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,Unit 7 How much are these socks?,课时,1 Section,A(1a,2e),1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:,点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,sweater,skirt,trousers,T-,shirt,are,women,shoes,dollars,socks,socks,11,12,13,14,15,B,A,B,C,B,答案呈现,17,need,;,for,big,;,small,18,19,20,for one pair,small red,looks nice,能力提升练,16,22,A,C,23,24,E,B,21,基础巩固练,25,F,一、根据句意及图片提示完成单词,。,1,. What are these? They are blue,_.,2. Is this your _,Jane?,Yes, it is.,3. Where is my _,Mom?,Its on the sofa.,sweater,skirt,socks,4. What color are your,_,Bill?,They are blue.,5. Jack, how much is your _,?,Its only 12 dollars.,trousers,T-,shirt,二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,6,. How much _,(,be) the white socks,?,are,7,. These,two,_,(woman) are my aunts, Kate,and Jane.,women,8,. Do you like the,blue,_,(shoe,)?,shoes,9,. This T-shirt is,ten,_,(dollar,).,dollars,10,. Does Mary like the,white,_,(sock)?,socks,三、单项选择。,11. ,_,is the TV?,Its 2000,yuan,.,A. How many,B,. How much,C. How about,D,. How big,B,12.,(,易错题,)How,much _ the pair of trousers?,Twenty dollars.,A. is,B,. are,C,. be,D,. am,A,13. ,_?,Yes, please. I want a sweater.,A. Excuse me,B,. Can I help you,C. How much are they,D,. What about this,pair,B,14,. What about the red skirt?,I think it _,nice,.,A. sounds,B,. gets,C,. looks,D,.,likes,C,15,. (,易错题,) I like the black trousers. Ill take,_.,A. it,B,.,them,C. one,D,. this,B,四、根据汉语意思完成句子,。,16.,我们聚会需要一些水果。,We,_ some,fruit _,the,party,.,need,for,17. ,他的房间大吗,?,不,它是小的。,Is his room_ ?,No. Its_.,big,small,18,.,那些鞋子,5,美元一双。,Those shoes are 5,dollars,_ _ _.,for,one pair,19.,我,要这顶红色的小帽子。,I want,this _,_,cap.,small,red,20.,那,件红色的夹克衫看上去真漂亮。,The red jacket_,_.,looks,nice,A: Good morning!,21,_,B: Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.,A:,22,_,B: No, I want a pair of shoes for sports,.,A. Can I help you?,B. How much are they?,C. Do you like these ones?,D. The red ones look nice.,E. But I dont like the color.,F. Here are your shoes and thanks for coming.,五、 补全对话,有一项多余。,【2021,武汉武昌区期末,】,A,C,A: What about this pair? They are not heavy and they are good for sports.,B: This pair looks nice. 23 _,A: What color do you like?,B: Brown or black,.,E,A. Can I help you?,B. How much are they?,C. Do you like these ones?,D. The red ones look nice.,E. But I dont like the color.,F. Here are your shoes and thanks for coming.,A: Here are the brown ones.,B: OK. 24 _,A: 65 dollars.,B: Ill take them and here is the money.,A: 25 _,B,F,A. Can I help you?,B. How much are they?,C. Do you like these ones?,D. The red ones look nice.,E. But I dont like the color.,F. Here are your shoes and thanks for coming.,


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