red tide 英语介绍赤潮

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,red tide,1,WHAT IS RED TIDE?,“red tide” is a term often used to describe HABs,in marine coastal areas, as the dinoflagellate species,involved in HABs are often red or brown, and tint the,sea water to a reddish color. The more correct and,preferred term in use is harmful algal bloom.,dinoflagellate n. 动腰鞭毛虫(属于腰鞭毛目的原生动物,一种海生单细胞生物),algal adj.藻类的,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Distribution range,1.Nowadays, red tide has been a,worldwide public hazard.,2.Countries:,the United States . Japan.,China. Canada. France. India. Indonesia.,South Korea. and so on,.,9,10,11,Red Tide In China,12,13,14,15,16,The Damage of,Red Tide,1.Due to variation of the sea,waters,became the dead sea.,2.Make the fish death because of lacking,air.,3.Release a lot of harmful gases and,toxins, serious pollution of the marine,environment.,17,18,19,1.Control the pollution into the sea.,2.Establishment of marine environmental,monitoring.,3.Scientific and reasonable exploitation of marine,resources.,4.Do well in education in red tide.,1.Control the pollution into the sea.,2.Establishment of marine environmental,monitoring.,3.Scientific and reasonable exploitation of marine,resources.,4.Do well in education in red tide.,The Protection of Red Tide,20,Thank you for your time!,21,


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