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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,What are they doing?,They are having an English class.,What are they doing?,They are having an English class.,We are having a class.,We are having an English class.,What are we doing now?,What class are we having now?,现在进行时,the Present Continuous Tense,We are having an English class,Unit 4,She,read,is,ing,now,.,He,play football,is,ing,now,.,He,do his homework,is,ing,now,.,He,eat,is,ing,now,.,现在进行时态表示,现在,(说话瞬间),正在,进行或发生的动作。,现在进行时,The Present Continuous Tense,现在进行时的基本结构:,be (not),+,(现在分词),V-ing,be,随人称变为,is, am, are,Whats the structure of the present continuous tense?,Do you know how to get “,-ing,” ? Lets,try !,do _ watch _,clean _ read_,eat_ play_,danc_ writ_,run _ swim _,ing,ing,ing,ing,ing,ing,ning,ming,ing,ing,e,e,动词-ing形式的构成,一般在动词原形后+ing,do,ask,do,ing,ask,ing,以不发音的e结尾的,去e,+ing,write,take,dance,writ,ing,tak,ing,danc,ing,重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写这一字母+ing,get,run,swim,put,get,ting,run,ning,swim,ming,put,ting,1.The child _the windows now.(open),2.The boy _ a picture now.(draw),3.Look! She _ a book.(read),4.I _an e-mail to my friend now.(write),5.You _ your homework at home now.(do),6.We _ at school now.(run),7.They _ TV now.(watch),is opening,is drawing,is reading,am writing,are doing,are running,are watching,Fill in the blanks:,Listen,!,The bird,is,sing,ing,.,They,watch TV,are,ing,now,.,The man,run,is,ning,now,.,The boy,swim,is,ming,now,.,The teacher,writ,e,is,now,.,ing,They,danc,e,are,now,.,ing,I,am,read,ing,a book.,I,m,not,writ,ing,.,What are you doing?,What are they doing?,They,are,play,ing,basketball.,They,are,nt,play,ing,soccer.,Guess:,What are they doing?,Lets play a game:,Who is the guessing champion?,Are they + v-ing?,Is it/he/she + v-ing?,Are they dancing?,What are they doing now?,Yes, they are.,NO, they arent.,What is the cat doing?,Is it eating something?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Whats she doing?,Is she eating rice?,Yes, she is.,No, she isnt.,Are they watching TV?,What are they doing?,What is the bear doing?,Guessing Game,Is the pig walking/running/ ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Guessing Game,Is he ?,Yes, he is. No, he isnt.,Guessing Game,Is she ?,Yes, she is. No, she isnt.,What is she doing?,She is cut,ting,What is she cutting?,She is cutting letters.,Can you cut numbers?,Lets do it.,


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