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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Lesson 29,Come in,Amy!,Lucia,1.Are you a lazy(懒惰的) kid,2.How do you clean your bedroom,3.What must I do if I want to clean my bedroom,New words,shut 关门,bedroom 卧室,untidy 乱,不整齐,must 必须,应该,open 翻开,air 使.通风, 换换空气,put 放置,clothes 衣服,wardrobe 大衣柜,dust 掸掉灰尘,sweep 扫,Ask and say,Is this Mrs. Joness living room,2. Is this Mrs. Joness bedroom,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,3. Is Amy in the bed room,4. Are those clothes in the wardrobe,Yes, she is.,No, they arent.,5. Is the dressing table dirty,6. Is the floor clean,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,7. Is the door open,No, it isnt.,精讲课文,Come in, Amy.,come in: 进来-动词短语,表示动作,,本句省略了主语you,表示命令,此句为,祈使句。,Shut,the door, please.,shut: 1)关闭 (动词v.), 反义词-open,shut the door, shut the window,shut the umbrella,shut在祈使句句中做谓语,2)关着的 形容词adj.反义词-open,The door is shut.,The window is shut.shut在be后面做表语,This,bedroom,s,very,untidy,.bedroom is,bedroom: 卧室,untidy: 乱,不整齐,tidy-untidy,happy-unhappy不开心,lucky-unlucky不幸运,un是否认前缀,意为“不,What,must,I do,Mrs. Jones?,1.must: 必须,应该,1、must是情态动词。,2、表示必须,不得不做的事情。,同时也可以表示不可推卸的责 任。,3、must后面要加动词原型。,You must do your homework.,你必须写作业。,You must be home at nine.,你必须在九点到家。,2. do: 做,干,Open,the window and,air,the room.,1.open : 翻开动词v. Open the door.,Open the window. Open the book.,开着的形容词adj.,The door is open.,2.air: 使.通通风动词v. air the room,空气名词n.,3.动词在句中主语后面其成份是谓语,形容词在句中be后其成份是表语,eg:Open the door. 谓语,The door is open. 表语,Then,put,these,clothes,in the,wardrobe,.,1.put : 放置v.,put . +介词短语:把.放在.,把书放在桌子上,Put the book on the table.,把杯子放在冰箱里,Put the cup in the refrigerator.,2.clothes: 衣服复数,没有单数形式,表示服装的统称。,3.wardrobe:大衣柜,Put these clothes in the wardrobe.,4. then: 然后,连词,Then make the bed.,make the bed. 整理床铺,Dust,the dressing table.,dust:掸掉灰尘,Dust the cap.掸掉帽子的灰尘,Dust the room. 掸掉房间的灰尘,Then,sweep,the floor.,sweep: 扫,sweep the floor: 扫地,untidy,This bedrooms very untidy.,What must I do,Open the window and air the room,1,put the clothes in the wardrobe,2,make the bed,3,dust the dressing table,4,sweep the floor,5,What must I do,open the window,air the room,put these clothes in the wardorbe,make the bed,dust the dressing table,sweep the floor,1. come in,2. shut the door = close the door,3. What must I do,4. air the room,5. put in,6. make the bed,7. dust the dressing table,1.,进来,2.,关门,3.,我应该做什么?,4.,给房间通通风,5.,把,放进,里,6.,整理床铺,7.,掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘,1. come in,2. shut the door,= close the door,3. What must I do,4. air the room,5. put. in,6. make the bed,7. dust the dressing table,1.,进来,2.,关门,3.,我应该做什么?,4.,给房间通通风,5.,把,放进,里,6.,整理床铺,7.,掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘,Come,in ,please.,Shut,the door, please.,Open,the window.,Air,the room.,Put,the clothes in the wardrobe.,Make,the bed.,Dust,the dressing table.,Sweep,the floor.,一、祈使句的定义,用于表示命令、请求、劝告、警告、制止等的句子叫做祈使句。,二、祈使句的构成,祈使句是由动词原形开头,可以在句首或句末加please,在句尾加please时,please前要加“,祈使句的句末用感慨号或句号,朗读时用降调。,Dont shut,the door, please.,Dont open,the window.,Dont air,the room.,Dont put,the clothes in the wardrobe.,Dont make,the bed.,Dont dust,the dressing table.,Dont sweep,the floor.,祈使句的构成 :祈使句的肯定形式是由动词原形开头,否认形式是在动词原形之前加dont。,Lesson 30 What must I do,我应该做什么?,New words,empty 倒空,使.变空,take off 脱掉,read 读,turn on 开电灯,turn off 关电灯,sharpen 削尖,使锋利,put on 穿上,1、empty:v.倒空,Empty,the cup. 谓语,adj. 空的 The cup is,empty,. 表语,2、sharpen:v.削尖,Sharpen,the pencils.谓语,削尖这些铅笔。,sharp: adj. 尖的,锋利的,The pencils are,sharp,. 表语,3.clean: v. 清洁, 使.干净,Clean the dedroom.谓语,adj. 干净的,The bedroom is clean. 表语,4.shut: 关闭 (动词v.),shut the door. 谓语,关着的 形容词adj.,The door is shut. 表语,5.open:翻开动词v.,Open the door. 谓语,开着的形容词adj.,The door is open. 表语,put on, take off, turn on , turn off的用法,Put on the coat .=Put the coat on.,Take off your shoes.= Take your shoes off.,Turn on the TV.=Turn the TV on .,Turn off the stereo.=Turn the stereo off.,put sth. on put on sth.,take sth. off = take off sth.,turn sth. on turn on sth.,turn sth.off turn off sth.,turn on, turn off + 有电源开关,或有开关的事物名词,eg: turn on/ off the TV, stereo, radio(收音机), light ,tap水龙头,cooker,put on, take off, turn on , turn off的用法,2. put it on put them on,take it off take them off,turn it on turn them on,turn it off turn them off,当事物名词为代词宾格时,只放在动词短语中间。,类似的用法:Give it to me. 而不能说:Give me it.当物与人同为代词宾格时,只能表达give it/ them to sb.(代词宾格),Open,Shut,your,handbag,book,Put on,Take off,your,clothes,shoes,Turn on,Turn off,the,light,TV,Sweep the,floor,kitchen,Clean the,car,window,Dust the,dressing,table,table,Empty the,cup,bottle,Read this,newspaper,magazine,Sharpen these,pencils,Amy is working for you. When she comes to the house, you will be out. Write a list of jobs for Amy. Use some of the verbs from this box.,1. The beds are untidy.,2. Its a hot day and the,windows are shut.,3. There are old clothes,in the wardrobe.,4. The kitchen floor is,dirty.,shut open air put dust sweep empty,take off turn on turn off put on read clean sharpen make fill,Amy,What must you do today,Make the beds.,Open the windows.,Empty the wardrobe.,Sweep the kitchen floor.,5. The bedroom carpet,is dirty.,6. The dressing table is,dusty.,7. The living room is,untidy.,8. The water jug is empty.,9. The pencils on the desk,are blunt.,10. There is some old milk,in a bottle in the,refrigerator.,shut open air put dust sweep empty take off turn on turn off put on read clean sharpen make fill,5. Clean the bedroom carpet.,6. Dust the dressing table.,7. Clean the living room.,8. Put water in the water jug.,Fill the water jug.,9. Sharpen the pencils on the,desk.,10. Empty the milk bottle.,秘笈讲解,二、说明以下划线单词的词性,汉意和成份。,1、These knives are sharp.,词性:形容词 意思:锋利的 成份:表语,三、先变同义句,再按要求改写句子。,1.Put on your coat.,Put your coat on.,Put it on. (把your coat变成代词),3. Put on your ties.,Put,your ties,on.,Put,them,on,.(把,your ties,变成代词),四、对划线局部提问,1. I must make the bed.,What must you do,2. You must empty the basket.,What must you do,五、改错,1、Put on it. -,2.Give me it.-,Put it on.,Give it to me,.,


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