经贸翻译-4 词类转译

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Conversion,Conversion, one of the commonly adopted translation techniques, means the change of parts of speech in translation.,1,Original English:,This watch never varies more than a second in a month.,Chinese Version,:,这块表一个月的误差从不超过一秒。,2,1. Conversion into Verbs,One of the most remarkable differences between English and Chinese syntax is the use of the verb.,3,Original English:,Families upstairs have to carry pails to the hydrant downstairs for water.,Chinese Version:,住,在楼上的人家,得提着,水桶,去,楼,下,的水龙头,打水,。,4,Nouns Converted Into Verbs,A. Derivatives from verbs,- 1) With the passage of time, my,admiration,for him grew more and more.,随着时间的流逝,我对他越来越敬佩。,- 2) Rockets have found,application,for the,exploration,of the universe.,火箭已用来探索宇宙。,-3) Your information as to discounts for a large order would be appreciated.,Price adjustment should by no means affect the performance of the contract.,5,如若告知大批订货的折扣,将不胜感激。,价格的调整决不应影响履行合同。,6,B. Nouns with sense of actions,- The,sight,and,sound,of our jet planes filled me with special longing.,看到,我们的喷气式飞机,,听见,隆隆的机声,我感到心驰神往。,- A view of the Yangtze River can be obtained from this windows.,从这个窗户可以看见长江。,At the thought of the unsettled problem his legs stiffened under him and couldntt move a step further.,一想到那个问题尚未解决,他双腿僵硬,挪不动步子。,7,C. Nouns ended with “er”, with a strong sense of action,1)I think my little brother is a better,teacher,than I.,我想我的小弟弟比我,教,得好。,2) We are exporters of the above goods, having a background of some 30 years,.,我们出口上述商品,已经经营了30来年。,D.,Some phrases,- take a look, make mention of, take notice of,8,Chinese to English,Nouns converted into verbs/ adj adv (not usual),他的演讲给听众的,印象,很,深,His speech,impressed,the audience,deeply,.,该厂产品的,主要,特点,是工艺精湛,经久耐用,The products of this factory are,chiefly,characterized,by their fine workmanship and durability.,大部分学生对老实,态度,很,恭敬,Most students,behaved,respectfully,towards their teacher.,9,Prepositions Converted Into verbs,“Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path,up the steps, across the verandah, and into the porch.,“来啦!”她转身蹦跳着跑了,,越,过草地,,跑,上小径,,跨,上台阶,,穿,过凉台,,进,了门廊。,Gettysburg speech: “and that government of,the people, by the people, for the people”,民有,民治,民享,10,Verbs Converted Into Prepositions or prep phrase in C-E translation,孩子们都,上,一个学校。,The children are,in,the same school.,我们全体,赞成,他的建议。,We are all,in favor of,his proposal.,他们,不顾,一切困难,挫折,坚持战斗。,They kept on fighting,in spite of,all difficulties and setbacks.,11,Adjectives Converted Into Verbs,Many English adjectives after a link verb indicating ones consciousness, feelings, emotions, desires, etc. are always converted into Chinese verbs. These words include: confident, certain, careful, cautious, angry, sure, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, aware, concerned, glad, delighted, sorry, ashamed, thankful, anxious, grateful, able, and so on.,12,1)Doctors have said that they are not,sure,they can save his life.,医生说他们不敢,肯定,能否救得了他的命。,2),Both of the substances are,soluble,in water.,两种物质都能,溶,于水。,3)They were suspicious and resentful of him.,他们不信任他,憎恨他。,4)Please let us know if our terms are acceptable.,请告知是否接受我方条款。,13,Chinese to English,表示知觉,情感,心理状态的词类可以转换。,我为她的健康担忧。,I am anxious about her health.,他们怀疑他是否能负担得起。,They are doubtful whether he can afford it.,他可晓得他儿子的行为表现吗?,Is he aware how his son has been behaving?,14,Adverbs Converted Into Verbs,1) When the switch is,off, the circuit is open and electricity doesntt go,through.,当开关,断开,时,电路就形成开路,电流不能,通过,。,2) In this case the temperature in the furnace is,up,.,这种情况下,炉温就,升高,。,3) As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes,on,.,他跑出去时,忘了穿鞋。,4)That day he was,up,before sunrise.,15,2. Conversion Into Nouns,Verbs Converted Into Nouns,Some verbs that are derived from nouns can hardly be translated literally so they are usually converted into nouns.,16,Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.,这些材料的,特点,是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。,To them, he personified the absolute power.,在他们看来,他就是绝对权力的,化身,。,你必须好好照顾病人,You must take good,care,of the patient.,绝对不允许违反这个原则。,No,violation,of this principle shall be tolerated (allowed).,他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。,In his speech he laid special,stress,on raising the quality of the products.,17,2)Adjectives,Converted Into,Nouns,Adjectives with the definite articles to indicate categories of people, things, or adjectives used as predicative to indicate the nature of things may also be converted into nouns.,- Both the compounds are acids,the former,is strong,the latter,weak.,这两种化合物都是酸,,前者,是强酸,,后者,是弱酸。,- Stevenson was,eloquent,and,elegant, but,soft,.,有口才,有风度,但很软弱。,The Smith Family were,religious,.,18,Chinese to English,In C-E translation, the conversion from Adj or adv.to nouns is mainly used for the purpose of grammar structure or rhetorics.,小张用热情的款待掩饰他的窘迫,Zhang covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.,经过学校的门口,也改换了名称和模样,于我很生疏。,When I passed the gate of the school that too had changed its name and appearance, making me feel quite a stranger.,19,3) Adverbs converted into nouns,-He is physically weak but mentally sound.,他身体虽弱,但精神健康,They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.,但是他们的思想工作没有组织工作做得好.,20,4) Pronouns Converted Into Nouns,- The specific resistance of iron is not so small as,that,of copper.,铁的电阻系数不如铜的,电阻系数,那样小。,21,3. Conversion Into Adjectives,Nouns Converted Into Adjectives,Sometimes it is more convenient for a translator to convert an English noun into a Chinese adjective.,22,-,The,pallor,of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.,她,苍白的,脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。,- Independent thinking is an absolute,necessity,in study.,学习中的独立思考是绝对,必须的,。,The garden party is a great,success,.,I recognized the,absurdity,of dealing with them through intermediaries.,我意识到通过中间人跟他们打交道时荒唐的.,23,2) Adverbs Converted Into Adjectives,English adverbs are used more extensively than Chinese adverbs; and many of them can be converted into Chinese adjectives.,- Earthquakes are,closely,related to faulting.,地震与断裂运动有,密切的,关系。,- The pressure,inside,equals the pressure,outside.,内部的,压力和,外部的,压力相等。,Not only can English adverbs be converted into Chinese adjectives, but also into nouns occasionally. For example:,- He is,physically,weak but,mentally,sound.,他,身体,虽弱,但,思想,健康。,24,4. Conversion Into Adverbs,Adjectives Converted Into Adverbs,This is the most common case when a noun modified by an adjective is converted into a verb in the Chinese version. Sometimes, it is just for the sake of convenience.,25,- Below 4C, water is in,continuous,expansion instead of,continuous,contraction.,水在4度以下就,不断地,膨胀,而不是,不断地,收缩。,- A helicopter is,free,to go almost anywhere.,直升飞机几乎可以,自由地,飞到任何地方去。,-,Buckley was in a,clear,minority.,显然属于少数.,This is,sheer,nonsense.,这完全是胡说八道.,26,2) Nouns and Verbs Converted Into Adverbs,This conversion is adopted to make the version conform to the idiomatic Chinese expression.,- Rapid evaporation at the heating-surface,tends,to make the steam wet.,加热面上的迅速蒸发,,往往,使蒸汽的湿度变大。,- The new mayor earned some appreciation by the,courtesy,of coming to visit the city poor.,新市长,有礼貌地,前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。,I have the honor to inform you of that.,He had the kindness to show me the way.,27,5. Conversion of Sentence Elements,Conversion in a broader sense includes the conversion of the “active voice” into the “passive”. Sometimes, it may involve the change of various elements of a sentence, such as from the subject to the object, and vice versa. For example:,As the match burns,heat and light,are given off.,火柴燃烧时发出,光和热,。,28,This sort of stone has,a relative density,of 2.7.,这种石头的,相对密度,是2。,Careful,comparison,of them will show,you,the difference.,只要,仔细把它们比较一下,,你就会,发现不同之处。,29,After-Class Exercises:,Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of conversion.,The book is a reflection of the Chinese society.,Peter proved to be an excellent storyteller.,Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.,30,I had the fortune to meet you.,He then acted as a reluctant interpreter.,The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.,He was snuffed by the top-ranking officials there.,我们保证在这方面与你们通力合作。,我们经常参加广州交易会。,我们不能同意取消订货。,31,Reference Versions,1 这本书反映了中国社会。,2 彼得故事讲得很出色。,3 独立思考对学习是绝对必须的。,4 我很幸运地见到了你。,5 他当时并非情愿地当了一次翻译。,6 我在聚会上见到的那个人,外表和谈吐都象美国人。,7 他受到那边高级官员们的冷遇。,8 We assured you of our full cooperation in this respect.,9. We are regular visitors to the Canton Fair.,10. We can not agree to the cancellation of the order.,32,


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