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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Subjective Mood (2),虚拟语气在名词性从句中的运用,坚决要求,:,insist,that,命令,:,command,/,order,that,要求,:,require,/,demand,/,ask,/,request,that,建议,:,suggest,/,propose,/,advise,/,recommend,/,move,that,=,sb (should) do sth should,可省略,一,:,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,2.,insist,表“坚决要求”时,用,(should) + do,insist,表“坚称,坚持说”时,用陈述语气,表示事实,suggest,表示“建议”时,用,(should) + do,suggest,表示“表明、暗示”时,用陈述语气。,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,例,1),老师建议我们课后把黑板擦了。,The teacher,suggested,that _.,2),他坚持要我们大家想尽办法按时去那儿。,He,insisted,that _,他坚称他的儿子是无辜的。,(innocent),3) He,insisted,that _.,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,we,(should),clean the blackboard after class.,all of us,(should),be there on time by all means.,his son,was,innocent,2,wish,引导的宾语从句:,与现在事实相反:,wish that,sb,did,sth,wish that sb,were,2),与过去事实相反:,wish that,sb,had done,sth,3),与将来事实相反:,wish that,sb,would / could / might do,sth,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,例,1.,我希望她会站在我这一边。,I wish she _.,2.,我,希望我,年轻十岁。,I wish,_,.,3.,他,希望昨天,Charlie,没有吃太多的药,。,He wished,_.,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,would,be on my side,I were ten years younger,Charlie hadnt taken too much medicine yesterday.,3.,在,would rather(,宁愿,),引导的宾语从句中,从句表与过去或将来相反,:,would rather sb,did,sth,would rather sb,were,从句表与过去相反,:,would rather,sb,had done,sth,我宁可他明天来。,I would rather_.,我宁可他(当时)没那样做。,I would rather _.,虚拟语气在宾语从句中,he came tomorrow,he hadnt done that,It is important / vital that,It is necessary / essential that,sb (should) do sth,例,我们有必要现在出去散散步。,Its _.,2.,重要的是我们要照顾好病人。,Its important that _.,二,.,虚拟语气在主语从句中,necessary that we (should) go for a walk now.,we (should) take good care of the patient,Ones,suggestion,/,advice,/,proposal,is that,Ones,command,/,order,is that,Ones,request,/,requirement,/,demand,is that ,=,=,sb (should) do sth,我们的建议是你应准时到达那里。,Our,suggestion,is that,you (should) be there on time,.,三,.,虚拟语气在表语从句中,学生应该学一些实用性的东西这个建议是值得考虑的。,(suggestion),The,suggestion,that _,你们知道你们要严密看守犯人的命令吗,?,Do you know the,order,that _,四,.,虚拟语气在同位语从句中,students (should) learn something practical is worth considering,you (should) keep a close watch on the prisoners?,与现在相反,:,as if sb,did sth /,as if sb,were,与将来相反,:,as if sb,would / could / might do,与过去相反,:,as if sb,had done sth,She looked after the boy,as if,he,were,her own son.,她照顾这男孩就像自己的儿子一样。,He speaks to us,as if,he had been there.,他给我们讲的好象他去过那儿。,五,.,虚拟语气在,as if,从句中,If only,要是,.,就好了,If only sb,did sth,/ sb,were,If only sb,would do,sth,If only sb,had done,sth,例,:,要是他有点幽默感就好了。,If only he,had,a sense of humor.,要是他们没犯那个愚蠢的错误就好了。,If only they,hadnt made,the stupid mistake.,六,.,虚拟语气中的几个特例,2. Its (high) time that,sb did sth,你该离开这里了。,Its time that you left here.,但,:,It is time for sb to do sth,It is time for you to leave here.,1. If only I _ to my parents! (But I didnt.),A. listened B. had listened,C. should listen D. would listen,2. Tom suggested that Ann _ the house.,A. sell B. sold,C. shall sell D. would sell,3. I wish this bus _ to the university.,A. go B. went,C. has gone D. had gone,4. Simon looks as though he never _ a square meal(,吃得饱,), though his parents feed him very well.,A. get B. getting,C. got D. should get,5. He is talking so much about America as if he _ there.,A. had been B. were C. was D. been,6. Have you ever been to Beijing?,- No, but I wish I _.,A. have B. will C. do D. had,7. I dont think it is high time that you _.,A. will go B. went C. go D. must go,8. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it,. A. breaks B. has broken,C. were broken D. had been broken,Homework:,1.,走进,: P 35- 36,虚拟语气专项练习,2.,翻译后,5,句,


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