The Crusades

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Crusades,By,Chen Shaofeng,1,Outline,What are The Crusades?,Background Knowledge,The Cause of The Crusades,The Process of The Crusades,The Consequence and the Effect,2,What are The Crusades?,History witnessed, from 1096 to 1291, nearly 200 years, eight aggressive religious wars in Palestine, the place called Holy Land, on the east coast of the Mediterranean. These series of wars, historically called The Crusades ( derived from “crux”, a Latin word meaning “cross”), were mainly launged by Christian countries in western Europe against Muslim countries on the east coast of the Mediterranean, for the Holy Land, once owned by Roman Catholic, now fell to the hands of Islams. Therefore, the wars were chiefly against these countries, aiming to take Jerusalem back again from Muslims. Roman Catholic called the wars religious wars, i.e. Christiananity against Islam, Cross against Meniscus. Every participant in the Crusade including knights, peasants, and merchants, all wore a Cross on the tunics as a symbol of obedience to God. So came The Crusade.,3,Background Knowledge,But, why The Crusades? Lets trace back through time and let history tell us what was going on in those times.,Originally, the case goes like this: Jerusalem was once the political and religious center of Jews and the capital of Hebrews in ancient times, so naturally it has been viewed as their Holy Land ever since by the Jews. But, according to Christianity, Palestine was the place where Jesus was born and died, and his tomb was just in Jerusalem. Muslims, however, claimed that on July 17th, 622, Mohammed rose to the Heaven riding a sacred horse in Jerusalem, and this day has become a festival. Thus, Jerusalem was as well the sacred place for Muslims.,4,The Cause of The Crusades,History gradually approached the 11th century. Productivity has made great progression in western Europe, with the economy developing fast, many villiages and towns growing into cities. For many feudal leaders, their original wealth, land and power now could not live up to their desires, so the bulk of them became desperately to expand the land and wealth, to increase their polical and economic power. But, out of their expectations, just at this time, another strong nation called the Turks who believed in Islams arose near the Mediterranean. This abrupt situation broke the normal order of life in this area and brought much trouble to the communication between the East and the West. To make things worse, the newly-born nation took hostile attitude on those non-Muslims, so the relationship between the two parties gradually went from bad to worse. In 1091, the Turks got ready to attack Constantinpole, the capital city of Byzantine, the worried king had no other choice but to ask for help from the Pope in Rome and Roman Empire. Thus came the Crusades.,5,The Pope of Roman Catholic,Pope Urban ,“在东方,穆斯林占领了我们基督教教徒的圣城(耶路撒冷),现在我代表上帝向你们下令、恳求和号召你们,迅速行动起来,把那邪恶的种族从我们兄弟的土地上消灭干净!”教皇还蛊惑人们“耶路撒冷是世界的中心,它的物产丰富无比,就像另一座天堂。在上帝的引导下,勇敢地踏上征途吧!” “勇敢非常的骑士们啊,你们的父辈曾经所向无敌,你们不应该有丝毫退化,而应牢记祖先的英勇;如果你们感到被子女,父母,妻子的爱所束缚,就请回忆天主在其福音中所言:爱父母过于爱我的不配做我的门徒。不要让任何对你的财产和家庭事务的牵挂羁绊住你们,因为你们居住的土地被限制在海洋和高山之内,令你们众多的人口拥挤不堪,因此请消除你们中间的一切怨恨,让战争平息,让你们尖锐的对立缓和。踏上前往圣墓之路吧,将这国度从可憎民族的手中夺取过来,并使它服从于你们的力量。”,6,The offer of a papal indulgence, or,forgiveness of all of a persons sins,encouraged many people to join the,crusade. Serfs were allowed to leave,the land they worked on to join the,crusade. Crusaders were also excused from paying taxes. People from all walks of life, and from several nations, joined for a variety of reasons. Some people joined because of religious enthusiasm. Some joined with the hope of gaining land, wealth, or power.soon, thousands of crusaders,had joined, each wearing the red cru-,saders cross and shouting the battle,cry, “God wills it!”,7,The Process of The Crusades,Time,Events,First Crusade,1096-1099,The Crusade took control of Jerusalem on July 15th, 1099, and after that, the city was thrown into the blood.,Second Crusade,1147-1149,The cause of this Crusade was that the Turks seized Edessa in 1144, but this Crusade failed to realize their goals.,Third Crusade,1189-1192,In 1187, Saladin, a hero of Muslim, took Jerusalem back again and because of their contradiction, the Crusade also failed.,Fourth Crusade,1202-1204,The Crusade failed again.,Chilrens Crusade,1212,Cheated by the Pope and feudal leaders, 30 thousand children formed a Crusade. However, most of them were sold to others. The rest were either drowned in the sea or died of hunger or disease.,Fifth Crusade,1218-1221,The Crusade failed too.,Sixth Crusade,1228-1229,This Crusade made Jerusalem come back again to the hands of Christians, but soon it was taken back again by Muslims.,Seventh Crusade,1248-1254,Failed to reach their goals.,Eighth Crusade,1270,8,The leaders of the First Crusade,9,The Tragedy of Palestine,十字军所谓要夺回的圣地耶路撒冷,遭到空前的血洗。,单在一所寺院里,就有约1万名避难者惨遭屠戮。十字,军一个头目写给教皇的信里说,他骑马走过尸体狼藉的,地方,血染马腿到膝。寺院、宫殿和民间的金银财物被,抢劫一空,许许多多的古代艺术珍品被毁。这场屠杀以,后,十字军到“圣墓”前去举行宗教仪式,随后又投入了,新的烧杀虏掠。耶路撒冷史记载说,十字军占领该,城后,对穆斯林不分男女老幼实行了惨绝人寰的3天大,屠杀。“勇士们”为了掠取黄金,剖开死人的肚皮到肠胃,里去找。后来,因死人太多,干脆把死人堆架起来烧成,灰烬,再在尸灰里扒寻黄金。十字军攻占君士坦丁堡时,,对该城烧杀抢掠一星期,将金银财宝、丝绸衣物和艺术,珍品抢劫一空,使这座繁荣富庶的文明古城变成了尸山,火海的废墟。为了分赃方便,就把金属雕塑熔铸成块件。,法国编年史家维拉杜安写道“自世界创始以来,攻陷,城市所获的战利品从未有如此之多。”十字军这种强盗,行径,充分暴露了其宗教的欺骗性和虚假性。,10,The Hero, Saladin,Saladin,Saladin on a horse,11,Childrens Crusade,1212年,在教皇和封建主的哄骗下,三万名儿童组成了一支十字军(Childrens Crusade,也称童子军),历史称之为儿童十字军。儿童十字军在法国马赛启程渡海,准备完成大人们未竟的事业。最终,这些孩子不是在风暴中葬身大海,就是被船主给贩卖到埃及。在德国,儿童也是受骗参军。大部份儿童因饥饿和疾病死在途中,其他则流浪乞讨。最不幸的几千个儿童被拐卖。,12,The Consequence and the Effect,Generally speaking, the Crusades turned out to be a failure, a compelete failure, while its effect was tremendous and worldwide, particularly to the western world. Roughly, its effect can be sumed up into the following fourfolds:,First, the Crusades opened the “door” for commerce with the East, accelerating the development of European commerce and economy and providing a good soil for the born of Capitalism.,Second, the Crusades stimulated the development of western military affairs and technology, which is good for the progression of seafaring,making possibility for the discovery of the New Continent.,Last but not least, the Crusades facilitated indirectly the emergence of Renaissance. After the Europeans took control of the East, they surprisedly found a lot of remains of old Greek culture which had been disappeared but still existed in these areas. They took them to Europe and ultimately led to the emergence of Renainssance.,13,The Consequence and the Effect,Compared with its positive effect, the nagetive effect should not be ignored either. Over centuries, this religious dispute in this area still remains to be well resolved. The tragedy of wars is still on, taking away a lot of peoples lives, resources and wealth; moreover, the originally complexed contradictions are made become more intensified by the fact that some western powerful nations also put their hands in these religious affairs, and the problem now becomes more and more troublesome.,14,Thank you!,15,


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