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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,W,elcome to a presentationon Six Sigma,TM,2002,年1月12日,What are your Expectations,?,I would like to capture your expectations for the day?,Agenda,Introduction & overview,D,emystifying Six Sigma,C,reating the Six Sigma Culture,M,anaging the six sigma culture,T,otal cycle Time Reduction,S,uccess Examples Around the world,H,ow to Implement Six Sigma in your business,Q & A,Closing comments,Alliance Partnerships,MASET, LLC.,and,M,otorola,Maset,areas of expertise,Quality(Six Sigma),Cycle time eduction,Leadership,Cultural change,Project Management,Supply chain Management,Facilitation,Training,Demystifying Six Sigma,What does Six Sigma mean to you,?,Many different definitions exist.I will try to address three this morning,Six sigma as a statistical term,Normal Distribution,Mean,Standard deviation,mean,68.27 %,15.865%,15.865%,Six sigam as a statistical term,Values of a standard deviation,one sigma,= 68.27 %317,311,ppm,two sigma,=95.45 %45,500,ppm,three sigma,=99.73 %27,000,ppm,six sigma,=99.999999 % 1.96,ppb,Six sigma as a quality term,Invented by motorola in the mid 80s,Service marked and registered by Motorola,A,ccepted by all countries,A,ccepted by all organization,-1.5,Mean,+1.5,Virtually no defects,(3.4,ppm),Lower,Specifacation,l,imit,upper,Specifacation,l,imit,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6,Allow s for variation in measurement,1.5,Sigma shift,+,-,Virtually no defects,(3.4,ppm),Six sigma as a quality term,Six Sigma,=,3.4,ppm,defective,Six sigma is a way to change an organizations culture,Provides a means of delivering,Total customer satisfaction,Focuses everyone in the organization on the same objective,Definition of defect,Anything,that,dissatisfies,your,Customer,Defect are good,!,“,Associates need to feel comfortable in identifying and reporting defects.,”,The effects of defects,E,very occurrence of a defect within the process requires time to inspect,fix,and re-inspect.,Average cycle time is directly proportional to the total number of defects in the process.,Welcome toMotorolasQuality Story,Culture,Culture guides the enterprises Day-To-Day behavior,The nature of culture,C,ulture provides its members with guidelines for dealing with just about everything,M,uch of every culture is cvert and implicit largely submerged like an iceberg,Cultures are constantly changing and evolving.,When culture and strategy clash,invariably culture wins out.,I,f the organizational culture does not embrac initiatives related to change,overall change efforts will fail,There is no such thing as “Were different”,WERE,D,IFFERENT,Functions in a typical organization,Accounting,Advertising,Distribution,Energy management,Environmental affairs,External affairs,Facilities,Finance,Health & safety,Human resources,legal,Manufacturing,Marketing,Profuct/service development,Payroll,Purchasing,Sales,Scheduling,Training,Transportation,Travel,The evolution of motorolas quality culuture,1979“,Our quality stinks,”,1980,corporate quality officer named,1981,motorola training & education center(Mtec),established,communications sector begins total defects per unit measurement(TDU),-,july manufactured products,-,november sales orders,chairman changes agenda of customer visits,created “the card”,Evolution continues,!,Corporation adipts six sigma,2,year,- 10,x,; 4,y,ear,- 100,x,uality improvement,Six sigma by 1992 goal is set,1988,Malcolm baldrige nation quality award,Mapped ISO 9001 into quality system review,(,QSR),199210,x redustion in defect eveery 2 yearscustomer satisfaction metrics 10x times,i,mprovement in cycle time in 5 years,Changed measurement base to parts per billion,1994,Enterprise ISO registtation launched,1998,Corporate renewal,1999,Rules of Engagement,balanced score card,Performance Excellence,Personal Commitment,Evolution continues,!,How many objectives are there in your organization?,Key beliefs,h,ow we will always act,Constant respect for people,Uncompromising integrity,KEY GOALS,what we must accomplish,Best in class,People,Markting,Technology,Products:softwarehardware and,systems,M,anufaction,S,ervice,I,ncreased global market share,S,uperior finacical results,KEY INITATIVES,h,ow we will do it,Six sigma quality,t,otal cycle time reduction,p,roduct manufaction and,environmental leadership,P,rfit improvement,E,mpowerment for all in a participative,Cooperative and creatice workplace,Our fundamental objective,(,Everyones overriding responsibility,),Total customer satifaction,Our fundamental objective,Total customer satisfaction,Key beilfes,How we will always act,Key goals,What we must accomplish,Key initiatives,How we will do it,Everyones overriding responsibility,KEY INITATIVES,h,ow we will do it,Six sigma quality,t,otal cycle time reduction,p,roduct manufaction and environmental leadership,P,rfit improvement,E,mpowerment for all in a participative Cooperative and creatice workplace,Consistent focus,C,ard created & adopted 1986,F,ive minor changes in1992,No significant changes during five different chairman,Bob Galvin,George Fisher,Bill Wiese,Gary Tooker,Chris Galvin,Creating and managing the Six Sigma quality culture,Sis sigma quality,One of the two key drivers of,increased,Total customer satisfation,and,reduced cost,Product/Service is delivered when promised,Every occurrence of a defect within the process requires time to inspect,fix,and re-inspect,Average cycle time is directly proportional to the total number of defects in the process.,Product/service is delivered with no defects,No test/inspection is 100% effective in finding defects.,Delovered defects escape test/inspection within the process.,Delivered defects are directly proportional to the total number of defects in the entire process,Six sigma quality impoves customer satisfaction,Reducing the total defects in the enire process reduces,:,D,elivery delinquencies,;,D,elivery defects,;,Early life failure rate;and therefore,Increases customer satisfaction,and,Decreases warranty cost!,Process cost and defects,Reducing the total defects in the entire process,:,R,educes the cycle time per unit ,Reducing WIP(Work in process),R,educing inventory carrying costs,Resuces defect inspection,analysis,and repair cost;therefore,Decreases “Manufacturing” cost,Cost/Quality,Six sigma has shown that,The highest,quality,producer is,The lowest,Cost,producer,TDU,is the best measure of the over all quality of the process,TDU is the independent variable,Process yields are dependent upon TDU,The common metric: Total defects per unit(TDU),Defining a unit,A “unit” may be as diverse as a,:,Piece of equipment,Line of software,Order,Technical manual,Medical claim,Wire transfer,Hour of labor,Customer contact,Anything that is measurable & understandable by the person who is trying to reduce defects,Sigma,a figure of merit,TDUcould be expected to be proportional to the complexity of the unit,Complexity is directly proporttional to the number of opportunities to creat a defect,To normalize processes of different complexity, we use:,Total defects,Opportunities,F,rom which we can calculate sigma,DPMO =,x 1,000,000,Improvement,7,Sigma(,+,1.5,sigma shift),1,10,100,1,K,10,K,100,K,2,3,4,5,6,(66810,ppm),(6210,ppm),(233,ppm),(3.4,ppm),30,x Improvement,10,x Improvement,70,x Improvement,6,5,3,4,Defects per Million opportunities,Benchmarking,1,10,100,1,K,10,K,100,K,2,3,4,5,6,7,Best in class,internal,+,external,Repair costs, 10%,Average company, 1%,Defects per Million opportunities,Sigma(,+,1.5,sigma shift),1,10,100,1,K,10,K,100,K,2,3,4,5,6,7,Restauant bills,D,octor prescription writing,Payroll processing,Order write-up,Journal vouchers,Wire transfer,Airline baggage handing,Purchased material lot reject rate,B,enchmarking,Best in class,Average company,Sigma(,+,1.5,sigma shift),Defects per Million opportunities,Process quality levels may vary widely within a company,(0.25,PPM),1,10,100,1,K,10,K,100,K,2,3,4,5,6,7,Airline baggage handling,Domestic airline flight fatality raate,Best in class,Average company,Sigma(,+,1.5,sigma shift),Defects per Million opportunities,Implementation of the six sigma culture,Total sustomer,satisfaction,Six steps to six sigma & design for manufacturability,Cycle time reduction,M,otorolas black belt,Problem-solving,tools,n,驅動力來自評量指標以及合理,且具挑戰性的目標,The six-steps design process,Manufactued product,Identify physical and functional requirements of customer,Determine characteristics of product critical to each,Determine for each characteristic,whether controlled by part,process,or both,Determine maximum range of each characteristics,If CP 99.7%,of in proces defects,(5.60,),COPQ,(cost of poor quality,),-,reduced, 84%,o,n a per unit basis,Manufacturing cost saving,-,cumulative saving over $18.0 billion,Product reliability,-,MTBF . . . increased,5-10,f,old,Financial,Sales up,2.9,x,,$37.6,billion,-,anaverage compounded growth rate of 13.2% per year,Employee productivity,-,increased 408%,Motorola University,years,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,0,50,100,150,200,250,97,98,99,300,00,Sales per employee,(,thousands,),sales,Question & answers,


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