新路径英语五年级下Lesson S My Pet Dog

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新路径英语五年级下Lesson S My Pet Dog_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson S,My Pet Dog,七一青城山学校,Mr.,Bao,pet,A dog,A cat,A bird,A rabbit,A pig,A tortoise,pet,do housework,play cards,ride a bike,Magic box,pet,宠物,do housework,做家务,play cards,打牌,ride a bike,骑自行车,A: Can you ?,你能,吗?,B: Yes , I can./No , I cant.,swim ( ) dance ( ),drive ( ) sing ( ),act ( ) cook ( ),jump ( ) climb ( ),她,/,他能,吗?,A: Can she/he?,B: Yes , she/he can.,No , she/he cant.,Where has my little dog gone?,Oh! Where, Oh where has my little dog gone?,Oh! Where oh where can he be?,With his ears cut short and his tail cut long,Oh! where oh where can he be?,Lets talk,1,. How many people are there in the conversation ?,_,2. What are they talking about ? Cats or dogs ?,_,Three,Dogs,Listen and answer questions,Lets talk,Listen again and answer questions,What,colour,is the first boys dog ?,_,2) Is the dog cute ?,_,3) Can the second boys dog swim ?,_,4) Is it a good dog ? Why ?,_,White,Yes,Yes,Yes. Because it can swim.,Lets talk,Boy1: Hey, come and look at this!,Boy2: Wow, a dog. How cute!,Boy3: Do you have a pet dog?,Boy1: Yes, I do. Its white, too.,Boy2: Can it swim?,Boy1: No. your dog can swim?,Boy2: Sure,Boy3: Oh! Its a great,dog!,Lets talk,Thanks for coming!,Bye-bye!,


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