取下来,eg. You should take your toys off the table.,你应当把玩具从桌子上拿下来。,2) 起飞 eg. The plane took off very smoothly. 飞机顺利地起飞。,3) 从价格减去,减价,eg. They are taking 50% off all goods in that boutique.,那家时装精品店所有服装打五折。,4) 脱掉衣,帽,鞋等,取下眼镜,戒指等,eg. Take your coat off. 脱下外套吧。,take away 拿走;夺去;使离去,take back 拿回,收回,takefor 认为;以为;误以为,take it out of 口使某人筋疲力尽,take与其它词的组合,take a rest 休息一下,take temperature 测体温,测温度,take a walk 去散步,take a look 看一眼,take pictures 拍照,take ones advice 遵循/按照某人意见,take it or leave it 不要就拉倒,take some medicine 服药,take a taxi 打车,While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!,to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是,to ones joy 令某人快乐的是,or: to ones delight,to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是,eg. This is my first date. But to my surprise, the girl didnt turn up.,这是我第一次约会,但令我吃惊的是,那女孩没来。,full adj. 满足,充满,eg. Im full. 我吃饱了。,be filled with 被装满,be full of 充满 装满,Key Structure,过去进展时:表示过去某时正在进展的动作。,be的过去式(was/were) +v-ing,eg: When I was watering the garden, it began to,rain.,当我正在花园浇水时,开场下雨了。,While we were having a party, the lights went out.,当我们在聚会的时候灯灭了。,1. 有过去时间状语,例: In those years we were having a hard time.,那几年我们日子过的很困难。,We were picking cotton when they arrived.,他们来的时候我们正在摘棉花。,2. 无时间状语,通过上下文来得知,例:The wind was no longer blowing but it was still,rather cold.,风已经不吹了,但是天气仍旧很冷。,3. 过去进展时和一般过去时的差异是前者表示正在进展的,动作,后者表示一个完成的动作。,例: I was reading a novel last night.,昨天晚上我正在读一个小说。,Exercise,l. 当我父亲正要离开房子的时候,邮递员到了。,As my father,(,leave,) the house, the postman,(,arrive,) .,2.汤姆正在花园里干活,我正在坐着。,Tom,(,work,) in the garden while I,(,sit,)in the sun.,3.当我正在走的时候,我看见了查理。,As I,(,walk,) down the street, I,(,meet,) Charlie.,4. 他读信的时候,听见了敲门声。,While he,(,read,) the letter, he,(,hear,) a knock at the door.,5.当我的妈妈正在准配午饭,Janet正在放桌子。,While mother,(,prepare,) lunch, Janet,(,set,) the table.,l. 当我父亲正要离开房子的时候,邮递员到了。,As my father,was leaving,(leave) the house, the postman,arrived,(arrive) .,2.汤姆正在花园里干活,我正在坐着。,Tom,was working,(work) in the garden while I,was sitting,(sit)in the sun.,3.当我正在走的时候,我看见了查理。,As I,was walking,(walk)down the street, I,met,(meet)Charlie.,4. 他读信的时候,听见了敲门声。,While he,was reading,(read) the letter, he,heard,(hear)a knock at the door.,5.当我的妈妈正在准配午饭,Janet正在放桌子。,While mother,was preparing,(prepare) lunch, Janet,was setting,(set) the table.,


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