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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 17Always young, appear, vi. 出现,显露反义词是disappear,The ship appeared on the horizon(地平线).,appear as 扮演角色,He appeared as a prince., vi. 似乎,看起来好象与seem同义,显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词),He appears nervous.,他显得很紧张(看起来),Now it appears you are wrong.,He appears to be young,bright adj.,鲜艳的,The sun was very bright ., The boy is very bright ., He has a bright future,.,bright red,鲜红色;,bright yellow,明黄色;,bright blue,宝蓝色,stage n.,舞台,on the stage,:在舞台上,in the stage,:在某一阶段,时期,in the early stage in our history,。,在我们的历史早期。,stocking n. 女用长筒袜,sock n. 短袜,【,Special difficulties,】,情态助动词,must,情态动词must和haveto都有“必须的含义,它们的用法如下:,一、must“必须、“应该,1.must表示“必须、“应该。,Wemustprotectourenvironment.(我们必须保护环境。,Everyonemustobeytherule.人人必须遵守制度。,2.must的否认形式mustnot表示“不应该、“制止、“不准。语气比较强烈。Youmustntspeaklikethat.(你不应该像那样讲话。,Youmustntbelateforschool.你不应该上学迟到。,3.在答复must的问句时,肯定形式用must来答复,但否认形式用neednt或donthaveto来答复。而不用mustnt来答复。例如:,MustIbehomebefore8oclock,Yes,youmust.No,youneednt./No,youdonthaveto.,二、haveto表示“必须、“不得不,例如:,Hehastostayinbedfor3or4days.Wewillhavetogetupearlytomorrow.,补充:havegotto是haveto的口语形式。IvegottoleaveforNanjing.,*Must与haveto的区别:,must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而haveto那么表示的是客观需要。Must一般只有现在时,而haveto有更多的形式。,Imustgonow.(主观看法),Mymotherisill,soIhavetogonow.(客观需要),1.-MustIdoitnow-No,you_.,A.needntB.donthavetoC.mustntD.AorB,2.Itsnearlysevenoclock.Jack_behereatanytime.A.mustB.needCshouldDcan.,3.WhencanIcomeforthesephotosIneedthemtomorrowafternoon.-They_bereadyby12:00.,A.canB.shouldC.mightD.need,【课文讲解】,My aunt Jennifer is an,actress.,She,must be,at least,thirty-five years old.,In spite of this, she often,appears,on the stage,as,a young girl.,Jennifer,will have to,take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.,In the play, she,must,appear,in,a bright red dress and long black stockings.,Last year in another play, she,had to,wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her,how old she is, she always answers, Darling, it,must be,terrible to,be grown up,!,Can you answer these questions,What does Aunt Jennifer do and how old is she,My aunt Jennifer is an actress and She must be at least thirty-five years old.,2) What part does Jennifer often act on the stage,She often appears on the stage as a young girl.,3) What does she think of being grown up,It must be terrible to be grown up,1、My aunt Jennifer is an actress.,以-ess结尾的是女性;以-or、-er结尾的是男性,actor 男演员 ; actress 女演员 :,waiter 男效劳员 ; waitress 女效劳员,prince 王子 ; princess 公主,lion 公狮子 ; lioness 母狮子,God 上帝 ; Goddess 女神,(God 上帝,注意 “G 大写),2,、,She must be at least thirty-five years old.,年龄的两种表示方法:,数字,+years old,,作表语,thirty-five years old,三十五岁,数字,+-year-old,,作定语,my four-year-old daughter,must +,动词原形 不得不,必须;,(,对现在的,),推测,at least,至少,最少,Hes been away for at least a week.,at most,最多,There were at most 350 people in the hall .,She must be at most fifteen years old.,她最多十五岁,She must be at least fifteen years old.,她至少十五岁,Must+原形,(1)have to“不得不,必须,I must go to school =I have to go to school .,have to可以有任意时态,She will have to. She doesnt have to,She had to. She has to.,She has/I have had to.,(2)对现在的推测,对现在的推测:must do,对过去的推测:must have done,She must be in the classroom now .,She must have done her homework ,because I saw him singing in the room .,3、In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.,in spite of 不管,尽管 (“of 为介词, 后面一定会加名词、代词或从句),=despite,in spite of this 尽管如此,In spite of this, I still like school.,as的用法, 作为介词,可以表示“作为、“以身份等,In this film, he appeared as a policeman., 作为连词,可以表示“因为、“正当时候,You must take care of the bady tomorrow as I am going to London.因为,由于,As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door.正当时候,Do as you are told. 叫你怎么做就怎么做(按你被告知的那样去做)以方式,4、Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.,join 参加了某一种团体,成为其中一员,join the army 参军 join the party 入党,join in :参参加一种娱乐活动或者游戏 join in the game,take part in :参加某一种活动,take part in the race 参加比赛 take part in a play,take part in the sports meeting .,attend:出席 attend the meeting .,attend the party 出席宴会,5,、,In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.,in (+,颜色、衣服,),穿着,样的衣服,用介词短语取代动词,The boy is in green.,She is in jeans .,wear,wear a beard,留胡子,n,穿戴的衣服,mens wear underwear,内衣,6,、,If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!,ever = at any time,任何时候,(,时间副词,),it must be,一定,(,表示推测,),grown-up adj.,成年人,What are you want to be when you are grown up .,be grown-up,作为一个成年人,grow and grow up,grow vi. 生长,成长,发育,Trees of the kind dont grow in our country.,How tall youve got! Youve grown a lot.,grow up 长成,成熟其被动态表示长大成人,Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her.,自从我上次见到她之后,露西已成熟了许多。,What do you want to do when youre grown up,Some people never grow up.,有些人总是成熟不起来。,Thank you !,


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