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探究素养提能,自主素养储备,课时素养达标,Unit 3,Food and Culture,Period 1,Reading and Thinking (),语篇研读课,自主素养储备,.,新词相知,结合语境,根据首字母写出正确的单词。,1.This r,_,is certainly interesting and different.,2.He grabbed my purse, opened it and s,_,it full, then gave it back to me.,3.Our c,_,is from the coast and loves seafood.,4.Paris in spring is like an outdoor exhibition of French c,_,.,5.It was a b,_,move on their part to open a business in France.,6.Betty looked beautiful and e,_,as always.,7.We already mentioned the benefits of g,_,.,8.Before he died he had c,_,a large quantity of alcohol.,ecipe,tuffed,hef,uisine,old,legant,arlic,onsumed,.,短语熟记,根据汉语提示补全短语。,1.,_,more simply,简而言之,2.refer,_,涉及,;,指的是,3.,_,many ways,在许多方面,4.prior,_,在,之前的,5.consist,_,由,组成,(,或构成,),6.,_,the other hand,另一方面,7.,_,a result,因此,结果是,8.go hand_ hand,紧密联系,;,息息相关,put,to,in,to,of,on,as,in,课文浅触,1.,阅读课文,Culture,and,cuisine,谈谈你对谚语“,You are what you eat.”,的理解。,Answer:,_,2.,结合课文,谈谈你对“饮食,文化”的体会和理解。,Answer:,_,_,The diet can reflect ones personality and living conditions.,Food/Cuisine can reflect ones personality, character, friendship,and kindness, family union, living conditions, different cultures, etc.,探究素养提能,Step 1,Pre-reading,Can you write down the English names for the menu?,排骨,_,鱼丸,_,龙虾,_,糖醋鱼片,_,油焖大虾,_,糖醋排骨,_,spare ribs,fish balls,lobster,fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce,braised prawns,sweet and sour spare ribs,咸水肝,_,泡菜,_,叉烧包,_,肉丝炒青椒,_,boiled liver with salt,pickles,barbecued pork buns,stir-fried pork shreds with green pepper,Step 2,While-reading,.Answer the following questions.,1.How many parts does the passage contain?,_,2.What does the passage talk about?,_,Three parts.,Different diets show different cultures.,.Choose the best answer.,1.What is the famous local dish in Shandong Province?,A.Lamb kebab.,B.General Tsos chicken.,C.Boiled dumplings served with vinegar.,D.Pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.,2.Why are the traditional foods in northern Xinjiang usually boiled or roasted meat?,A.The people living in northern Xinjiang often wandered the open range on horses.,B.The people living in northern Xinjiang love bold and simple flavours.,C.The people living in northern Xinjiang love to experience an entirely new taste.,D.The people living in northern Xinjiang intend to grow strong.,3.Where is the passage probably taken from?,A.Internet.,B.Travel journal.,C.Medical report.,D.Magazine about food and culture.,答案,:,1.D,2.A,3.D,.Sentence explanation.,1.Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.,分析,:,本句是“祈使句,+,_,+,陈述句”句型。其中两个,what,引导宾语从句。,句意,:,_,。,2.On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans.,分析,:,本句是一个强调句。谓语动词用“,_,”,进行强调,加强了语气,译为“确实,的确,”,。,句意,:,另一方面,它,_,了我们很多关于美国人的事情。,and,告诉我你的饮食情况,我就会告诉你你是什么样的人,does +,动词原形,确实告诉,3.The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was,the friendship offered us.,分析,:,本句是由转折连词,but,引导的,_,。,but,之后的分句为连接代词,what,引导的,_,过去分词短语,offered us,作后置,_,修饰名词,friendship,。,句意,:,食物很美且,(,味道,),与众不同,_,给我们展现出来的友谊更加,珍贵。,并列句,主语从句,定语,但更重要的是,Step 3,Post-reading,阅读下面短文,在空白处填入,1,个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。,Just as Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote,“Tell me what you eat, 1.,_,I will tell you what you are.” That means “You are what you eat.”,and,In many 2.,_,(way) this seems to be true.Take Chinese cuisine for example.,Once we had a chance 3.,_,(experience) authentic Chinese food in,different areas.We had the pleasure of 4.,_,(taste) an entirely new taste,Sichuan peppercorns, which was wonderful and different, but what was even,5.,_,(important) was the friendship offered us.Later, in Shandong,Province we enjoyed the boiled dumplings 6.,_,(serve) with vinegar, where people,attached the importance to their familys getting together.As usual, lamb kebab,7.,_,(regard) as the traditional food in northern Xinjiang, for the people there,often wander the open range on horses.,ways,to experience,tasting,more important,served,is regarded,Put more 8.,_,(simple), the kinds of food local people consume tell us,9.,_,they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like,and dont like.That is, culture and cuisine go hand 10.,_,hand.,simply,what,in,主题情境思考,Work in groups and have a discussion about the main differences between,northern people and southern people in China.,_,_,The northern people tend to have a strong flavour; while people living in the,south have a preference for blank and light taste.,课时素养达标,When you visit Kinderdijk, one of the most visited villages in the Netherlands, you step right into the middle of Dutch history.,Kinderdijk lies in the Alblasserwaard, where the Lek and Noord rivers meet together.Much of the village is near or even below sea level.Although there are canals and dykes (,堤坝,), the lowlands of the village are still at risk of flooding (,洪灾,).Among the most deadly floods was Saint Elisabeths flood in 1421, which killed thousands after the dykes broke in several places.To deal with this kind of problem, the Kinderdijk windmills (,风车,) were built around 1740 to move water from the lower areas to higher ground and into the river.,Nineteen of the 20 Kinderdijk windmills remain and were named a UNESCO World Heritage (,遗产,) Site in 1997.Of the 19 windmills, 16 still have millers who live inside and control the huge sails (,翼板,) in the wind.These windmills continue to help manage the Netherlands ongoing fight to stay above water.,For tourists, boat tours are offered along the canals and walkways lead from the visitor center to the windmills.Two windmills serve as museums, filled with old millers items and photos.You can climb up inside to see how the windmills work.The windmills are also working, so be prepared to feel the whole building shake when the sails turn in the wind.,Each year, about 500,000 people visit the Kinderdijk windmills and the buildings have become a must-see on any trip to the Netherlands.There are some windmills north of Amsterdam that “were built for tourists, but were a historical site where tourists come, so its the other way around,” says Kinderdijk communications manager Peter Paul Klapwijk.“Tourism is a good way to support our site.”,【,语篇概述,】,这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了荷兰,Kinderdijk,风车的历史由来,作用以及旅游价值等。,.Read the passage and get the main idea of the text.,_,The history of Kinderdijk windmills and their tour value.,.Choose the best answer.,1.Why were the Kinderdijk windmills built around 1740?,A.To protect dykes.B.To produce clean water.,C.To prevent floods.D.To keep the sea level from rising.,【,解析,】,选,C,。细节理解题。根据第二段中“,To deal with this kind of problem, the Kinderdijk windmills were built around 1740 to move water from the lower areas to higher ground and into the river.”(,为了解决这类问题,Kinderdijk,风车建于,1740,年左右,用来将水从较低的地区输送到较高的地方,然后进入河流。,),可知,1740,年,为了避免再次发生洪灾而修建了风车。故选,C,项。,2.What can we learn about Kinderdijk windmills?,A.Most of them are working as before.,B.Most of them have become museums.,C.Several of them have been sold to millers.,D.Several of them were destroyed long ago.,【,解析,】,选,A,。细节理解题。根据第三段中“,Of the 19 windmills, 16 still have millers who live inside and control the huge sails in the wind.These windmills continue to help manage the Netherlands ongoing fight to stay above water.”(19,个风车中,16,个仍然有磨坊主人住在里面,控制着风中的巨大风帆。这些风车继续帮助荷兰保持在水面之上。,),可知,风车中的大部分还是像以前一样工作,以帮助荷兰抵御洪水的侵袭。故选,A,项。,3.How does Peter Paul Klapwijk feel about so many tourists visiting the windmills?,A.Fearful.,B.Worried.,C.Excited.D.Surprised.,【,解析,】,选,C,。推理判断题。,A.Fearful,可怕的,担心的,;B.Worried,担心的,;C.Excited,兴奋的,激动的,;D.Surprised,惊讶的。根据文章最后一句“,Tourism is a good way to support our site.”(,旅游业是支持我们景点的一个好方法。,),可知,Peter Paul Klapwijk,认为众多的游客去参观风车对他们的景点是一个很好的支持。故选,C,项。,4.What does the text mainly introduce?,A.The history of Kinderdijk.,B.A famous historical site.,C.An amazing village of canals.,D.The traditions of the Netherlands.,【,解析,】,选,B,。主旨大意题。文章介绍了,Kinderdijk,风车的历史由来,作用以及旅游价值等。全面地向我们介绍了一个著名的历史遗迹。故选,B,项。,


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