英语写作 符合描写地点writing-describe a place

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,根据以下内容写一篇100词左右的说明文,标题为“Australia”。,1. 澳大利亚位于太平洋的西侧,是大洋洲(Oceania)最大的国家,面积760万平方公里。,2. 人口稀少,只有1,000多万,多数集中在东部沿海地区。,3. 首都堪培拉(Canberra)风景秀丽。,4. 悉尼(Sydney)是澳大利亚最大城市。有许多名胜,其中悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)闻名于世。2000年奥运会就是在悉尼举行的。,1,请同学们写一篇短文介绍港口城市青岛,内容要求如下:,1、位于山东省东部。,2、以蓝色的大海,美丽的海滨而闻名,是避暑胜地。,3、每年夏天来自全国各地成千上万的人们到这里沿海漫步、游泳、购物、观赏秀丽景色。,4、近年来城市发生巨大变化,对发展我国对外贸易起重要作用,成为国际港口城市。,2,Australia, the largest country in Oceania, lies on the west coast of the Pacific. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers. It has a small population of over 10 million, most of whom live in the east of the country by the sea. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest. The Opera House is well known all over the world. The 2000 Olympic Games were held in Sydney.,3,The city of Qingdao is situated in the east of Shangdong Province. It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful , which makes it a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country visit Qingdao every summer. They walk along the beach, go swimming in the sea or do some shopping in the city center. They can appreciate the fine view of the city.,Great changes have taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. As an international port city ,Qingdao is playing an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country.,4,最近,一个外国旅游团来湖南韶山旅游,请根据下表内容,以一名导游的身份向客人介绍韶山,词数120左右。,韶山,伟人毛主席诞生地,地理位置,湖南省会长沙西南约100公里,特征,风景优美,民风淳朴,主要景点,毛主席旧居,最吸引人的地方;毛主席在此度过他的童年。,毛泽东纪念馆,可体会他一生的历程。,滴水洞,韶山冲西北大约三公里,毛主席晚年曾在此短暂呆过一段时间。,毛主席诗文碑林,可欣赏毛主席诗词。,5,注意:,1文章必须包括以上要点,但不能逐字翻译,行文要流畅,可增加细节使句子连贯;,2短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;,3参考词汇:旧居former residence;纪念馆Memorial Hall;滴水洞The Water-dripping Cave;诗文碑林The Steles Forest of Maos Poems,6,Ladies and Gentlemen,Im glad to be your guide. Welcome to Shaoshan.,Shaoshan is the hometown of Chairman Mao. It is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with beautiful scenery. People here are simple and honest.,As the hometown of the great man of the generation, Shaoshan is one of the important tourist zones in Hunan province. The Former Residence of Chairman Mao is the most interesting site. It was in this place that Mao Zedong spent his childhood and youth,7,attending school and helping his father with the farm work. The Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, where we can look through his life experience, presents us many photos and all the things that Chairman Mao once used. The Water-dripping Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a very popular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao once spent a short period of time there in his late life. Chairman Mao was also a poet as well as a politician. The Steles Forest of Maos Poems includes most of his poems. We can enjoy the wonderful poems there.,Wish you to have a good time here!,8,


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