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中考复习专项:动词(一) 课型: 主备: 教师: 备课组长: 教研组长:班级 姓名 学号 【教材分析】学习动词的分类及非谓语动词。【学习目标】掌握几种动词的不同形式以及非谓语动词的三种形式的用法。【课堂助学】一、分类1. 实义动词 eat, drink, sleep, run, play 可分为:及物动词、不及物动词、延续性动词和非延续性动词2. 系动词 look, sound, smell, keep, stay(后跟形容词做表语,组成系表结构) 状态类:be, stay, seem, keep 感官类:feel, look, smell, taste, sound 变化类:become, get, go, grow, turn 注意:系动词不能单独作谓语、系动词没有被动语态、不用于进行时 除了be动词外,其他的系动词加形容词作表语3. 助动词 do/does/did, have/has/had( 完成时中), will , 否定在助动词后直接加 not, 问句直接把助动词提到主语前面4. 情态动词 can, could, may, might, must, ought, should , need 等。否定在后面直接加not,问句直接提前 情态动词考点分析:1)can/could, be able to区别: 两者都可以用来表示能力。can只有现在时(can)和过去时(could),而be able to可用于多种时态。 注: can与be able to,不能重复使用2)can/could表示“可能性” 没有时间区别,can 可能性比could 大, 表示逻辑上或理论上的可能性,而不是某种实际上将要发生或正在发生的可能性。He couldnt be at home.(很可能不在家) He cant be at home.(不可能在家)3) can/could/may/might 表示 “请求;许可” 要注意:can/could 提问时的回答 e.g Could I use your bike, Mum? Yes, you can.辨析:Could you ride a bike last year? No, I couldnt. But I can now.(表能力)4)情态动词的否定: 部分情态动词的否定形式是情态动词考点之一.mustnt 不准, 禁止 neednt没必要 ( = dont have to ) cant 不能; 不可能 may not 不可以; 可能不 shouldnt不应该 ( = ought not to ) had better not 最好不要5)need 用法 A: 作为情态动词: I need not finish the work now . 注意对need问句的回答: -Must I finish the work today? -Yes, you must./ -No, you neednt. / -No, you dont have toneednt 对其它情态动词的回答: -Shall I tell John about it? -No, you neednt (dont have to) B: 作为实义动词: We need to finish the work .(肯定) We dont need to finish the work . (否定) C. 其它用法 My bike needs repairing. = My bike needs to be repaired.二、非谓语动词(to do, doing, done)1. to do: 动词不定式 肯定形式:to do 否定形式:not to do A 常见的动词不定式的搭配 want/would like/hope/decide/plan to do ask/want/tell/invite/warn sb. (not) to do It takes sb. some time to do Its +adj.+ of/for sb. to do 形容词/副词+ enough to do too to do have no choice but to do what to doB 与不带to 的不定式的固定搭配 make / let / have sb. do sth had better (not) do sth why not/dont you do? would rather do than do Would you please (not) do sth.? C 动词不定式在句中的作用 1) 对我们来说学好英语很重要(主语) _is important for us. It is important for us_. 2) 他们不知道怎么做。(疑问词+动词不定式作宾语) They dont know _ . 3) 这个游戏的目的是环游世界以了解各地的历史。(作表语) The purpose of the game is _each place. 4) 你想要的喝的吗?(动词不定式做后置定语修饰不定代词) Would you like something_? 5) 我们有很多家庭作业要做。 We have a lot of homework_. 6) 老师让我们明天把字典带到学校来。(宾补) The teacher asked us_ to school tomorrow. 7) 人们急匆匆地将生病的男孩送到医院。 (表目的) People were in a hurry _ the boy to the hospital . 2. 动词ing A 接V-ing 动名词作宾语的搭配 enjoy/finish/practice/keep/mind/ spend (time/money)/(suggest) be busy/have difficulty/have fun be worth /have a great time/feel like be used to look forward to pay attention to devoteto B 易混淆、易错的用法 1.prefer to do / prefer doing to doing 2.stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停下来去做某事 3. be used to doing 习惯于做。 be used to do 被用来做。 be used for doing 被用来做。 used to do 过去常做。 4. see Sb. do Sth 看见某人经常做某事或做了某事 see Sb. doing Sth 看见某人正在做某事 hear Sb. do Sth 听见某人经常做某事或做了某事 hear Sb. doing Sth 听见某人正在做某事3. done过去分词: 过去分词做定语可在句中做定语 the boy called Tom(叫Tom的男孩), the clothes made of wool(羊毛制成的衣服) 要注意做定语的过去分词与被动语态的区别 The boy is called Tom. 这个男孩叫Tom (做句子谓语)The clothes are made of wool.这衣服是羊毛制的 (做句子谓语)【当堂检测】一情态动词1. - Im afraid I need a pair of glasses. I _ hardly see the words on the blackboard. -Thats terrible. You may have got poor eyesight. (12镇江) A. can B. must C. may D. need2.Dad, must I practise the piano today? (12盐城) No, you _. You may do it tomorrow. A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant3.Excuse me, when are we going to have a picnic? (12扬州)Im not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He _ know. A. need B. can C. may D. shall4. Dick, I use your e-dictionary? (12常州) Yes, please. you give it to Mike after you use it? A. will; Would B. may; Might C. can; Could D. shall; Should5. - Can I skate on the lake now? - No, you _. Its dangerous.A. cant B. mustntC. neednt D. wont6. For everyones safety, we _always remember the law against driving after drinking. A. could B. should C. might D. would7. There are no customers in the hotel. It _ have the friendliest service.A. cant B. must C. may D. neednt8. The magazine_ be Lilys, for we can find her name on the cover.A. may B. might C. could D. must9. Wheres David? He _be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball. A. will B. may C. cant D. mustnt10.The lady in this photo _ be over fifty! She looks so young! (12无锡)A. mustnt B. must C. cant D. can二非谓语动词A 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Would you like _(have) something to eat?2. They decided _ (not take) part in the evening party at last.3. Dont forget _(turn) off the lights before you go out.4. The boy cant wait _ (play) basketball as soon as he gets home.5. They warned us_ (not eat) too much in the evening.6. How long does it take you _ (prepare) for the test? 7. Its unnecessary for students _(have) so many lessons.8. All of our teachers are patient enough _ (help) us with our study.9. _(drive) to work takes me more time because of too much traffic.10. It is our first time _(visit) Paris.11. If you have any difficulty _ (solve) this problem, please ask Mr.Li for help.12. He had no choice but _(accept) it . 13.Would you please _(not open) the window now ? 14. Youd better _(not watch) too much TV.15. Let the students _(finish) their homework first.16. You can improve your English by _ (do) more reading .17. All the children are busy _ (do) their homework. 18. She spent much time _ (chat) with her friends online. 19. My daughter practices _(play) the piano at the weekend.20. Would you mind my _(shut) the door ? Its so cold . 21. During lunchtime, we have a great time _(talk) to each other . B 易混淆词、词组练习1. Dont forget to take your bag when you _ the bus. (2012徐州)A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. put off2. Cao Wenxuans new book has just _. Lets go and buy one. (12盐城) A. come over B. come down C. come on D. come out 3. Dont _, my children. Keep working hard and you will win the match.Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Well try our best. (12扬州)A. put up B. call up C. set up D. give up4. Jason is too stubborn sometimes. (12无锡) I quite _. But hes always friendly to others.A. accept B. argue C. agree D. admire 5. The students are_ the leaflets to people over there to ask them to protect our earth. A. printing out B. giving out C. selling out D. putting out (12南通)6. Allen, your bedroom is in a mess. (12宿迁) Sorry, Mum. Ill _ my things at once. A. put onB. put away C. put outD. put up7. What should I do when the earthquake happens, Dad? 【12泰州】First of all, its important to _ and hide yourself in the corners of the room.A. calm down B. put down C. get down D. fall down8. A YOG Volunteer team mostly _ university and middle school students. They will mainly provide languages voluntary services. (12南京)A. consists of B. belongs to C. thinks of D. leads to9. -Excuse me , Sir . But smoking is not allowed here. (12连云港) -Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette at once. A. put outB. put awayC. put upD. put off10. Why have you got so much water here? (12常州) For the trailwalkers. After they finish the tough hike, they need to lots of water. A. keep off B. give out C. take in D. put up【教学后记】_第 6 页 共 6 页


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