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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 7,Where would you,like to visit ?,Section A,1b Listen. Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation? Why?,Person,Place,Why,Sam,Gina,Brazil,likes exciting vacations,Florida,has been stressed out,2a Listen and number these statements in the order that you hear them.,_ I love places where the people are really friendly.,_ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.,_ I like places where the weather is always warm.,_ I hope to visit Hawaii one day.,3,4,2,1,Explanation,1.,I like places,where,the weather is always warm.,我喜欢天气总是温和的地方。,本句是含有关系副词,where,的定语从句。关系副词,where,指地点,只能跟在表示地点的名词后面,如:,place, village, town, city, home,等。 在从句中作地点状语。,e. g.,That is the place,where,I grew up.,那里就是我成长的地方。,She has gone home,where,she will stay for a week.,她回家了, 她将在家里呆一个星期。,2.,I,hope,to see Niagara Falls,some day,.,我希望有一天能去看看尼亚加拉瀑布。,(1),hope,表示“希望”,“愿望”。,hope,后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。,hope,还可以与,so,not,用于简略回答中。,e. g. My uncle,hopes,to buy a new house next year.,我叔叔希望明年能买一套新房子。,I,hope,I can be a teacher like my mother.,我希望能像母亲一样做一位教师。,“,Can he come tomorrow? ” “I,hope,so. ”,“,他明天能来吗?” “我希望他能来。”,“,Will he buy you a present? ” “I,hope,not. ”,“,他会给你买个礼物吗?” “我希望他不要买。 (2),some day,意为“(将来)有一天,有朝一日”,这是英式用法,美式用法写作,someday,二者无区别。如果表示过去的“有一天”时,使用,one day, the other day,等。,e. g. My dream will come true,some day,(someday).,我的梦想将来有一天会实现。”,One day,he came to see me with a little boy.,有一天,他带着一个小男孩来看我。,(或用,the other day,代替,one day).,注:,one day,表示过去也可表示将来的某一天。,e. g. I hope to visit Hawaii one day.,我,希望有一天去夏威夷旅游。,The teacher will know about it,one day,.,总有一天老师会知道这件事。,2b Listen again. Why do the people decide not to visit these places? Match each place with a reason.,Place,Reason not to visit the place,1.,Hawaii,2. Mexico,3. Niagara,Falls,a. We dont know the language.,b. Its too touristy.,c. Theres not much to do there.,b,a,c,Sentence patterns:,I hope to visit . some day.,I do, too. I like places where .,Pairwork,(2c: P53),C: But I like to visit Niagara Falls. I like places where the weather is always warm.,Sample dialogues:,A: I hope to visit Mexico some day. B: I do, too. I like places where we meet many foreigners, though we dont know their language.,D: I do, too. I like places where I,havent a lot to do.,E: I hope to visit Hawaii some day.,F: I do, too. I like places that are famous,for,resort,s.,n.,度假胜地,Thanks for listening !,


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