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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7 Its raining,SectionB1a-3c,A: Hows the weather,B: Its ,rain,ing,/ rain,y,sun,ny,cloud,y,snow,ing,/ snow,y,wind,y,= A: Whats the weather like,Hows the weather,Whats the weather like,Watch and learn,dry,humid,=,wet,foggy,A: How is the weather in,(Whats the weather like in),B: Its sunny/rainy/ windy/cloudy,humid,How is the weather,cold,cool,warm,37,cold cool warm hot,hot,How is the weather in ,What is the weather like in ,sunny (and,warm,暖和的,/,hot,热的,).,cloudy (and,cool,凉爽的,).,Its,windy (and,cool,).,raining/rainy (and,humid,潮湿的,).,snowing/snowy (and,cold,寒冷的,).,Hows the weather in spring,Its raining, humid, warm.,Hows the weather in summer,Its sunny, hot, hot, hot.,Whats the weather like in autumn,Its cool, cool, cool.,Whats the weather like in winter,Its snowy, cold, cold, cold.,Chant,Language points,1.,询问天气与回答,2.,询问某人近况或事情进展如何,3.,询问某人是否在某处,Hows the weather?,Whats the weather like?,Its raining/snowing.,Its sunny / windy / cloudy.,Its cold / hot / warm / humid.,Hows it going?,Terrible. / Not bad. / Just so so. / Great. / Pretty good.,Yes, she is./ No, she isnt.,Is Aunt Sarah there?,1a. Match the words with the pictures.,1._ dry 3._ cool 5._ hot,2._ cold 4._ warm,a,b,c,d,e,d,a,e,b,c,1b. Ask and answer questions about,the weather in the pictures in 1a.,Hows it,going,what are you,doing,Hows the,weather,Mary,Eric,great,not,bad,1c. Listen and write what Mary,and Eric answer to “Hows it going.,A: How is it going,B: Great!,Not bad.,Pretty,good.,Terrible,.,=very bad,Hows it going,Great,1d. Listen again. Write the answers,to “What are you doing,and “ Hows the weather.,Hows it going,what are you,doing,Hows the,weather,Mary,Eric,great,not,bad,Im visiting my,grandmother,Im having a,party.,hot, dry, sunny,terrible, cold,raining,1e. Role-play a conversation,between Mary and Eric.,2a. Talk about the pictures below,with a partner. Hows the weather,What are the people doing,Hows the weather,Its warm and sunny.,What is the people doing,She is sitting by the pool and drinking,orange juice.,Hows the weather,Its cool and cloudy.,What is the people doing,They are climbing the mountain.,Hows the weather,Its raining.,What is the people doing,She is writing a letter in her room.,2b. Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.,Dear Jane,Hows it going Im having a great time,visiting my aunt in Canada. Shes,working here and Im going to,summer school. Im studying English,and Im learning a lot. Im also visiting some,of my old friends. Im so happy to see them,again. Its afternoon right now, and Im,sitting by the pool and drinking orange,juice. Its warm and sunny, and its very,relaxing here.,See you soon.,Su Lin,To,Jane,_,_,_,Dear Jane,How is your summer vacation going,Are you studying hard, or are you having,a great time in Europe! My family and I,are on a vacation in the mountains. I want,to call you but my phone isnt working, so,Im writing to you. Its hot in your country,now, isnt it The weather here is cool and,cloudy, just right for walking.,See you next month.,Dave,To,Jane,_,_,_,2c. Fill in the chart with information,from the postcards in 2b.,Name,Where are,they?,Hows the,weather?,What are they doing?,Su Lin,Dave,Canada,Europe,warm and,sunny,cool and,cloudy,visiting her aunt,studying English,visiting old friends,sitting by the pool,walking in the,mountains, writing,to Jane,Dear Xiao Lu,Its winter in Harbin. The weather is,_and_. People,are wearing hats and sweaters, but,theyre having fun. Friends are,_Russia bread to take home.,In a park, some boys are_ in,the snow. One girl is_ on a river,and a man is _a photo of a,snowman.,I miss you.,Kate,snow,windy,buying,playing,skating,taking,3a. Fill in the blanks,skating buying playing,taking snowy,windy,3b. Imagine you are on vacation.,Write notes about your vacation.,_,_,_,_,3c. Write a postcard to a friend,about your vacation and what,you are doing.,Where are you,Whats the weather like,What are you doing right now,What are your friends or family doing,Are you having a good time,Japan,enjoy the flowers,spring,warm,Hawaii(,夏威夷,),swim,summer,hot,Canada,watch leaves,autumn,cool,America,skiing,winter,cold,Language Points,My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.,我和我的家人在山上度假。,on a vacation =on vacation 在度假, 美国英语习惯用语。,summer vacation 暑假,winter vacation 寒假,holiday “假期, 英国英语常用的词汇, 一般,是几天的休息, 如各种节日或休假日。如:,On holidays,summer holidays/vocation 暑假,2. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you.,我想给你打 ,但是我的 坏了,所以我写明信片给你。,1这里的 work 用来表示仪器、设备的“运行、工作假设是用于否认构造如 isnt work,那么表示某一件物品“不工作了或“坏掉了。如:,The bike isnt working now.,自行车现在坏了。,2write to 表示“写信给某人。如:,My friend , Tom, often writes to me.,我的朋友Tom经常写信给我。,3. Its hot in your country now, isnt it,你们的国家现在很热,对吗?,这种的句子,在陈述句后面加一个简短的问句,用来对陈述局部内容进展确认,称为反意疑问句。,例如:,Its very hot today, isnt it,今天天气很热,是不是?,答复用:Yes, it is .是的,很热。,A man is taking a photo of a snowman.,一个男人正在给雪人照相。,take photos “照相,take a photo of sb/ sth 给某人某物照相。,如: Please take a photo of my baby.,请给我的孩子照一张相吧。,细心选一选,1. We want _this book now.,A. reading B. am reading,C. read D. to read,2. That boy isnt _the teacher .,A. listen B. listens,C. listening D. listening to,3._you _the windowYes, I am.,A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning,C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning,D,D,C,细心选一选,4.Its eight oclock. Jims father _TV.,A. is watching B. are watching,C. watch D. to watch,5._is the weather thereIts windy.,A.What B.How C.Whats D.how,6._the weather like today Cloudy.,A.Hows B.What does,C What D.Whats,7.Whats the weather like today_,A.Its rain. B.Its raining.,C. It rainy. D. Its wind.,A,B,D,B,1.Its _ (sun)today,but its_ (wind),2.Look,What_they_(do),They_ (play) tennis.,3.There _(be) some milk in the glass.,4. Can he_(go) shopping with me,5.Lucy _(have) lunch at school now. She usually _(have) lunch at school.,单词化妆,sunny,windy,are,doing,are playing,is,go,is having,has,6. My father _ ( go ) to work every day.,But now he _ ( watch ) TV at home.,7. Look ! A bird _ ( sing ) in that tree,and some boys _ ( look ) up at it,under the tree.,8. She _ ( not have ) any water(水). Please _ ( give ) her some. She _(like) _ (have) it.,9. I want _ ( go ) to the shop.,Can you go with me,goes,is watching,is singing,are looking,doesnt have,give,to go,likes,having,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,句型练习,10. Where is Lin Tao,He _ ( sit ) under the tree and,_ ( think ). Please _(not,call) him.,11. Today is _ (rain) in the morning, but its _ (sun) in the afternoon.,12.How _ it _(go) Its not bad.,13. Tom _(want) _(watch) TV at,home.,14. My father _(not run), hes walking.,rainy/raining,sunny,is going,wants,to watch,isnt running,is sitting,thinking,dont call,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,句型练习,15. Can she _(play) basketball on the,_(snow) day,16. _ the girls _(write),Yes, they are.,17. What _ you _ (do) A waiter.,18. What _ you _(do) Im,swimming.,19. Let _(I) _(take) a photo for you.,play,Are writing,do do,are doing,me take,snowing,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,句型练习,1.Whats the weather like today,It is cloud .,2.How is the weather like today,It raining.,3.What are they doing,They read newspapers.,火眼金睛辨正误,y,are,ing,根据汉语意思完成以下句子。,1. 今天天气怎么样 很热。,3. 她现在在干什么 她正在看电视。,5. Lily,总是穿着一件蓝色的衣服和一双红色的鞋子。,2. 你喜欢寒冷的天气吗 不,我不喜欢。,_the _today It,s_.,_you like _ _ No, I _.,What _she _ She is _ _.,_ _ they_ They_ _ _.,Lily always_ _ _ and _ _.,4. 他们在干什么 他们在拍照。,Hows weather,very hot,Do cold weather,dont,is doing,watching TV,What are doing,are taking photos,wears blue coat red shoes,语法练习,When the sun comes out, its _.,When there are some clouds,its _.,3. When its raining, its _.,4. When its snowing, its _.,5. When the wind is blowing(,吹,),its _.,sunny,cloudy,rainy,snowy,windy,. Fill in the blanks,.,1.Its very windy today. (画线提问),_the weather _ today,2.I like the little cat because its very cute.,(画线提问),_ _ you _ it,3.They often play volleyball. (用now改写),They _ _ volleyball now.,4.Hows the weather in Paris(同义句,_the weather _ in Paris,5. Bill is eating dinner. 否认句,_,Whats like,Why do like,are playing,Whats like,句型练习,按要求完成以下句子。,Bill isnt eating dinner.,6. The girl in a red skirt is my friend. 复数句,_,7. Mikes father is cleaning his car.,就画线局部提问,_,8. My new hat is light green. 就画线局部提问,_,9. Lisa and Tim are talking to a policeman.,改成一般疑问句,_,The girls in a red skirt are my friends.,What is Mikes father doing,What color is your new hat,Are Lisa and Tim talking to a policeman,句型练习,按要求完成以下句子。,根据所给的中文提示,写一篇小短文, 60,词左右。,夏季的杭州,天气炎热。街上的人很多,他们,穿着,T,恤衫或裙子,有的在购物,有的在闲逛,(hang out),老人们都在公园的树下打牌,(play cards),或聊天。看起来他们都很开心。,Homework,Thanks for your listening !,Goodbye !,


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