六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Grammar time )译林版(三起)

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六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Grammar time )译林版(三起)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 1 T,he kings new clothes,Grammar time,at school / in the school,in the,shoe / flower / clothes,shop,on Moon / Park Street,In Sunshine / Town,Lets talk!,Last lesson, what lessons did we learn?,T,he kings new clothes,W,hat did we learn from this story?,T,he kings new clothes,Be honest rather clever.,诚实比聪明更要紧。,T,he kings new clothes,Try to retell the story,(试,着复述,故事),Mini,Theatre,迷你剧院,Long long ago, ,was,like,d,One day, .,visit,ed,was ,show,ed,walk,ed,point,ed,were,look,ed,shout,ed,Choose the phrases to fill in the blanks.,选择短语填空,。,liked the new clothes,showed,Clever,people,Foolish,people,looked and,shout,ed,point,ed and,laugh,ed,The king _ .,Two men visited the king. They _ the king his new clothes. “_ can see them. _ cant see them.”,The king walked through the city.,People _, “ what beautiful clothes!”,A little boy _, “The king isnt wearing any clothes.”,A little boy point,ed,at the king and laugh,ed,.,The king like,d,the new clothes .,Two men visit,ed,the king.,They show,ed,the king his new clothes.,The king walk,ed,through the city.,People look,ed,at the king and shout,ed,.,一般过去时:,表示,过去,发生的事或存在的状态,动词要用,过去式,。,V(,动词,) +,ed,动词过去式:,Read and think:,( read your book P.9),Can you find more ?,你,能找到更多的过去式么,?,Long long ago, there,was,a king.,The king,was,happy.,There,were,a lot of people in the street.,A little boy point,ed,at the king and laugh,ed,.,The king lik,ed,the new clothes .,Two men visit,ed,the king.,They show,ed,the king his new clothes.,The king walk,ed,through the city.,V(,动词,) +,ed,一般过去时,:,表示,过去,发生的事或存在的状态,动词要用,过去式,。,动词过去式:,(规则变化),is,am,was,are,were,Be,动词的过去式:,People look,ed,at the king and shout,ed,.,V(,动词,) +,ed,一般过去时,:表示,过去,发生的事或存在的状态,动词,要用,过去式,。,动词过去式:,(规则变化),:,are,were,was,is,am,(不规则变化),do,did,动词过去式规则变化,show,ed,visit,ed,point,ed,shout,ed,like,d, move,d, live,d,studystud,ied,copy-cop,ied,cry-cr,ied,一般在动词尾加,ed,以不发音,e,结尾的动词加,d,以辅音字母,+y,结尾的动词,变,y,为,i,加,ed,以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,,双写,词尾辅音字母,再,加,ed,stop -,stop,p,ed,一般过去时:,规则的动词过去式读音,以浊辅音或元音结尾加,ed,读,d,show,ed,play,ed,listen,ed,climb,ed,clean,ed,以清辅音结尾,加,ed,读,t,dance,d,walk,ed,wash,ed,jump,ed,like,d,watch,ed,以,td,结尾,加,ed,读,id,visit,ed,point,ed,shout,ed,Read and check,!,Today I,went,to school.,I work,ed,very hard today.,I stud,ied,and play,ed,and learn,ed,a lot.,When is the holiday?,Today I,went,to school.,I,sang,and dance,d,and,ate,.,I stud,ied,and play,ed,and learn,ed,a lot.,Tomorrow I will not be late .,Lets chant,Make my story,写一写,我,的故事,Today I,walked,to school.,I work,ed,very hard today.,I work,ed,and work,ed,and work,ed,a lot.,When is the New Years Day?,Today I,ran,to school.,I,was,late for school.,I work,ed,and work,ed,and work,ed,a lot.,Tomorrow I will not be late .,Make your story,写一写你的故事,Today I,_,to,school.,I,_,very hard today.,I,_,and,_,and,_,a,lot.,When is the,_,?,Today I,_,to,school.,I,_,and,_,and,_,.,I,_,and,_,and,_,a,lot.,Tomorrow I will,be great!,went,work,ed,stud,ied,play,ed,learn,ed,sang,dance,d,ate,Homework:,完成你的故事,并大声读给父母和好朋友们听一听。,完成基础和提优练习。,(基础题和提优题),1. He _ (live) in Nanjing two years ago.2. The little boy _ (shout) at home last night.3. We _ (be) in America last Halloween.4. Nancy_ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.5. There _ (be) some bread on the table just now.6. They _ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.7. My mother _ (cook) a nice food last Chinese New Year.,8. The girls _(dance) at the party.,lived,shouted,were,picked,was,played,cooked,danced,Read and write!,Part 1 (基础题),Be h,o,nest,Long long ago there _(be) a king. He was not an artist,(画家),and didnt draw well , but he _(like)drawing. He drew from morning to evening every day, but there was a very bad picture on every piece of paper. Yet the king thought (think,的过去式,) that his pictures _(be) good . He _(show)them to the people . The people were afraid(,害怕,) of the king ,so they said his pictures _(be) very beautiful. The king _(be) very happy. One day, the king _(show) some pictures to an artist(,画家,),。,The artist _(look)at the pictures for some time and said they _(be) very bad . The king became very angry(,生气,), he put the artist in prison,(监狱),. Two weeks later, on his birthday the king _(call)the artist again. The king showed the artist some of his pictures and _(ask)him which one was good. The artist looked at them for some time, then he_(turn) to the soldier,(士兵),and said, “Take me back to the prison right now !”,?,was,liked,was,showed,was,was,showed,looked,was,called,asked,turned,Part,2,(基础题),Find mistakes!,1,How is Jane yesterday?,2,He go to school by bus last week.,3,He often goes home at 6:00 last month.,4,I can fly kites seven years ago.,5,Did you saw him just now.,6,Tom wasn,t watch TV last night.,7,I didn,t my homework yesterday.,8,He wait for you three hours ago.,9,Who find it just now ?,10.What make him cry (,哭,) just now?,Part,3,(提优题),


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