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Unit 6 Outdoor fun,第,六,课时,Study skills,A wolf had been badly,wounded,by dogs. He lay sick in his,lair,.,He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to,fetch,some water from the,stream,.,If you bring me the water, he said, I will,find means to get some food.,Yes, said the sheep, if I bring you the water, you would,undoubtedly,make me your food.,Whats the meaning of them?,Put the following words in,alphabetical,order,.(,字母顺序,),a. mobile,b. bicycle _,c. sunny _,d. picnic _,e. remember _,f. surprised _,g. forget _,h. notice _,1,8,4,2,3,5,7,6,Alphabetical order,b _ d,c,g _ i,h,o _ q,p,t _ v,u,f _ h,g,k _ m,l,w _ y,x,i _ k,j,Be quick!,p _ r,q,v _ x,w,c,n,f,d,o,g,Quiz: decoding,E.g,examinatorial,exclamation,excellent,excchange,guide words,the meaning of the words,the pronunciation,the use of the words,What can we get from the dictionary,?,Use every tool to help us learn English better and better!,Find the page numbers for the words!,Pages,guide words,34-35,doctor drink,46-47,each eight,84-85,neck nice,88-89,note now,96-97,present price,Words,Pages,1 pretty,96-97,2 nothing,3 dream,4 neighbour,5 earth,88-89,34-35,8485,46-47,helicopter,Practice in pairs,直升飞机,infant,婴儿,balloon,气球,How shall I torture you today? Put you on the rack? Boil you in the oil? Keep you away from computer for a month?,拷问,折磨,刑架,煮,油,Find and guess the meaning!,A wolf had been badly,wounded,by dogs. He,lay,sick and was in his,lair,.,He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to,fetch,some water from the,stream,.,If you bring me the water, he said, I will find means to get some food.,Yes, said the sheep,I,f I bring you the water, you would,undoubtedly,make me your food.,受伤害,巢穴,取来,小溪,小河,毫无疑问地,Homework:,Revise the use of a dictionary.,Finish the exercise of Period 6 on workbook.,ByeBye!,


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