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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,重难点专项复习,1.,问数量,(,多少,),用:,_ +,可数名词,_+are there?,How many,复数,这里有多少间教室?,How many classrooms are there?,2.,用,There,_,+,单数名词或者不可数名词。,There _ +,可数名词复数。,is,are,这里有一间美术教室。,There is an art room.,这里有两个图书馆。,There are two libraries.,4.,问你的学校或者家里有什么?,1),你的学校有什么?,2),你的家里有什么?,art room,office worker,office,Whats in your school?,Whats in your home?,3.,用冠词,an,的有:,an _,一个美术室,an _,一个办公室工作人员,an _,一个办公室,1.I can watch TV in the _.,2.I can have lunch in the _.,3.I go to sleep in my _.,4.I can take a bath in the _.,5. I can cook in the _.,6. There are many flowers in the,_.,7. _ there a kitchen in your home,?,8. _there any bedrooms in your home?,living room,dining room,bedroom,bathroom,kitchen,garden,Is,Are,1.,问你将要去哪里:,_ are you _?,回答:,2.,问你正在做什么:,_ are you _?,回答:,I am +,动词,ing,形式,例:,3. _ she going to the bank?No, she _.,4._ they going to the beach? Yes, they _.,Where,going,What,doing,Is,isnt,Are,are,Im going to .,我要去银行。,Im going to the bank.,我正在听音乐。,I am listening to music.,1.May I +,动词原形?,例:,肯定回答:,A. Yes, you may. Here you are.,B. Yes, please. Here you are.,C. Sure. Here you are.,D. Of course. Here you are.,否定回答:,A. No, you may not.,B. No, sorry.,我可以吃一个冰激凌吗?,May I have an ice cream,?,Is _ your T-shirt? No, it isnt.,Are _ Moms shoes?Yes, they are.,_ dress is this? Its Lisas dress.,this,these,Whose,用 is 、 are填空,What _ this? It _ a cap.,What _ these? They _ shoes.,3. This _ Tonys shirt.,4. These _ Dads shorts.,5._ these Moms shoes?,No, they _ not.,6. _ this Jennys dress?,No, it _ not.,is,is,are,are,is,are,Are,are,Is,is,物主代词,my,your,our,his,her,their,mine,yours,ours,his,hers,theirs,有一个口诀很有用“一变 两不变 其余加,s”,。,所谓“一变”就是指,my,变成,mine,“,两不变”是指,his,与,its,不用改变,“其余加,s”,是指,your her our their,只要在词尾加个,s,就可以了。,its,its,whose,谁的,Whose shirt is this ?,It is _ shirt.,It is _.,mine,yours,Whose shirts are these ?,They are _ shirts.,They are _.,my shirt =mine,your shirts =yours,my,mine,your,yours,whose 谁的,Whose shirt is this ?,It is _ shirt.,It is _.,his,hers,Whose caps are these ?,They are _ caps.,They are _.,his shirt =his,her caps =hers,his,his,her,hers,whose 谁的,Whose shirt is this ?,It is _ shirt.,It is _.,Bens,Tonys,Whose shirts are these ?,They are _ shirts.,They are _.,Bens shirt =Bens,Tonys shirts =Tonys,Bens,Bens,Tonys,Tonys,whose 谁的,Whose dresses are these ?,They are _ dresses.,They are _.,ours,theirs,Whose shirts are these ?,They are _ shirts.,They are _.,our dresses =ours,their shirts =theirs,our,ours,their,theirs,1.,问职业:,回答:,I am a/ an +,职业,2.,问想要做什么,3.,问想成为什么:,回答,: I want to be +a/ an +,职业,.,注意:,want to +,动词原形,What do they do? They are _.,What do you do?,What do you want to do?,What do you want to be?,nurses,1.,问别人的爱好:,回答:,2. My hobby is +V-ing,我的爱好是制作模型。,My hobby is making models.,我的爱好是看电影和读故事书。,My hobbies are seeing movies and reading stories.,What s your hobby?,My hobby is +,一个爱好。,My hobbies are +,两个以上的爱好。,1.Do you want to see a movie?,肯定回答:,Yes, I do.,Sure.,Of course.,否定回答:,No, I dont.,Not really.,2. Lets +,动词原形,例如:,Lets make a snowman.,Lets go!,1.,我的名字是:,I am +,姓名,.,My name is +,姓名,.,2. like+,动词,ing,我喜欢上网。,I like surfing the Internet.,我喜欢堆雪人。,I like making models.,1.Tony is going to the _.,游泳池,2.Jenny is going to the _.,电影院,3. Ben is going to the _.,公园,4. Lisa is going to the _.,超市,swimming pool,movie theater,park,supermarket,区分发音:,moon room 2. arm art,card park 4. shirt shorts,5. ship shopping 6.speak peach,7. skirt first 8. shirt girl,9. worker driver 10.bike kite,11. ride knife,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,选我,


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