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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,非谓语动词,语法讲解,Wuxun High School,Non-finite,1,非谓语动词的类型:,Infinitive,不定式,(to do),Gerund 动名词(doing),Participle 分词(-ing分词,-ed分词),Non-finite,2,Structure,:,to be done,Infinitive(不定式):,to do,Negative (否定):,not to do,Passive voice(被动):,3,被动语态,一般式,进行式,完成式,完成进行式,Tense and Voice,(,时态与语态),to be doing,to have done,to have been,done,-,to have been,doing,-,to do,to be done,主动语态,4,1. 作主语,2. 作表语,3. 作宾语,4. 作补语,5. 作定语,6. 作状语,在句中承担的成分:,7.,作独立成分,8.,与疑问词等连用,5,(1). 主语 Subject,不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,用it作形式主语.,To get enough sleep,at night is important.,It,_.,It is adj. (for sb) to do sth.,It is+a pleasure/an honor/a pity to do.,It takes sb +time to do.,Non-finite,is important,to get enough sleep,at night,6,1.吸烟对你来说是不好的。,It is not good for you to smoke.,2.和你一起共进晚餐很愉快。,It is a pleasure to have dinner with you.,It only took two years to complete the project.,3.完成这项工程只花了二年时间。,巩固练习1,7,(2). 表语 Predicative,My job,is,Your task _(努力学习).,is,to study,hard,Non-finite,To see,is,to believe,.,to teach,you English.,8,Everyone wants,to get a good job,in the future.,(3),宾语,Object,常用动词不定式作宾语的动词有:,fail, happen, mean, wish, hope, decide, refuse, offer, learn, agree,etc.,+ to do,Non-finite,like to do,manage to do,9,think consider,find,make,feel,形式宾语,4.我希望很快收到你的信。,I hope,to hear,from you soon.,5.我决定不留下来。,I decided not,to stay,.,6.学生们认为玩电脑游戏很有趣。,Students thought_.,7.她觉得没有没有必要和他辩论。,She thought it unnecessary,to argue,with him.,it interesting,to play,computer games,.,it + adj.+ to do,巩固练习2,10,The teacher told me,to clean the blackboard,.,(4). 补语 Complement,五看,watch,see,look at,observe,notice,三使,let,make,have,二听,listen to,hear,一感觉:,feel,当遇到下列动词时,不定式省略to:,allow, cause, ask, advise, expect, force, permit,persuade, tell, want, warn, teach等.,Non-finite,8.医生建议他去南方.,The doctor,advised him to go,to the south.,+,sb to do,11,I made him,do,his work.,He _by me.,See sb,do,sth,-,sb be seen,to,do,1.He was seen _ from the tree and get hurt.,fall B. to fall,C. falling D. fallen1,改错:,He was heard talk to his mother for,an hour,.,to talk,was made,to,do his work,12,(5). 定语 Attributive,(如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,则不定式中要有介词.),He is looking for_.,(一间可以住的房子),There is nothing_.,2.-What do you think of the school?,-It is a very good _.,A. school to study in B. school for children to study,C. studying school D. school to study,to worry about,The topics,to be discussed,at tomorrows,meeting is concerned about the 2010 Expo.,(,没有什么可担心的,),a room to live in,13,I came here,to see you.,He got up early,to catch the train.,(6) 状语 Adverbial,in order to , so as to ,1.表目的,2.表原因,We were very excited,to hear the news.,3.表结果,This room is big enough,to hold us.,enoughto, tooto, only to, etc.,He lifted a rock,only to drop it on his own,feet.,Non-finite,14,3._ late in the morning , Bob turned off the alarm.,A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept,2001春季高考 第21题,巩固练习,翻译:1935年,他离开家再也没回来。,In 1935 he left home,never to return,.,15,(7).独立结构,to be frank,to be honest,to tell the truth,To tell the truth, I dont agree with you.,16,who, which, when, how, what,whom,whether,等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等。,I dont know,whether to accept the invitation,or not.,(宾语),How to solve,the problem is very important.,(主语),如何解决这个问题很重要,。,我的问题是什么时候开始。,My question is,when to start,.,(表语),Non-finite,8. 不定式与疑问词连用:,注意:,在与,why,连用时,只用于,why,或,why not,开头的简短疑问句中,后面紧跟的动词不定式不带,to,。,Why not have a rest?,17,1. 作主语,2. 作表语,3. 作宾语,4. 作补语,5. 作定语,6. 作状语,在句中承担的成分:,7.,作独立成分,8.,与疑问词等连用,18,(1).They pretended not,to see us,.,(2). He pretended,to be sleeping,.,(3).She pretended,to have known it before.,(一般式表示与谓语的动作同时/在它之后发生.),(在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进行),(完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前),关于时态,19,1.The boy pretended _ when his mother,entered.,A. reading B. to read,C. to be reading D. being read,2. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears_ everything. ( 01年高考),A. to tell B. to be told,C. to be telling D. to have been told,巩固练习3,20,3. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer,.(,MET93 34),A. to invent B. inventing,C. to have invented D. having invented,4.The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth,_ for him without delay.,A. to have woven B. to be woven,C. to be weaving D. to weave,21,关于省略,(1).不定式中的动词上文已出现过,下文要,省略该动词.,e.g.: Would you like to go with me ?,(2). 不定式是to be 结构, be 不可省.,e.g.: Would you like to be a teacher?,A. Id like to,B.Id like to go,Yes, _.,Non-finite,A.Id like to be. B. Id like to.,Yes,_.,22,1. -Did you get a job?,- No, I _ , but its no use.,A. expected B. tried to,C. managed to D. planned,2. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.,A. not to B. not to do,C. not do it D. do not to,巩固练习4,23,不定式用在介词,but, except, besides,后时,如果这些介词前有行为动词,do,的各种形式,那么介词后的不定式不带,to, 相反则带,to,.,(1). She could do nothing but _ .(cry),(2). I have no choice but_. (go),(3).What do you like _ besides_ . (do, sleep),cry,to go,to do,sleep,Non-finite,24,固定句型,:,had better+ (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事,Why (not) do sth.?,would rather (not) do sth.,would rather do A than (do) B,would rather + 句子(过去式),(虚拟语气),25,注意以下几种情况不定式的用法,*,在the first, the second,the last和only之后,只能用to do,。,如:He was the last to leave the classroom ,*如果understand,realize, know用在begin, start, attempt, intend后,只能用to do。,如:I began to understand the truth,*表示目的的不定式的否定式一般不用not to do,而用in order not to do或so as not to do。,如:,()In order not to be seen, he came into the room through the window,()Not to be seen, he came into the room through the window,()He came into the room through the window so as not to be seen,*so as to do一般不放在句首。,()He get up at five this morning so as to catch the early bus,(X) So as to catch the early bus,he got up at five this morning,26,不定式作定语时,应放在,被修饰词的后面,,而且放在其他后置定语之后。,1. 不定式做定语与所修饰的词之间有,三种,关系:,(1)动宾关系,I have a lot of work to do.,(2)主谓关系,He is always the first to come.,(3)同位关系,We all have a chance to go to college.,27,1.To see you,is glad.,=Its glad to see you.,2.I want,to see you,.,3.I want him,to see you,.,4.My hope is,to see you,.,5.He is the man,to see you,.,6.Im glad,to see you,.,7.I went,to see you,.,8.He went so early as,to see you,9. To tell you the truth, I dont agree with you.,10. How to solve this problem is very important.,(作主语),(作宾语),(作宾补),(作表语),(作定语),(作原因状语),(作目的状语),(作结果状语),独立成分,和疑问词连用,28,休息一下,29,Gerund(动名词),一. Structure,: doing,Negative: not doing,二. 时态和语态,主动语态,被动语态,ing,一般式,完成式,making,having made,(不作定语),being made,having been made,(不作定语,30,三.,在句中承担的成分:,1. 作主语,2. 作宾语,3. 作定语,4. 作表语,31,Collecting,information is very important to business.,1.作主语:,Seeing,is,believing.,e.g.,-,What made him so unhappy?,-_ the ticket for the football match.,Having been lost B. Lost,C. Because of losing D. Losing,Key : _,D,Losing the ticket for the football match,made him so unhappy,32,对着打翻了的牛奶哭是没用的。,Crying over the spilt milk,is no use.,It is no use,crying over the spilt milk.,类似的还有:,It is no good doing sth.,It is no use doing sth.,33,I enjoy,learning,English.,How about,meeting,outside the theatre?,2.作宾语:,Vt.,Prep.,+,doing,34,下列动词通常用ing形式作宾语,:,admit, appreciate, deny, resist, stand, imagine, suggest, mind, finish, enjoy, keep, practise, miss, avoid, delay, excuse, escape, consider, cant help,等。,如:,1) 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?,Would you,mind my smoking,here ?,2)这女孩被告知每天练习三个小时的钢琴.,The girl was told to,practise playing,the piano for three hours every day,3) Good news,keeps coming,.,35,下列V.+prep.通常用ing形式作宾语,尤其注意介词to,e.g.,insist on, prevent from, depend on, feel like, be fond of, succeed in, be proud of, excuse for , apologize for, look forward,to, object,to, be used,to, be opposed,to, etc.,Prep. 后通常用ing形式作宾语.,e.g.,The boy stood still without _ (dare) to raise his head because of _ (break) a vase.,daring,having broken,36,to do 和doing 的区别:,remember,to do,remember,doing,forget,to do,forget,doing,stop,to do,stop,doing,go on,to do,go,on doing,try,to do,try,doing,regret,to do,regret,doing,mean,to do,mean,doing,37,注意:,动词如: permit ,allow,forbid,advice,consider 有不同的用法:,V + sb to do sth,&,V + doing sth,e.g. :,Please,permit me to introduce,myself to you first,I,allowed the children to play,in my room for another five minutes.,My parents,forbid me to stay out,after mid-night,The doctor,advised me not to go,to bed too late.,You surely cant,consider him to be,a selfish man,38,permit allow forbid adviseconsider admit doing,sth,.,e.g. :,We do not,permit smoking,in the office,They shouldnt,allow parking,in the street ; its too narrow.,I,forbid smoking,in my house,The little boy,admitted having broken,the glass.,39,3.作表语,My hobby is,collecting stamps and fishing,.,His job is,teaching.,Whats the difference between them?,Im,fishing.,My hobby is,fishing,.,动名词,现在分词,40,4.,作定语,:,a,walking,stick,A,swimming,pool,A,sleeping,car,区别,The,walking,man,The,swimming,girl,The,sleeping,boy,动名词修饰名词表示名词的功能,现在分词修饰名词表示该名词所处的状态,41,Gerund的逻辑主语:,Tom insisted on,coming,to the party.,Tom insisted on,my coming,to the party.,我几乎无法想象peter在五天内横渡大西洋.,I can hardly imagine,Peter sailing,across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.,42,动名词表示被动意义:,在动词或词组need, want, require, be worth, deserve, etc. 后的动名词表示被动意义:,Your composition,needs improving,.,Your composition needs,to be improved,.,The book,is worth reading,a second time.,The book is worthy,to be read/of being read,a second time.,43,休息一下,44,非谓语动词的类型:,Infinitive,不定式,Gerund,动名词,Participle,分词,Non-finite,-ing,分词,-ed,分词,45,-ing分词(以make为例 ),-ed 分词,主动语态,被动语态,一般式,完成式,主动语态,被动语态,一般式,完成式,Having made,making,being made,Having been made,made,X,X,X,46,分词在句中承担的成分:,由于分词具有,形容词性和副词性,在句子中不能充当具有名词特征的,主语和宾语,.,成份,类别,主,语,宾语,定语,表语,宾补,状语,现在分词,过去分词,47,1.作定语,-the sun which is rising,-ing分词和-ed分词修饰名词有,前置位&后置位.,1. the,rising,sun,2. He is a,retired,worker.,-,He is a worker who has already retired.,e.g.,3. The problem,bothering us,is the lack of money.,4. These are goods,imported,from Japan.,前置位:,后置位,- The problem (which is),bothering us,is the lack of money,Whats the difference between -,ed,and ,ing,participle?,-ing分词表示“进行” -ed分词表示“完成”,-ing分词表示“主动”-ed分词表示 “被动”,主动,进行,被动,完成,在时态上:,在语态上:,- These are goods (which were),imported,from Japan,.,48,More examples:,1.China is,a,developing,country.,3.He is a,well-educated,librarian.,2.Japan is a,developed,country.,=a country which is developing.,=a country which has developed.,-a librarian who has been well educated.,More,exercise:,The _(work) people have played a great role in the activity.,I dont like _(can) food , I prefer something fresh .,working,canned,49,1.,站在她妈妈旁边的那个女孩,看上去很胆小。,The girl,_,by her mother,looked very timid.,2.,最近到处,在议论的话题,都与2010年世博会有关。,The topics,_,everywhere recently are concerned about the 2010 World Expo .,standing,who was standing,which are being discussed,being discussed,50,Whats the difference,?,1. The topics,being discussed,everywhere recently are concerned about the 2010 World Expo.,to be discussed,discussed,进行,完成,将来,2. The topics _(discuss) at tomorrows meeting is concerned about the Olympics 2008.,3.,The topics _ (discuss) at yesterdays meeting was about the Olympics 2008.,51,巩固练习一,用所给动词的正确形式填空:,1)The man_ (question) in the police station now is a spy,2)A man_ (respect) others will be respected,3)Half of the guests _(invite) to the conference were foreigners.,4)The matter _(discuss) is very important,being questioned,respecting,invited,being discussed,52,5.,被汽车撞伤的小孩,马上被送到了医院。,The boy injured by the car,was sent to the hospital immediately.,6.,每天,给我办公室送邮件的人,是位退休工人,.,The man delivering mails to my office,every day is a retired worker .,53,The glass is,broken,.,The food smells,inviting,.,2.作表语,What he said sounds_ (convince).,He was _(interest) in what he learned in Canada and he thought everything in Canada was _(interest),convincing,interested,interesting,这道菜香味怡人。,Please fill in the blank with the verb given:,使信服,54,-ed 分词,Sb. + Link.v + -ed分词,-ing分词,Sth. + Link.v + -ing分词,类似情况还有:surprising surprised,exciting excited,tiring tired ,disappointing disappointed,encouraging encouraged ,,amazed amazing ,bored boring ,pleasing pleased,astonishing astonished.,人的感觉,事物本身的特点,55,巩固练习二,用所给动词的-ed 或ing形式填空:,1)The journey was quite_(tire),2)The result of the exam made me _ (disappoint),3)This was really an _moment(excite),4)His _look suggested that he didnt understand it(puzzle),5)He seemed quite _at the idea. (delight),6)The present situation is _(encourage),tiring,disappointed,exciting,puzzled,delighted,encouraging,56,They caught him cheating in the mid-term examination,He was caught cheating in the mid-term,examination.,You cant leave the workshop with the machine running.,3.作补语,1.宾语补足语,2.主语补足语,3.介词宾语补足语,57,Fill in the blank:,He was surprised to,find,his room,thoroughly,_,.(clean),Last night I saw him _(play) the violin,with his eyes _(shut).,“被动”,“主动”,More exercises,cleaned,playing,shut,“被动”,58,I heard my sister _ that song in English outside. (,sing,) They once heard the song _ in English. Mother heard her kid _ the door .,Mother heard the door _. (,open,),With,the test,_(,finish,), we began to analyze the result.,We _ during our last meeting.我们留下了很多问题没解决.,Would you please speak louder so as to _?,A. make you hear B. make yourself hear C. make you heard D. make yourself heard,left a lot of problems unsolved,D,singing,sung,opening,opened,巩固练习三,finished,59,分词作状语,,修饰谓语,,大多说明动作发生的背景或情景,表示,时间、条件、原因、让步、伴随情况,等。一般说来,这一结构的,逻辑主语,是,主句的主语,而句子本身可与,状语从句,等句型转换。,4.作状语,60,1.When we heard the news, we jumped with joy.,=,Hearing,the news ,we jumped with joy.,2.When it was heated, the metal expands.,=,Heated,the metal expands.,3.Because he didnt know, he went to his father for help.,=,Not knowing,how to do it, he went to his father for help.,4.As they were,deeply moved, the children began to cry.,=,Deeply,moved,by the story, the children began to cry.,“主动”,“被动”,表示,时间,表示,原因,61,5.,_(look) out of the window, you can have a full view of the beach.,=,If you look out of the window, you can have a full view of the beach.,6._ (keep),in refrigerator, these vegetables will remain fresh.,=,If,they are kept in refrigerator, these vegetables will remain fresh.,表示,条件,Looking,Kept,62,7. The children rushed out,shouting and jumping,.,8. She walked out of the house,_,by her little daughter. (follow),9. She walked out of the house,_,her little daughter. (follow),10. (consider) as a building material, wood is not very strong.,= Although it is considered as a building material, wood is not very strong.,e、表示,让步,表示,方式和,伴随情况,followed,following,Considered,63,11.The car was held up by the snowstorm, thus _ (cause) the delay.,12.The glass fell to the ground, _ (break) to pieces.,表示结果,Exercises,分词作状语时,分词前可加连词表示强调。,e.g.,heated, ice can be changed into water,When,tired ,I went on with the work.,walking in the street, I saw a road accident,While,Though,causing,broken,64,1)I meant to buy an evening paper, but I didnt see anyone _(sell) them.,2)Just now I saw a man_ (walk) in the street, with a little girl _(seat) on his shoulder,3)The lady would love to have her luggage _(weigh).,4)The thief was caught_ (steal) goods in the supermarket again ,5)-What happened to Mr. White early this morning ?,-Oh,he was seen_ (knock) down and the driver_ (drive) away,selling,walking,seated,weighed,stealing,knocked,drove,巩固练习四,65,巩固练习五,_ by noises in the night, the girl no longer dared to sleep in her room. (frighten),After _ it carefully, he locked the room again. (examine),The president expressed his satisfaction with the co-operation,_ (add) that he had enjoyed his stay here,_ in 1949, the exhibition hall is over 50 years old. (build),_ from a distance, the Opera House looks like ship sails. (see),Although _ in the leg, he continued firing at the enemy. (shoot),Frightened,examining,Built,Seen,shot,adding,66,7)_(wear)out after a long walk, Henry called and said he couldnt come,8) When first_ (introduce) the market, these products enjoyed great success.,9) Helen had to shout to make herself _ (hear) above the sound of the music.,10) When _(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.,introduced,heard,compared,Worn,67,1.作定语,2.作表语,4.作状语,3.作补语,分词,68,分词的时态:,-ing/ -ed +主句,(不强调动作先后),;,Having done,Having been done,e.g.,1.,Used,as a means of traffic in China, the bike is very useful.,2.,Having been used,for many years, the bike needs repairing.,More,exercises,+ 主句,(强调时间先后),69,1)The president promised to keep all the board members_ (inform) of how the negotiations were going on,2)_(be) there more than once, the old professor offered to show us around the newly-built library.,3)_(invite)to go to camping, Paul ordered a new sleeping bag,4)_ (not know),his telephone number, she lost touch with him.,informed,Having been,Having been invited,Not knowing,70,分词的逻辑主语:,分词的,逻辑主语,一般为_,但当分词的动作执行者和句子的动作执行者,不一致,时,分词前必须有自己的主语,e.g.,If weather permits, we will have a field trip.,Weather permitting,we,ll have a field trip tomorrow ,这被称为_。,时间允许,我们将在去杭州的路上顺道看一下我叔叔.,Time permitting, we will visit my uncle on my way to Hangzhou.,主句的主语,分词的独立结构,71,*但有些分词作状语属,习惯用法,,分词的逻辑主语和句子的主语可以不一致。,如:,Judging from,the expression on his face, he had failed the driving test again,Generally speaking,girls are more careful than boys .,类似的还有:,Speaking of,Talking of,72,高考题,1.The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(2004),A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt,2.The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.(2004),A. recorded B. recording,C. to be recorded D. having recorded,3. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.(2003),A. when taking B. when taken,C. when to take D. when to be taken,B,B,A,73,休息一下,74,1._ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.,A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose,C,解析,“陷入深思”有两种表达法,,A.,Lose oneself in thought,B.,be lost in thought,综合练习,75,2._ a reply, he decided to write again.,A. Not receiving B. Receiving not,C. Not having received D. Having not received,C,3.Before _, the machine must be checked.,being used B. using it,C. being used to D. using,A,4._ better attention , the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shining brightly in the sky and _ them light.,A. Giving; given B. Given; given C. Giving; giving D. Given; giving,D,76,5) Victor apologized his_ (not be) able to inform me of the change in the plan.,6) After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home,_ (exhaust).,7) The discovery of new evidence led to the


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