六年级上册英语课件-Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Grammar time)译林版(三起)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Grammar time)译林版(三起)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Unit,1,The,kings new clothes,(Grammar time and Fun time),Revision,When?,long long ago,Revision,Who?,Revision,What,happened?,Revision,Step1 Look and think.,(看图,观察并思考图中人物的,表情、动作和台词,。),Step 2 Read and finish.,(六人一组,根据所给内容把对话补充完整,给每幅图配上旁白。,),Revision,sad,open,I like new clothes.,Who can make new clothes for me?,Revision,happy,Make the clothes for me.,My king, we,can make new clothes for you.,Clever people.,Foolish people.,visit,Revision,try on,show,Oh yes. They,fit well.,My king, please try on,these magic clothes.,Do they fit?,合适,合身,Revision,point at,laugh,look at,shout,Look at the kings,new clothes.Theyre,beautiful.,Ha! Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes.,Revision,Step 3 Act the story.,(六人一组进行角色扮演,注意表情、动作和台词。,),Grammar time,定义:,结构:,过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,主语,+,动词过去式,+.,主语,+be(was, were)+.,Grammar time,He visited his uncle last(,上一个,) week.,找出所给句子的时间短语并判断句子的时态,I am listening the music now.,She gets up at 7:00 every day.,The little boy cleaned the desk last night.,He laughed at me three days ago.,visited,cleaned,laughed,动词过去式的变化规则:,Grammar time,一般在动词末尾直接加,ed,,如:,show,showed point,pointed shout,shouted,Grammar time,写出下列单词的过去式,livelike,studycry,stop,lived,liked,studied,cried,stopped,一般在动词末尾直接加,ed,,如:,laugh,laughed point,pointed shout,shouted,以,e,结尾的动词直接加,d,,如:,like,liked live,lived,以辅音字母加,y,结尾,变,y,为,i,加,ed,,如:,study,studied,重读闭音节双写尾字母加,ed,,如:,stopstopped,动词过去式的变化规则:,am, is,的过去式为,was are,的过去式为,were,Grammar time,快速说出所给动词所相对应的原形或过去式。,like,show,wanted,studied,learn,walk,visited,listened,Game:,like,d,look,ed,watch,ed,laugh,ed,showed,played,listened,cleaned,visited,wanted,pointed,清辅音结尾,加,ed,读,/t/,元音和浊辅音,结尾加,ed,读,/d/,以,/t/ /d/,结尾,加,ed,读,/id/,Grammar time,She showed it to me just now(,刚才,).,(,just now,换成,now,),I watch TV at 7:00 every day.(every day,换成,two days ago),The king is happy.(,改成一般过去时,),There are a lot of people in the street.(,改成一般过去时,),有,be,动词的一般过去时句子把,be,动词改成,was,were,Grammar time,Summary,一般过去时,:,动词,过去式:,规,则,变化,1,、一般在动词末尾直接加,ed,2,、以,不发音,e,结尾的加,d,3,、以,辅音字母,+y,结尾,变,y,为,i,加,ed,4,、重,读闭音,节,双写,尾字,母,再,加,ed,Be,are,were,was,is,am,过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,1.,用,be,动词的适当形式填空,a. I _ at school just now.,b.There _ some milk in the fridge now.,c.Long long ago, there _ a king.,d.We _ sad yesterday.,2.,用动词的适当形式填空,a.One day, the children _(walk) by the river.,b.Mike _ (want) to go to the cinema last week.,c.He _ (live) in Nanjing two years ago.,d.My grandparents _(read) books every day.,Lets,try,1.,表演,Fun time,故事情节,2.,掌握一般过去时的语法规则及动词过去式的规则变化,3.,完成,0102,课课清,4.,预习,cartoon time and culture time,Homework:,一、用动词的适当形式填空,1.Long long ago, there _(be) a tiger in the forest.,2. Look at this picture. I _ two years ago then(,那时,).,I _ fat. My eyes _ big and my nose _,small. (be),3. Last weekend, Su Hai and Su Yang _(visit),their grandparents. They _(play) with their cat.,They _(be) happy.,当堂检测,:,二、根据首字母提示填词,完成句子,1. Lets go to the c_ shop and buy a jacket for Dad.,2. I w_tired this morning because I had a dancing,lesson.,3. The Greens v_ their friends last Spring Festival.,4.,Why are the children l_ ?,Because the story is fun.,5.,Whos w_ yellow today?,Su Yang and Nancy.,当堂检测,:,一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:,1.Yang Ling _ (visit) her grandparents last week.,*2. There _ (be) any milk in the fridge yesterday.,3. They can _ (make) the cake for you.,4. Mike _ (be) at home yesterday, but now he,_ (be) at school.,课课清,:,二、选择,(,),1. She _ just now.,A. show it to meB. showed me to itC. showed it to me,(,),2.,Look at the clothes.,_clothes!,A. How beautifulB. What beautifulC. What a beautiful,(,),3. This sweater _ you.,A.fitB. fitsC. fitting,(,),4. That girl can make the model plane _ me.,A. toB. forC. and,*,(,),5. The king _ a hobby. He _ new clothes.,A. has, likes wearsB. had, liked wearingC. had, liked wear,课课清,:,三、句型转换,1.There is some milk in the fridge. (,改为一般过去时,),2.He is four years ago.(in 2011),3.They could see the new clothes.(,改为否定句,),课课清,:,四、阅读短文,用,T/F,判断所给句子是否正确,One morning, Dad and I walked in the street. There were a lot of people and,cars. It was very noise(,吵闹,). There was an elephant in the middle(,中间,) of,the street. It shouted at people. but no one could understand. It looked sad.,The cars and buses could not get past.,A policeman tried to drive the elephant away with some drivers, but it was,too heavy. There were more(,更多的,) cars and buses in the street. They could,only wait.,“What should we do?” asked the policeman.,“Give him a banana!” my father shoued.,Then, a girl showed some bananas in front of the elephant. It was happy. It,got up and walked after the girl. Soon all the cars and buses could get past.,( )1.Dad and I walked in the park.,( )2.The cars and buses couldnt get past because there was an elephant,in the street.,( )3.The elephant was thirsty.,( )4.The policeman could drive the elephant away.,( )5.Elephants like bananas.,课课清,:,


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