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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2022-5-9,#,UNIT 2 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE,Learning About Language,Grammar,Aims,:,In this class, you will,identify,and analyze the usage of the future progressive tense.,master,the usage of the future progressive tense through self-study and practice.,use the future progressive tense to,describe an ongoing activity,in the future.,Jason has a pair of,magic glasses,through which he can look into the future,This is what he is looking at through his glasses,.,“In the future, we,will use,advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home.”,“In the future, we,will be using,advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home.”,will use,:,the simple future tense,一般将来时,will be using,: the future progressive tense,将来进行时,Find,out the,differences,.,The simple future tense,just tells us that something will happen in the future.,It,is often used for predictions or firm promises.,The future progressive tense,is used to talk about a future habit or routine,or,something that you expect will happen in the normal course,of,things, such as events on a planned schedule. It can also be,used,for an action that takes a long time, especially when,contrasted,with a shorter action.,Observe,and,analyze.,1.,we will be living in smart homes., _,2.In,addition,,,your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day.,_,3.,It will also be checking your body weight.,_,4.,Smart toilets will be keeping constant track of your health as well.,_,. we will live in smart homes.,In addition,,,your smart home will monitor your health for you every day.,It will also check your body weight.,Smart toilets will keep constant track of your health as well.,用法总结,一般将来时表示事先没有考虑而只是在说话时作出的决定,也用于表示事物的倾向性或规律性。,将来,进行时主要表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,,或,表示在将来某一段时间正在进行的动作;预测将来会,发生,的事情或将来的某种可能;也常用来表示委婉的语气。,Task,1,Read,the passage and complete the following sentences.,Jack goes to school every weekday. He leaves home at 6,:,45 and arrives at school at,about,7,:,30. His morning classes begin at 8,:,00 and continue until 12,:,15. Then,he,has lunch,,,which takes about half an hour. His classes begin again at 1,:,30 in the,afternoon,and end at 3,:,50. He goes to the schools football club at 4,:,30 and finishes,practice,at 6,:,00. He arrives home at about 6,:,45. Every day he follows the same,routine,and tomorrow will be no exception.,1.At 6,:,30 a.m. tomorrow,,,.,A.hell be leaving the house. B. hell be at home.,2.At 8,:,10 a.m. tomorrow,,,.,A.hell be having a class. B.hell have a class.,Task 1,Read,the passage and complete the following sentences.,Jack goes to school every weekday. He leaves home at 6,:,45 and arrives at school at,about,7,:,30. His morning classes begin at 8,:,00 and continue until 12,:,15. Then,he,has lunch,,,which takes about half an hour. His classes begin again at 1,:,30 in the,afternoon,and end at 3,:,50. He goes to the schools football club at 4,:,30 and finishes,practice,at 6,:,00. He arrives home at about 6,:,45. Every day he follows the same,routine,and tomorrow will be no exception.,3.At 12,:,30 tomorrow,,,.,A.hell be having lunch. B.hell have lunch.,4.At 5,:,00 p.m. tomorrow,,,.,A .hell be practising football. B. hell practise football.,5,At 6,:,45 p.m. tomorrow,,,.,A,hell be arriving home. B.hell arrive home.,用法总结,将来进行时像现在进行时一样,可以表示已计划好的事情。,Task 2,Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets,.,1,. You can call me then,. I,_(not sleep).,2. They set off at 9: 00 a.m. and thought they_(reach) the airport,an hour later.,3. Will you_(wait) for me until I find the electrical wires?,4. Better not hang out with Sam then. He_(work) on his article,on,critical thinking.,5. I guess most parents_(support) the new plan at the meeting,tomorrow,.,wont be sleeping,would reach,wait,will be working,will support,用法总结,将来,进行时可表达最近或较远的将来的某一时间正在进行的动作,,如,句子,1,将来,进行时可表示已计划好要做某事,如,句子,4,。,句子,3,和,句子,5,适合用一般将来时,表达一种主观意愿,。,将来进行时,表示将来时间里按照计划要做某事,语气上,更委婉、更礼貌,。,试,比较:,When will you come to see us again?(,发出邀请,表示一种主观意愿,),When will you be coming to see us again?(,询问计划,语气更加委婉,),用法总结,将来,进行时由“,will + be +,现在分词”构成,如果主语为第一人称,偶尔用,shall,。以,work,为例:,人称,示例,第一人称,We / I shall / will be working.,第二人称,You will be working.,第三人称,They/He/She / It will be working.,Task 3,Work in pairs. Read the travel plan and make up a conversation using the future progressive tense.,Monday,Fly to,Beijing from Melbourne,,,arrive at 10,:,00 a.m.,;,Visit the Summer Palace in the afternoon,Tuesday,Morning,:,visit the Palace Museum,;,Afternoon,:,go to Wangfujing Street,Wednesday,Go to the Great Wall,,,three hours drive there and back,Thursday,Go sightseeing in Shichahai,;,Visit National Museum of China,Friday,Trip to Zhangjiakou,Saturday,Back to Beijing in the afternoon,;,Watch Beijing Opera at the Mei Lanfang Theatre.,Sunday,Return to Melbourne,One possible version:,Jane,:,So do you have your plan for the trip?,Sam,:,Oh,,,yes. Its all been organised.,Jane,:,When,will you be arriving,in Beijing?,Sam,:,Around ten in the morning. Then,Ill be visiting,the Summer Palace.,Jane,:,After such a long trip? Youll be pretty tired.,Sam,:,Yeah,,,but I cant wait to go. And then on Tuesday,,,Ill be visiting,the Palace Museum in the morning,,,and,Ill be buying,souvenirs in Wangfujing Street in the afternoon.,Jane,:,When,will you be climbing,the Great Wall?,Sam,:,Wednesday. Since it takes three hours to drive there and back,,,I wont have other arrangement that day.,Jane,:,Then what,will you be doing,on Thursday?,.,用法总结,将来,进行时像现在进行时一样,可表示已计划好的事情,尤其是旅行计划。,1,. Dont call me between 12: 30 and 13: 00.I _a nap.( take),2. After the training, the farmers decided that they,_,_,_,tomatoes the next year.(grow),3. The engineer was sure that the medical,tests _ that,he was healthy. ( show),4. The day after tomorrow they are going to play football from 4: 00 to 6: 00 p.m. So at 4:30,they _,_,_ soccer,. (play),5. Do you think you _the same job in ten years time?(still do),6. If you need to contact me,I _ the,Waterfall Hotel until this Saturday.(stay),7. A: If you see David, can you ask him to call me?,B: Sure. I_him this afternoon, I will tell him then. (see),8 A: Is it all right if I come at about 7: 00?,B: Not really. I,_,_,_,_,the news and having dinner with my family.(watch),will be taking,would grow/would be growing,would show,will be playing,will still be doing,will be staying,will be seeing,will be watching,Task 4,Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the verbs,in brackets,.,Dear,Future Me,How are you? If youre still very hardworking, then Im sure youre_( keep) yourself busy! I do_(hope) youre healthier though. I know I love eating too much junk food and far too many sweets. I hope youre stronger than me and_(give up) these bad habits.,Hows everything going with work? Do you remember that you_(want)to be a pilot? If you do, then I hope youre flying around the world to fun places and_(do) a lot of sightseeing. I think that the computer technology in your time must _ (be)so much better than it is now. The way things are going right now, people will no longer_(drive) cars one day because computer_(operate) them completely.,keeping,hope,have given up,wanted,doing,be,be driving,will operate,Task 5,Below is a letter from the present you to the the future you. Try to complete it with the most appropriate verb forms.,Moreover, companies will probably_(try) do the same thing with planes soon afterwards. I think it would be quite dangerous if all the cars on the road were driverless. However, I think the idea of_(have) any pilots on a plane is much more dangerous. This is because any big computer problem could cause one or more planes full of people to crash!,I hope Im right about planes still_(need) pilots, but if Im wrong, I Look forward to_(find) out what other job you chose for your career,.,Your friend,Present Me,try,not having,needing,finding,用法总结,将来,进行时可表达最近或较远的将来的某一时间正在进行的动作。,将来,进行时像现在进行时一样,可以表示已计划好的事。,将来,进行时有时也用来委婉地提出请求或者表达其他含义。,将来,进行时有时只单纯表示将来或按计划进行的事,而一般将来时则具有其它,意味。,1,概述,将来进行时表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,它,的构成,为“助动词,shall,(第一人称),/will,(第二、三人称),+be+,现在,分词,”,常与一些标志性的时间状语连用。如:,at this time,tomorrow/the,day after tomorrow,(明天,/,后天的这个时间),(,by,),then,(那时),,from 1,:,30 to 4,:,30 tomorrow/the day after tomorrow,(明天,/,后天,从,1,:,30,到,4,:,30,)等,。,I,feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I,will be flying,to Shanghai,.,我,太激动了!明天早上这个时间我将飞往上海。,I,will be studying,in the library from 1,:,30 to 4,:,30 tomorrow afternoon.,明天下午,1,:,30,到,4,:,30,,我将在图书馆学习。,单元语法,将来进行时,附:单元语法精讲精练,2,一般将来时与将来进行时的区别,(,1,)一般将来时表示事先没有考虑而只是在说话时做出的决定;,也用于,表示事物的倾向性或规律性。,I,shall get rid of,the garbage right away,,,OK,?,我,马上就处理垃圾,好吗?,Solar,power,will,never,be used up,.,太阳能用之不竭。,(,2,)将来进行时表示将来某一时刻正在发生的事情,也可表示推测。,He,will be complaining,now in the supermarket,.,现在,他可能在超市发牢骚呢,。,单句语法填空,(,1,),In the future,,,we,_,(,use,),advanced technology,every day for automatic,control of,just about everything in our home.,(,2,), What time is it?, I have no idea. But just a minute,,,I_,(,check,),it for you,.,(,3,),As you go through this book,,,you,_,(,find,),that each of the millions of people,who lived through World War had a different experience,.,(,4,),Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock,this afternoon,because she,_,(,teach,),a class,at that time.,(,5,),Could I use your car tomorrow morning?, Sure. I,_,(,write,),a report,at home,.,完成句子,(,6,)明天这个时候,这位医生将正在给一个,病人,做手术,。,_,(,7,)明天早上的这个时间,我正在操场上踢足球。,_,will be using,will check,will find,will be teaching,will be writing,Tomorrow this time,,,the,doctor will be operating on a patient.,At this time tomorrow morning,,,I will be playing football on,the playground,.,Language points,教材原句,p.16Care,will also be taken to combine the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system.,还注意将建筑和周围的建筑风格结合起来,使之形成一个有效的系统。,题组练,领悟方法,核心词汇,1 combine,v.,(使)结合;混合,搭配,combine,with,与,结合,起来,combine,A and/with B,把,A,和,B,结合起来,combine,against,联合起来对抗,combine,. into.,把,合成,Hydrogen,combines with,oxygen to form water,.=,Hydrogen and oxygen,combine,to form water.,氢与氧化合成水。,Its,vital that you should try to,combine,exercise,with,a balanced diet.,你应该尽力将锻炼和均衡饮食结合起来,这是至关重要的。,Now,that the new coronavirus is the common enemy of mankind,,,it,is time,for all the countries to make it their,duty,to,combine against,it,.,既然,新冠病毒是人类共同的敌人,那么到了各个国家把联合起来,共同,抗击它作为自己的责任的时候了。词汇复现,【,词语积累,】,combination,n.,结合,联合,,混合,in combination with,与,结合,单句语法填空,(,1,),The beautiful scenery,,,_,(,combine,),with,delicious food and lovely weather,,,made our,visit to Hawaii unforgettable.,(,2,),In recent years an English word “,infosphere” has,appeared,,,_,(,combine,),the sense of “information” and “atmosphere,”.,(,3,),They combined the two small shops,_a,big one.,完成句子,(,4,),It is well-known that theory must be,_,(,与,结合),practice,.,combined,句子主语与,combine,之间为被动关系,故用过去分词短语作定语。,combining,into,combined with,教材原句,p.16We,will probably benefit from remote-controlled houses.,我们,可能会从遥控房屋中受益。,2 benefit from,从,中受益,受益于,It,is obvious that doing eye exercises benefits our eyes,,,and that is,to say,,,our eyes can,benefit from,doing eye exercises.,很明显,做眼,保健操,有益于我们的眼睛,也就是说,我们的眼睛会受益于做眼保健操。,【,词语积累,】,(,1,),benefit,v.,使受益;得益于,n.,益处,好处,for the benefit of,为了,的利益,be of benefit to,对,有益,Plenty,of exercise every day,is of great benefit to,losing weight,.,每天,做大量的运动对减肥很有好处。,(,2,),beneficial,adj.,有益的;受益的,be beneficial to,对,有益,Exercise,and a good mood,are beneficial to,postponing,aging.,锻炼和好的心情对延迟衰老有益处。词汇复现,单句语法填空,(,1,),Im sure that everyone will benefit a,lot_,this activity.,(,2,),It can be,_,(,benefit,),to share,your feelings,with someone you trust.,完成句子,(,3,),It is said that yoga is,_,(,对,很有好处),human health.,(,4,),The poor and homeless,_,(,受益于),social welfare,;,they are,provided with food and clothing.,(,5,),China has been pushing the reform of,public hospitals _,(为了,的利益),all its citizens.,from,beneficial,of great benefit to/very beneficial to,benefit from,for the benefit of,教材原句,p.16It,is possible that this technological fantasy will come true in the distant future.,这种,技术幻想有可能在遥远的将来成为现实。,【,句式分析,】,句,中,it,作形式主语,代替真正的主语,that,从句,。当,that,引导的从句作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,,通常,把它移到句子后面,用,it,作形式主语,放到句首。,1 it,作形式主语,在,it,作形式主语的句子中,真正的主语可以是不定式(短语)、,动名词,(短语)或从句。,It,is quite necessary,to react,quickly to any emergency.,对,任何紧急,情况,快速做出反应是很有必要的。(不定式短语是真正的主语),It,is no use,talking,with her,.,跟,她谈没有用。(动名词短语是真正的主语),It,s,impossible,that,you get there within one hour,.,你,一个小时内到达那儿是不可能的。(,that,从句是真正的主语),【,归纳拓展,】,常见,的,it,作形式主语的句型:,Its no use/no good doing sth.,做某事是没有用,/,无益的,。,Its,said/reported/believed that.,据说,/,据报道,/,人们认为,Its a pity/a shame/a wonder that.,可惜,/,遗憾,/,奇怪的是,Its,up to sb. to do sth.,做某事是某人的义务,/,职责,重点句式,单句语法填空,(,1,),The doctor thought,_,would,be good,for you to have a holiday.,(,2,),Its impolite,_,(,speak,),when,youre eating,. You should avoid this kind of behaviour.,(,3,),It is no use,_,(,argue,),with,Bill because,he will never admit his mistakes.,(,4,),It is a pity,_,you missed such,a good,lecture.,完成句子,(,5,),It is no use,_,(给,出解释,),. He is so stubborn that he wont listen.,(,6,),It was considerate of you,_,(低声对我说了这件事),in public.,(,7,),_,(据报道),the actress,will star in the new film,.,it,to speak,arguing,that,giving an explanation,to whisper it to me,Its reported that,教材原句,p.16However,,,I could not help but feel anxious.,然而,我不禁感到焦虑。,2 can not help but do sth.,忍不住(或无法抑制)做某事,,不可避免,会做某事(相当于,cant help doing sth.,),When,Jane fell off the bike,,,the other children,could not help,laughing,/,could,not help but laugh,.,当,简从自行车上摔下来时,其他孩子都,忍不住,笑了。,A,writer,cant help but,reveal himself,.,作家,(在作品中)总不免要显露出一些自身的影子。,I,cant help but,feel sorry for him.,我只能为他感到难过。,When,the streets are full of melting snow,,,you,cant help but,get,your shoes,wet,.,当街,上到处都是融化的雪时,你不可避免地会弄湿鞋子。,【,归纳拓展,】,cant help doing sth.,情不自禁做某事,cant help,(,to,),do sth.,不能帮忙做某事,单句语法填空,(,1,),I just cant help,_,(,buy,),things whether,I need them or not.,(,2,),His wife was out. He could not help,but_,(,cook,),for himself.,完成句子,(,3,),She,_,(情不自禁,吃掉),the whole bucket of ice cream.,(,4,),Mum,,,Im very busy,,,so I,_,(,不能帮忙打扫),the room today,.,buying,cook,cant help eating up/cant help but eat up,cant help,(,to,),clean,


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