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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,Travel journal,Reading,Learning aims,1.To let students have an understanding of Mekong.,2.To find out the passages,main idea,.,3.To strenghten students,ability of reading and comprehension,.,Here are some famous rivers in China. Do you know their names,Which,river is the longest,river,in,China.,Chang Jiang River,The Yangtze River,Which,river is called our mother river.,The Yellow River,The world has many great rivers. Can you name some,The great rivers in the world,persuade,cycle,graduate,finally,schedule,fond,shortcoming,stubborn,organize,detail,说服;劝说,骑自行车,毕业,最后;终于,时间表,喜爱的;慈祥的,缺点,顽固的;固执的,组织;成立,细节,vocabulary,source,determine,determined,journey,altitude,atlas,glacier,rapids,valley,waterfall,pace,bend,来源;水源,决定;确定,坚决的;有决心的,旅行;旅程,海拔高度;高处,地图,冰河;冰川,急流,流域,瀑布,缓慢而行,弯;拐角,Phrases,dream about/of,mountain bike,persuade sb to do sth,graduate from,get the chance to do sth,plan schedule for,be fond of,梦想做某事,山地车,劝说sb做sth,毕业于,得到做sth的时机,为制定方案,喜爱,the best way of doing sth,a determined look,change ones mind,seem to be,make up ones mind,give in,pass through,做sth的最好方式,一个坚决的眼神,改变主意,似乎,下定决心,屈服;投降,经过;通过,Journey Down,The Mekong,Reading,How much do you know about Mekong,Lan Cang River,The Mekong River,Can you list the countries that the Mekong flows through,The Mekong River is called _ in China. It goes through _ _, _, _, _ and pours into the _.,Lancang River,Myanmar,Laos,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,South China Sea,Out of China, it is called,the Mekong River,In China it is called,The Lancang River ,澜沧江,湄公河,湄公河Mekong River,干流全长4908公里,,是亚洲最重要的跨国水系,世界第十长河流;,主源为扎曲,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州,杂多县。流经中国、老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔,寨和越南,于越南胡志明市流入南海。流域除,中国和缅甸外,均为湄公河委员会成员国。,湄公河上游在中国境内,称为澜沧江,长2157.8,公里在中国境外称作湄公河,长2750.2公里。,下游三角洲在越南境内,越南称之为九龙江。,Journey down the Mekong,Reading,Part 1 The dream and the plan,Skimming (,Fast-Reading,),S,kimm,ing,to,get,the main idea,The text mainly tells us about_ of Wang Kun and Wang Wei and how they will cycle along the _.,*,Skimming,Match the main idea with each paragraph,Para.1,Para.2,Para.3,A.,The,preparation,before the,trip and details about Mekong,river,B.,Different,attitudes,between,wang kun and wang wei,C.,Deciding to,take a,great bike,trip,along the Mekong river,The text mainly tells us about_ of Wang Kun and Wang Wei and how they will cycle along the _.,the dream and the plan,Mekong River,Scan the text and then choose the best answer.,1When did they get the chance to take a bike trip _,A. During middle school,B. After graduating from middle school,C. During college time,D. After graduating from college,Scanning,2What does Wang Kun think of her sister,AFoolish and stubborn.,BFoolish but determined.,CStubborn but determined.,DUnkind and stubborn.,3What did they do before the trip,AThey had a very good rest.,BThey talked with their parents about it.,CThey were full of fear.,DThey had prepared well for it.,4. Why is it difficult to breathe in Qinghai Province,Because of the cold weather,B.Because of the low attitude,C. Because of the high altitude,D. Because fo the rivers,5. From the text, we know that _.,A.Their trip was successful because of their preparations,B.They knew very well about te Mekong River before,C.Their trip would be very difficult but interesting,D.They enjoyed themselves very much,Who and What,Wang Kun and _ _ Wang Wei are,dreaming about _.,his sister,taking a great bike trip,Paragraph 1: Dream,Careful reading,Where and How,They have the idea to _ _ the Mekong River from _ it _ to _ it _.,cycle along,where,begins,where,ends,Careful reading,Paragraph 2: A stubborn sister,She the source of,the river and begin their journey there.,she has , nothing,can change it.,insisted that they find,Once,made up her mind,Careful reading,What can they see during the journey,It begins in a _ on_ _.,glacier(,冰川,),a mountain,Paragraph 3: Preparation,Careful reading,in Qinghai Province,Then, it _ quickly. It becomes,_ as it passes through deep _.,moves,rapids,valleys,Careful reading,Sometimes, the river becomes a _ and enters _ _.,wide valleys,waterfall,Careful reading,After, It travels slowly through,_ to _.,low valleys,plains(,平原,),Careful reading,At last, the river _ enters,the South China Sea.,delta,delta,三角洲,Careful reading,Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions .,1.What was Wang kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip,2.Who planned the trip to the Mekong,3.Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter,4. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong,5.What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey,P19,Answers:,1. Their idea was to take a long bike trip,.,2. Wang Wei planned the trip.,3. The source of the river is in Qinghai Province and it enters the south China Sea.,4. You can see the source glacier ,rapids , hills, valleys ,waterfalls, and plains.,5. The journey will begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters ,where it is hard to breathe and very cold.,DiscussionCould you use some words or phrases to describe the characteristics of Wang Wei and Wang Kun,性格,Wang Wei:,stubborn, confident, organized, imaginative, risktaking,Wang kun:,enthusiastic, critical, sensible, thoughtful,Look at the following sentences in this Para2 and explain them in your own words., my sister doesnt care about details.,She gave me a determined look the kind that said she would not change her mind.,1. my sister doesnt care about details.,This means that she has concentrated on the broad outline of the trip but not the details.,2. She gave me a determined look the kind that said she would not change her mind.,This sentence means that she has decided to do something and will not change her idea.,Summary,Wang Kun and Wang Wei have _ about taking a great bike trip. when they _ from college. They _ to _ along the Mekong River with their _. Wang Wei is very _. Once she is _ to do something she will never _ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she _ that they find the _ of the river and begin their journey there.,dreamed,graduated,decided,cycle,cousins,stubborn,determined,change,insisted,source,Homework,Do exercises(1-4) on page36 on,优化设计,Thank you for attention!,


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