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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 101,A card from Jimmy,Where is Jimmy staying at now,Does Grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy Why/Why not,G: Read Jimmys card to me please, penny.,P: I have just arrive in Scotland and,Im staying at a Youth Hostel.,G: Eh,P: He say hes just arrived in Scotland.,He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel.,You know hes a member of the Y.H.A.,G: The what,P: The Y.H.A., Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.,G: What else does he say,P: Ill write a letter soon. I hope you all well.,G: What Speak up. Penny. Im afraid I cant hear you,P: He say hell write a letter soon.,He hopes we are all well. Love, Jimmy.,G: Is that all He doesnt say very much, does he,P: He cant write very muchon a card, Mum.,1、Read Jimmys card to me please.,= Read me Jimmys card please.,2、I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.,in+大地方,at+小地方。,3、Eh = What = Pardon,4、He says (that) hes just arrived in Scotland. He says (that) hes staying at a Youth Hostel.,间接引语,引述别人的话有两种方式:,一是使用引号引出人家的原话,叫做直接引语;,一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,叫做间接引语。,例如: John says, “Im tired.,引号内是直接引语,John says that he is tired.,宾语从句是间接引语,直接引语转换为间接引语,5、You know (that) hes a member of the Y. H. A.,a member of. 的成员之一。,eg. He is a member of our class.,6、What else does he say,这里else是“其他、另外的意思。,7、Ill write a letter soon. I hope (that) you are all well.,soon 不久之后,是一般将来时的标志词。,as soon as 一就,As soon as he comes,Ill tell you.,8、Speak up.,= Louder, please.,= Say it loudly, please.,9、Im afraid (that) I cant hear you.,hear listen to,hear 听见,及物动词,强调结果,Can you hear me at the back,listen to听,不及物动词,强调动作,Listen to me/the music, please!,10、Love, Jimmy. 信的末尾表示问候的常用语。,=Yours, Jimmy.,11、Is that all,Thats all for today.,13、He doesnt say very much, does he,反意疑问句:,定义:表示提问人的看法,但没有把握,需要对方的证实。,构造:陈述句+简短疑问句。前肯后否,前否后肯。,两局部的人称和时态要保持一致。,You are Jimmy, arent you,They wont leave, will they,答复时要根据事实,Yes/No也要与后面一致:,No, he doesnt. 是,他没写多少。,Yes, he does. 不,他写了很多。,-,Dear Mum,I have just arrive in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write a letter soon. I hope you all well.,Love,Jimy,祖母:请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。,彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。,祖母:什么?,彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。,他说他住在一家青年招待所。,你知道,他是“青招协的一个成员,祖母:什么?,彭妮:“青招协,妈妈。青年招待所协会。,祖母:他还说了些什么?,彭妮:“我很快会写信的。,祝你们大家身体都好。,祖母:什么?彭妮,大声一点。,我可听不见你念的。,彭妮:他说他很快会写信的。,他祝我们大家身体好。“谨此问候,吉米。,祖母:就这些吗?他没写许多,是吗?,彭妮:在明信片上他写不了很多,妈妈。,tired,He,says,that he,is/feels tired,.,cold,ill,thirsty,They,say,that they are thirsty,What does he say,Whats the matter with them,an earache,a headache,a toothache,a cold,Whats the matter with him/them,He says that he has a cold.,a haricut,an X- ray,a licence,some money,What does he want/need,He says that he needs a haircut,wait,catch,repair,sell,What can/must/will he do,He says he can/must/will catch the bus.,反意疑问句,1. 当陈述局部的主语是I,而句子又用来征询对方的,意见时,附加疑问句中的主语用you。如:,I find English very interesting, dont you,I dont like that film, do you,当陈述局部的主语是everybody, everyone,someone, nobody, no one, somebody等合成,代词时,附加疑问句中的主语通常用they。但亦,可用he,尤其是nobody, no one等作主语,具有,否认概念时。如:,Somebody phoned while I was out, didnt they,Nobody wants to go there, does he,3. 当陈述局部的主语是不定代词everything,nothing, anything, something时,附加 疑问句用it,Everything seems all right now, doesnt it,Nothing is kept in good order, is it,4. 当陈述局部的主语是指示代词this, that或these,those时,附加疑问句中的主语分别用it和they。如:,This is important, isnt it,These are your friends Tom and Jack, arent they,5. 当陈述句为there be构造时,附加疑问句中用there。如:,Theres no help for it, is there,Theres something wrong, isnt there,6陈述局部带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely,few, little, nowhere, nothing等否认词或半否,定词时,附加疑问局部的动词用肯定形式。如:,Bob rarely got drunk, did he,如果陈述局部的否认词带有否认前缀,那么,该,陈述局部作肯定处理,附加疑问局部一般仍用否,定形式。如:,He was unsuccessful, wasnt he,Tom dislikes the book, doesnt he,7. 在由“祈使句+附加疑问构成的附加疑问句中,,附加疑问局部一般用 will you, wont you,would you,有时也可用can you, cant you,why dont you, could you等。如:,Dont open the door, will you,Give me some cigarettes, can you,Take a rest, why dont you,Lets have a basketball match this afternoon,shall we,Let us go out for a rest, will you,1. Tom does his homework every day,2. Hes swimming now,3. She doesnt like maths,4. They went to the beach yesterday,5. They werent in Hangzhou last week,6. He can speak a little French,7. He can speak little French,8. She never went to Shanghai,9. Close the door,10. Dont be late,11. Let us go out for a rest,doesnt he,isnt he,does she,didnt they,were they,cant he,can he,did she,will you/wont you,will you,will you,summary,英语明信片首先,我们要搞清楚书写明信片的目的,这样有利于写出条理清晰的明信片。一般来说,明信片的书写有以下几个目的:,1 告知自己旅游的状况。,2 告知别人自己的新住址。,3 寄送节日祝福。,4 传达想念。,5 询问对方近况。,6 告知一些必要信息。,在书写明信片之前,我们要确定这张明信片的主要目的是什么,确定以后,就可以开场写了。 由于明信片并不是非常正式的文字载体,我们在书写时候可以随意一些,但还是要注意以下几点:,1 开头和结尾可以按照自己喜好随意称呼。,2 正文按照自己书写的明确目的力求言简意赅。,3 明信片书写空间有限,不要一下子写上太多信息。 4 尽量使用短句型。标点符号的使用可以随意一些。,homework,1.听录音并跟读,每天10分钟。,2.每个单词5遍,课文1遍并背过准备下次课听写。,3. 101-102课课练。,4. 句子翻译:(1).咱们走吧,好吗,2.让我们休息一会,好吗,3).她说她很快回来。,


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