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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,施工安全培训,ConstructionSafety Training,安全培训的目的:,Toolbox Talks ,The Objectives,:,增强员工安全生产意识,Remind workers of specific job related safety,提醒施工中的危险隐患,Reaffirm the safety hazards related to the job,提醒员工采取预防措施以将工伤事故降低到最少程度,Remind them of the precautions they should take to minimize the hazard(s),事故的原因 (管理方面),Causes of Accidents,(,Management,),管理不当,Lack of proper supervision,工作场所安全环境维持力度不够,Bad Housekeeping,事故的原因 (管理方面),Causes of Accidents,(,Management,),施工操作方法缺乏规范化,Lack of proper Method Statement,缺乏安全培训,Lack of all types of safety training,事故的原因 (管理方面),Causes of Accidents,(,Management,),赶工,Working at speeds to get the job done,没有安全和足够的工作脚手架,Lack of adequate working platforms,事故的原因 (操作工人方面),Causes of Accidents,(,Workers,),缺乏知识和技巧,Lack of knowledge or skill,图便利走捷径,Taking short cuts,懒散,Simple laziness,自以为是,The “Macho” image,赶工时,Piece work time is of the essence,事故预防原则,Principles of,Accident Prevention,安全培训、安全信息与安全教育是关键,Safety training, information and education are essential,分发正确和足够的劳防用品并确保正确使用,Issue correct P.P.E. and ensure it is properly worn and used,所以的“幸免”事故都应该报告、调查并采取预防措施,Al,l,“near misses” should be reported, investigated and remedial actions instigated,持续的安全培训是关键,Continuation training is essential,事故预防原则,Principles of,Accident Prevention,管理层必需对安全负责并以正确的态度,Management must know their commitment,and adopt the “right” attitude towards safety,所有的事故必需调查并找到根本原因,All accidents must be properly investigated and the “true” cause of the accident established,实行安全风险评估并告诉工人预防措施,Risk Assessments should be carried out and preventative and precautionary recommendations passed on to the workers,事故预防原则,Principles of,Accidents Prevention,日常施工中不断监督工人、员工,The workforce must be properly and constantly supervised,评定整个工程的安全培训计划,Assess all training needs throughout the project,管理层必需事先计划工地布置和工序安排,Management must plan well in advance the site layout and the logical sequence of works,安全监理员在任用前需得到充分的培训,Safety Supervisors must have some form of safety training before appointed,安全防范措施总结,Summary of Accident Prevention Control,操作工人,Worker,机器设备与工具,Equipment or,Machine,环境和工地,Environment &,Site,工伤事故的代价,Costs of Accidents,受伤工人本身,The Injured Worker,工人家属,The Families,雇主,The Employer,社会,Society,事故与危险事件报告程序,Accident & Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedures,人员姓名,The name of the person,受伤性质,The nature of the injury,事故时间和地点,The time and place of the accident,事故情况简述,A brief explanation of the circumstances of the accident,死亡或严重受伤必需在,24,小时内报告,Death or serious injury must be reported within 24 hours,事故与危险事件报告程序,Accident & Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedures,必需在,7,天内提交书面报告,A written report must be submitted within 7 days,小事故必需在,3,天内书面报告,Minor accidents for incapacity for less than 3 days must be reported,危险事件必需在,24,小时内书面报告 不限于有人受伤的事故,Dangerous occurrences must be reported within 24 hours, in writing injury is not a necessary criteria,所有死亡工伤事故必需报告警方,All fatal accidents must also be reported to the Police,急救措施,First Aid,建筑工地安全条款中,有详細列出,急救箱中须常备必需的急救用品,These regulations gives details of the minimum contents of First Aid Boxes,建筑工地安全条款中,有详細列出,规定的急救,用品,The Constructions Sites (Safety) Regulations cover the requirements for First Aid Facilities,紧急事件程序,Emergency Procedures,如何与安全部门联系,How to contact the Safety Department,如何叫救护车、劳动部门、消防局和警察,The policy on how to call the Ambulance, the Labor Department, the Fire Services and the Police,灭火设备放置地点和使用方法,The location of fire fighting equipment and how to use it,任何人第一次进入工地应被告知:,Anyone coming onto a construction site,for the first time should be told:,紧急事件程序,Emergency Procedures,安全出入口和集散地点,Assembly, Access and egress points,大风时高,空,作业须停工的标准,The criteria for stopping work at heights during high winds,建造安全的工地,Setting up a Safe Site,1.,正确的工地布置事关重要,Proper planning of site layout is very important,2.,检查工地周围的限制条件,如道路、铁路、飞机路径、水流区域、高架和地下设施等等,Check what restraints are around the site, i.e. roads, railways, flight paths, water areas, overhead and underground services, etc.,3.,检查环境问题,如灰尘、噪音和烟雾等,Check for environmental problem such as dust, noise, fumes,建立安全的工地,Setting up a Safe Site,4.,建立工地内交通控制体系,可能的话设立单,向,道交通系统,Consider traffic control and a one way system if possible,临时的供电系统和电缆铺设要适当,Consider temporary power supply and how best to lay cables,避免双向通行,Avoid head-on traffic,安全的工作环境,Safe Working Environment,核实是否需要审办噪音许可证,Check whether there is a need for a Noise Permit,是否需要审办开挖许可证,Will you need an excavation permit ?,是否需要审办临时外墙脚手架搭建许可证,What are the requirements of your hoarding permit?,确保工地内有足够的通信设备,如电话、无线电对讲机等,Ensure there is an adequate communication system, i.e. telephones, radio etc.,尘埃控制程序,如清洗车轮等,What “dust” control procedures i.e. wheel wash etc.,确保工作场所良好的通风和照明,Ensure good lighting, ventilation etc,.,物品管理,Good Housekeeping,储藏物品须小心安排,Look carefully at storage arrangements,将碎石、施工下料、垃圾等控制到最低限度,Keep rubble, debris and rubbish to a minimum,检查危险物品的管理和储藏,Check the management, storage of the Dangerous Substances,防火,Fire Precautions and Fire Prevention,火灾的三要素,Triangle of Fire,燃料,Fuel,热,Heat,空气(氧气),Air (Oxygen),超载用电,Overloading the Power supply,线路、插头、插座的绝缘性差,Poor insulation of connections, plugs, sockets, etc,连接,有误,Faulty connections,火灾的常见原因,Common Causes of Fire Accidents,火灾的常见原因,Common Causes of Fire Accidents,裸露的电线,Bare wires,没有接地,No earthing,电线浸在水中,Cables lying in water,损坏的电线与金属件接触,Damaged cables coming into contact with metal,插头和多项转换插座使用不当,Improper use of plugs and multiadaptors,防护措施常识,Some Preventative Measures,控制废物的燃烧,Control burning of waste materials,不要用易燃液体点火,Never light a fire using flammable liquids,烟头灭了再丢,Extinguished cigarettes before discarding,控制点焊、电割的火花,Control the sparks from welding or cutting,检查加热、制冷设备的正常工作状态,Check heating or cooling appliances for serviceability,气罐、气瓶必需正确的放置,Storage of gas cylinders must be properly supervised,防护措施常识,Some Preventative Measures,气瓶放置不正确,Improper storage of gas cylinders,防护措施常识,Some Preventative Measures,气瓶正确的放置,Proper storage of gas cylinders,防护措施常识,Some Preventative Measures,油漆罐不正确的放置,Improper storage/placement of paint,预防电器火灾,Prevent Electrical Fires,许多电器火灾是误用电器引起的,Most electrical fires are caused by misuse of appliances or neglect,不提倡使用多用途插线板,Use of,multi,socket adaptors,should be actively discouraged,“,一个插座拖一个用电器”的原则,Follow the simple rule ,one socket to one appliance,插头、电器等须正确接地,Lack of proper earthing to plugs, appliances, etc.,电器火灾的扑灭,Actions for Electrical Fires,切断电源,Switch off electrical supply,若电源未切断,人员须保持在,1,米以外距离,DO NOT get closer than 1 meter from fire if electricity has not been,switched off,使用二氧化碳灭火器,Use CO2 Extinguisher,绝不要用水灭火,NEVER use water,用电安全,Dangers of Working with Electricity,电击,哪怕小电击也会致命,Electrical shock, even small shocks can kill,电弧、火花引起的燃烧,Burns caused by arcing, sparks etc,火灾和爆炸,Fire and explosion,电焊引起的眼疾,Arc eye from welding operations,所有的电线、用电设备等都应由专业人员安装并定期检查,All wiring, equipment and accessories shall be installed and regularly checked by licensed personnel,手携电器设备的安全使用,Safe Use of ElectricalPortable Equipment,接地检查,Check earthing,检查工具的保护套是否受损,Check casing of tool for damage,足够长的电源拖线,Ensure cables are long enough,检查电线、插头、保险丝安全额定值,Check cables, plugs, fuses etc for correct rating,手携电器设备的安全使用,Safe Use of Electrical,Portable Equipment,电线须离地并远离金属物件,Keep power cables off the floor and away from other metal,不得使用照明插座来驱动电动工具,NEVER connect portable tools to light sockets,电器不用时不要连接插座,Disconnect tools when not in use,由专业人员检查设备,Get your tools checked by a Competent Electrician,开挖过程中的施工安全,Safety in Excavation,开挖泥土处理,Displacement of Earth,人员跌入开挖坑穴中,Fall of persons into excavations,物件沿着开挖壁滑入坑穴中,Falling objects from sides of excavations,地下公用管线,Underground utilities,毒气或易燃气体的聚积,Build up of toxic or flammable gases,地下水、雨水,沖積,泥浆,Ingress of mud by underground water, rain, etc.,预防措施,Preventative Measures,正确的支撑预防开挖面的倒塌,Proper shoring to prevent collapse of walls,紧急出口梯子,Ladders for emergency escape,开挖坑边缘,2,米内不得行驶重型车辆,No heavy vehicles, materials within 2 meters of edge,结实的栅栏,充足的灯光与明确的指示牌等,Substantial fencing, lighting, signs etc,开挖工作要由专业人员监控,Excavation works supervised by Competent Person,6.,开挖人员应被告知操作中的危险,Excavation workers instructed in the dangers of working in excavations,7.,必需要有排水与降水设备,Dewatering equipment must be available,8.,开挖之前,应该定位所有地下公用管道位置,Before excavations start, all underground utilities should be identified,用油布来防止边坡坍塌,Tarps are used to prevent from landslide,常见受伤种类,Common Types of Injury,疝气 (用力过猛造成),Hernia,背、臂、腿肌肉拉伤,Torn muscles in back, arms or legs,椎间盘凸出或坐骨神经痛,Slipped disc or Sciatica,身体各部位挫伤,Lacerations, contusions, crushing to all parts of the body,拉伤、扭伤,Sprains and Strains,培养正确的安全操作程序,Procedures to be Taught, Supervised and Adopted,1.,戴手套,Gloves should be worn,2.,穿安全鞋、靴,Wearing of safety shoes/boots,3.,充分估计荷重,Assess the load for weight,4.,检查并清除搬运路线上的障碍物,Check route is clear of trip hazards,培养正确的安全操作程序,Procedures to be Taught, Supervised and Adopted,避免同时提升和移动的物件,Avoid twisting and carrying simultaneously,最好是推而不是拖物件,It is better to push than pull,合理安排机械升降设备位置与使用程度,Arrange,mechanical means of lifting,脚手架、工作平台与梯子的使用安全,Scaffolds, Working Platforms & Ladders,高空作业是高危险工作,许多事故都是因脚手架问题而发生,Working at Heights has many inherent hazards and many accidents happen as a result of bad scaffold management,通常的危险,Common Hazards,由于脚手架倒塌导致人员坠落,Fall of person due to collapse of scaffolding,人员从脚手架、梯子、工作平台上跌落,Fall of person from scaffolding, ladder or working platform,物品从脚手架上跌落,Fall of objects from above,whilst,working on scaffolding,脚手架的安全使用,Safe use of Scaffolds,15,米以上的脚手架必需由专业的工程师设计,Over 15 meters high must be designed by a qualified Engineer,由专业人员进行日常检查,Routine inspections to be carried out by a Competent Person,经历恶劣天气后,必需由专业人员检查,After adverse weather conditions must be inspected by Competent Person,脚手架必需有工作平台,Scaffolds must have working platforms,必需有安全通道上脚手架,Safe access onto scaffold must,be provided,若无法设立工作平台,必需提供单独的安全设防线和防护网,Independent life lines and fall arrestors must be,provided,if working platforms cannot be properly erected,脚手架的安全使用,Safe use of Scaffolds,脚手架的安全使用,Safe use of Scaffolds,图中有何不对?,Whats wrong with this photo?,应该采用的是有工作平台、有挡板、有扶手的双层脚手架,It should be a doubled scaffolding with working platforms, toeboards and railing,脚手架的支撑点为沟两边的不稳定的基础,Support of the scaffolding resting on unstable edge of a trench,图中有何不对?,Whats wrong with this photo?,脚手架的安全使用,Safe use of Scaffolds,工作平台搭建要求,Working Platforms Specifications,工作平台至少要有,40,厘米宽,Boards for working on must be at least 400mm wide,安全扶手、护栏高,90,150,厘米,中间高度,45,60,厘米处须加固一根,Guardrails between 900 1500mm in height with an intermediate one at between 450 600mm,踢脚挡板至少,20,厘米高,Toeboards at least 200mm high,工作平台搭建要求,Working Platforms Specifications,没有安全扶手、护栏,Guard rails and intermediate rails are missing,安全网太薄,强度不够,Orange mesh acts as a soft screen only,图中有何不对?,Whats wrong with this photo?,工作平台搭建要求,Working Platforms Specifications,高空作业没有系安全带,Working at height without safety belts,脚手架上没有工作平台,Lack of working platform at scaffolding,图中有何不对?,Whats wrong with this photo?,安全使用梯子,Safe use of,L,adders,按安全操作规程,梯子必需正确安装、维护与定期检查,There is legal requirement for ladders to be properly constructed and maintained and should be inspected regularly for incidents of disrepair,禁止使用自制的长凳和泥水匠工作平台,Many home made” stools and plasterers inadequate working platforms should be banned from sites,安全使用梯子,Safe use of,L,adders,上下楼梯时双手扶住扶手,Use both hands when climbing or descending a ladder,制定搬工具、物品上下楼梯的方法,Arrange ways of carrying tools and materials up and down a ladder,人员上下楼梯时须面对梯子,Face the ladder when ascending or descending,注意四周,如过往车辆、人员等,Be weary of your surroundings, i.e. traffic,安全使用梯子,Safe use of,L,adders,不要在电线、电缆附近放置金属梯子,Do not place metal ladders near electrical wires and/or cables,梯子搁置角度起码要,75,度,Try to set the ladder at a slope of 75,不要站在梯子顶端工作而,应,使用足够长的梯子,Use ladders of sufficient length so that workers do not stand on the top rung,不得接绑梯子来延长梯子长度,Never lash two ladders together to make it longer,个人劳动防护用品,Personal Protective Equipment,(P.P.E.),个人劳防设备应作为最后一道防线,P.P.E. should only be used as a last line of defense,个人劳防设备应合身,P.P.E. should fit properly,必需发放个人劳防设备,The issue of P.P.E. must be strictly enforced,个人劳防设备的检查、清洁和维护很重要,Provision for the checking, cleaning and maintenance of,P,.P.E. is essential,个人劳动防护用品的种类,Types of P.P.E.,安全帽,Safety Helmets,防护眼罩,Eye Protection,防毒面具,Respiratory Protection,安全带和安全绳(高空作业),Safety Belts and Harnesses,(,Working at Heights,),耳罩(噪音区),Ear Protection (Noise Control Area),个人劳动防护用品的种类,Types of P.P.E.,安全手套和鞋子,Safety Footwear & Hand Protection,一般用棉布制品,Cotton for general purposes,钢筋施工须用皮革制品,Leather for rebar purposes,电器设备或化学物须用橡胶制品,Rubber for contact with electrical equipment,or chemicals,在密闭仓室内作业,Working in Confined Spaces,缺氧气,Lack of oxygen,有毒气体、烟雾,Toxic vapors, mists, dusts or fumes,易燃气体,Flammable gases,对身体有伤害的情况,如滑倒等,Physical hazards such as slipping,有那些危险?,What are these Hazards?,在密闭仓室内作业,Working in Confined Spaces,泛水,Flash Floods,电击,Electric shock from portable lights, tools,硅土尘灰,Silica Dust,腐蚀剂、化学品,Corrosives or chemicals,密闭仓室内作业安全措施,General Precautions for Confined Space Entry,安全防范教育,Education and training of the hazards,进入密闭空间前进行空气测试,Testing the atmosphere before entering a confined space,提供良好的通风,Supply, if necessary, good ventilation,确保安全出入口,Ensure safe access and egress,确保急救措施有效,配有急救人员,Ensure life saving aids are available, with a trained First Aider,使用低压设备,Use, wherever possible, lowvoltage equipment,升降设备的安全使用,Safety In Lifting Appliances,叉车,Fork Lift Trucks,开挖机,Excavators,起重机,Crawler Crane,升降吊钩与锁链,Lifting hooks and chains,常用的升降设备,Some common lifting appliances,:,升降设备的安全,Safety In Lifting Appliances,卡车起重机,Crane lorries,叉式升降机,Scissors Lifts,升降机操作员必需经过培训、有证上岗,Operators of Lifting Appliances,must be trained and licensed to,operate the Appliance,升降机操作常见事故,Common Accidents with Lifting Operation,起重机倒塌,Collapse of the Crane, and/or other power machineries,升降机操作常见事故,Common Accidents with Lifting Operation,挺杆折断,Broken Jib,人员跌落,F,all of person,被移动的起重机击中,Struck by a moving crane,被旋转的货物击中,S,truck by a swinging load,被高压电击中,Contact with High Voltage Overhead Cables,升降设备安全须知,Safety Hints for Lifting Appliances,设备没有放在水平地面,Not,placed on level,g,round,使用的操作人员必需经过培训并能胜任此工作,All Operators, Slingers, Bandsmen should be Trained and Competent,设备必需放在水平地面,Plant must be on level ground,载量不能超出安全工作承载量,Loads must never exceed the Safe Working Load (SWL),必需要有安全工作承载量指示,SWL indicator must be functional,确保超载警报系统有效工作状态,Ensure audible overload alarm is working,确保所有工人远离提升、移动的货物,Keep all workers clear of suspended or moving load,检查挺杆周围的阻碍物,Check for possible obstruction in the vicinity of the jib,升降设备安全须知,Safety Hints for Lifting Appliances,升降设备安全须知,Safety Hints for Lifting Appliances,避免附加绕组或升降线拉得太长,Avoid over-winding or allowing the hoist rope to run too far off the drum,货物必需垂直升降,Loads must be lifted vertically.,操作人员不在时,货物不该悬挂于空中,Loads must not be left suspended without the Operator at the controls,强烈建议使用“结杈式”的绳子,The use of “tie ropes” is strongly advised to maneuver the loads,电焊,Electric Arc Welding,电击,Electric Shock,火灾和爆炸,Fire and Explosion,过度的紫外线引起的皮肤病,Skin Irritation due to Ultra Violet Rays,吸入有毒气体、烟雾,Inhalation of Toxic Fumes and Gases,由放射、红外线引起的眼疾,Damage to eyes by radiation, infra red or heat cataracts,常见操作危险,Common Hazards,:,安全预防措施,Some Control Measures,不应该在潮湿的地板上、雨中电焊,Welding should not be carried out on wet floors, in humid conditions or in the rain,所有设备和工具必需正确接地,All equipment and the work piece must be properly earthed,设备必需正确保养、检测,The equipment must be properly maintained and checked for “leakage”,电流应尽量小,可以装减压装置,The electric current should be as low as possible, voltage reduction devices can be fitted,安全预防措施,Some Control Measures,提供合适的防护盾、护眼罩,并强制使用,Suitable, approved shields, goggles with appropriate filter plates must be provided and enforced the use of them,强烈建议使用防火手套和围裙,Flame proof gloves and aprons are highly recommended,通风设备对防毒很关键,Ventilation to prevent toxic fumes is very important,培训工人如何急救电击受害者,并确保自身安全,Instruct other workers on how to treat victims for electric shock, and what action they themselves must take to ensure they too, do not become a victim,气焊,Gas Welding,汽缸爆炸,Explosion of gas cylinders,火灾,Fire Risks,吸入毒气,Inhalation of toxic fumes,由于放射性使眼睛受伤,Damage to eyes by radiation,危险,The Hazards,:,安全预防措施,Some Control Measures,小心使用气瓶,Handle gas cylinders with care,不能有物品放在气瓶上,Workpiece must not rest on cylinders,垂直放置气瓶,Store cylinders in upright position,使用时,气瓶也要保持垂直,When being used, cylinders must also be upright,设备、管子、仪表等都要每天检查,Equipment, Hoses, gauges etc must be checked daily for serviceability,“,合理且可行的安全规范”,“,Reasonably Practicable”,权衡,风险,和,成本,Weigh up,the,cost,against the,risk,成本,cost,风险,risk,


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