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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 105-106,Full of mistakes,Review,exam difficult mathematics low difficult question answer,too.to mark pass cheer,easy rest,Yesterday I heard the news that Ive _in_exam. As for Fre,n,ch exam, I could just_ fifteen of the questions. They are easy_for me. The rest are,_ difficult for me_an,swer. Im afraid Ive got a _mark.,clever fresh cheap loud,hard soft low expensive,stale sour high stupid,Choosing at least two words from the group and using them to describe the following objects.,New words and expressions,spell 拼写 v.,How do you spell your name,How to spell the word,intelligent adj.聪明的;智能的,Though very intelligent, she is nevertheless rather modest.,她很聪明,倒也很谦虚。,The student gave an intelligent answer.,这个学生给出了一个聪明的答复。,n.intelligence 智力;理解力,mistake,n.错误;误会;过失,His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.,他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。,Youve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.,你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。,make a mistake 犯错误,by mistake 犯. Ive taken someones umbrella by mistake.,v.误解;弄错,You mistook my meaning entirely.,你完全误解了我的意思。,I used to mistake his reserve for haughtiness.,我过去常把他的沉默寡言误以为傲慢。,present n.礼物;现在,I wish to make you a present in token of my gratitude.,我想送你一件礼物,以表示对你的感谢之情。,Focusing on the future instead of the present can cripple any activity.,不注意现在只考虑将来就可能做不成任何事。,dictionary 词典,carry 携带;运送;搬运;带有;传播;承载,This is a dangerous area, so dont carry too much cash on you.,这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。,Pipes carry oil across the desert to the east.,输油管把石油经过沙漠运送到东部。,固定搭配,carry out意为“执行、实行 The group of soldiers carried out a secret military action the other day,carry on表示“继续进展、进展下去 Comrades in Germany were carrying on a heroic fight against war under conditions of fascism at that time,correct v.改正;纠正,Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.,如果以下句子中有错,请改正。,adj.正确的;得体的,Your answer to the question is correct.,你对这个问题的答复是正确的。,So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.,到目前为止,还没有得出任何正确的结论。,keep 保持;保存;保存,He would keep in touch with us wherever he was.,他无论在什么地方,总是与我们保持联系。,Heres a five-pound note- you can keep the change.,这是五镑的钞票零钱不用找了。,Lead in,1.Have you made any mistakes,2.What kind of mistake did you make,3.After being aware of the mistake, what will do you Will you try to correct it or just let it go,4. Do you always spell wrong wordsHow do you avoid it,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,1.Who was Bob,2.Why did the boss want Sandra,3.Which word did Sandra spell wrong,4.What was Sandras present,Full of mistakes,THE BOSS:Wheres Sandra, Bob I want her.,BOB: Do you want to speak to her,THE BOSS:Yes, I do.,I want her to come to my office.,Tell her to come at once.,SANDRA: Did you want to see me,THE BOSS:Ah, yes, Sandra.,How do you spell intelligent,Can you tell me,SANDRA:,I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T,.,THE BOSS:,Thats right.,Youve typed it with only one L. This letters,full of,mistakes.,I want you t,o type it again.,SANDRA: Yes, Ill do that. Im sorry about that.,THE BOSS:And heres a little present for you.,SANDRA: Whats it,THE BOSS:Its a dictionary. I hope itll help you.,Key notes,动词不定式 to+动词不定式,没有人称和数的变化,,ask sb to do sth,tell sb to do sth,want sb to do sth,hope sb to do sth,would like sb to do sth,I hope you to pass the exam.,I want you to help me.,Teachers ask us to clean the classroom.,Would you like to go to the cinema with me,省to的不定式,let sb do sth,feel sb do sth,hear sb do sth,make sb do sth,see sb do sth,help sb do sth,The big boy made the little one cry.,I heard him sing in the classroom.,Teachers let us clean the classroom.,不定式的否认式,加to的不定式,直接在to前面加not,ask sb,(not),to do sth,省略to的不定式,直接在动词前面加not,see sb,(not),do sth,Exercises,Page 216,


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