《新思维职业英语综合教程2》课件unit 2

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Is my new low-cut dress fashionable?,C. Sure, Id like one too.,2. What do you think of the miniskirt?,C. Its out of style.,3. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?,D. Casual clothes.,4. How do you like the fashion show last night?,A. It was dumb.,5. Good Morning. See anything fashionable you like?,B. Not yet. Ill look around first.,Sentences,Dialogues,New Words,casual,adj.,非正式的,fancy dress party,化装舞会,have an eye for,对,有鉴赏力,formal,adj.,适合正式场合的,classy,adj.,时髦的,mainstream,n.,主流思想,主流群体,Dialogue 1,M: What kind of clothes do you like, casual ones or formal ones?,W: I prefer casual ones. It can let me feel free and easy to do,everything.,M: Yes. Formal ones can give a sense of being professional, but,it can also make one weary.,Q : Why does the woman like clothes of casual style?,Dialogue 2,W: Do you think I still look fashionable in this dress?,M: I think so. Blue is still very fashionable at the moment.,Q : What does the man think of the womans dress?,Script,Dialogue 3,M: What can I do for you?,W: Err, I am not sure if the shirt matches my jeans.,M: It is a little too formal. How about this blouse? It goes,perfectly with blue jeans.,W: Very nice. I will take this one.,Q : What will the woman buy?,Dialogue 4,W: There will be a big fancy dress party this weekend, and Im,afraid to go because everyone judges your style.,M: Dont worry, Joan. I promise Ill find you something real,classy.,W: Thanks a lot. I know you have an eye for fashion.,Q : What is true about the man?,Dialogue 5,W: I really dont know which color I should try for my clothes. I,like red very much, but I want to have a change.,M: White was very popular last year, but its said that blue will,be the mainstream of next season.,W: Oh, really? Thank you for reminding me.,Q : What color of clothes will the woman buy?,1. B. Because its comfortable to wear.,2. C. Its color is still in fashion. 3. A. A blouse.,4. C. He is good at finding fashionable clothes.,5. C. Blue.,Answers,Passage,New Words,puzzle,vt,.,使困惑,grievance,n.,抱怨,sum,n.,金额,wardrobe,n.,衣柜,alter,vt,.,更改,sacrifice,vt,.,& n.,牺牲,compose,vt,.,创作,worthwhile,adj.,值得,I am often puzzled by some women who, standing in front of a wardrobe filled with clothes, say sadly that they have nothing to wear. They are influenced too much by fashion, which appears in a form in the morning and makes a change in another form in the evening. It changes so frequently that the ladies of middle class cant keep up with it. Even expensive clothes which have been worn only a few days have to be put aside. Some of those who cannot afford fashionable clothes compose a list of grievances in their families or make trouble for their husbands. Others spend hours of their time altering originally beautiful dresses they have. Is it worthwhile to waste vast sums of money and precious hours of time, or sacrifice peaceful family life for fashion?,Script,1. Whether its worthwhile to keep up with fashion or,not.,2. Three.,1. F2. F 3. T,1. makes a change,2. keep up with3. hours of their time 4. sums of money,Answers,Situational Dialogues,Versace,n.,范思哲,refreshing,adj.,令人耳目一新的,passing fad,一时的风尚,awful,adj.,糟糕的,outdated,adj.,过时的,shawl,n.,披巾,New Words and Phrases,Notes,I wouldnt be caught dead wearing that.,反正我是不,会穿这样的衣服的。,2. That design is out of style.,那款设计已经过时了。,3. And she looks knock-out beautiful in that dress. This,trip isnt wasted.,她穿着那条裙子真是美得让人倾倒。,我们绝对不虚此行。,Activities,(C=Chris, D=Daisy),C: I hope there is a good fashion show tonight. Ive been on the road all,week going for fashion shows, hoping to place some good styles.,D: Dont worry. Chanel,is introducing its newest collection. It always,comes out with refreshing styles.,C: Here comes the first model. That design she is wearing seems to be,very popular right now. But I think she should wear a diamond,necklace.,D: Yes, its popular now. But I think its just a passing fad. And the,shoes she is wearing dont match with her dress.,C: Maybe youre right. What do you think of this one?,D: It seems to be a very old style. I dont know why Chanel,shows this,awful dress. I wouldnt be caught dead wearing that.,C: I totally agree with you. That design is out of style. Its completely,outdated.,D: Oh, another tall and thin girl is coming out. Her shawl is really,fantastic. It reminds me of spring flowers.,C: And she looks knock-out beautiful in that dress. This trip isnt wasted.,Section B Reading,Intensive Reading,Extensive Reading,Intensive Reading,Exercises,Warm-up Exercises,Text,Vocabulary,Warm-up Exercises,Keys:,I. 1. D 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. B,What Makes a Good Businessman,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Text,In my opinion,“ a good businessman” means a person who conducts his own business successfully or who is a CEO of a successful company owned by others. The qualities of a great businessman are client focus, respect for the individual, teamwork, responsible citizenship and honesty. Nobody, in any walk of life, can really succeed without these five qualities.,Intensive Reading,The particular unique quality that leaps out in successful business people is their instinctive “entrepreneurial” minds. Let me try to explain this in my own way.,Tell a public servant that a bridge is about to be built across the river. The instinctive reaction is negative thoughts about public cost and logistical impacts.,Tell a successful employee the same and the reaction is something like“ Great, it cuts ten minutes off my travel time.”,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,But, an entrepreneurial mind automatically thinks in the flash of a second, and before any other thought, just for one example,“ Wow, that means land prices will rise on the other side of the river.”,You see, successful business people usually have an“ entrepreneurial” mind which immediately identifies“ opportunity” in any situation. Its a quality which can hardly be learned in management schools or from textbooks. Its just a personal and very automatic way of thinking which I suspect is developed in childhood.,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,Figuratively speaking, successful business people get to be successful by exercising their entrepreneurial minds in spending hard time and cash working out exactly where the next bridge will be built across what rivers in this world. That entrepreneurial quality often results in successful people working“ on” their business, not“ in” their business.,Vocabulary,Structure,Notes,So, in answer to your question“ what makes a good businessman”, and broadly speaking, I think you just look for people who work“ on” their business rather than “in” their business. They are the ones with the best entrepreneurial minds and most likely to succeed.,Part,Paragraph,Main Idea,1,Para. 1,Qualities that make a businessman successful.,2,Para. 2Para. 7,What are entrepreneurial and how they lead businessmen to their success.,3,Para.,8,People with best entrepreneurial minds are most likely to succeed.,Structure,Text,Vocabulary,Notes,conduct,vt.,管理,处理;指,挥,client,n.,客户;委托人,individual,n.,个人,个体,adj.,单独的,个别的,citizenship,n.,公民的身份或义务;公民权利(资格),unique,adj.,独特的,独一无二的,唯一的,leap,vi.,跳, 跃,n.,跳跃,instinctive,adj.,本能的;天性的;直觉的,entrepreneurial,adj.,企业家的,servant,n,.,仆人,Text,Structure,Notes,New Words,Vocabulary,Text,Structure,Notes,reaction,n,.,反应,negative,adj.,否定的;消极的;负面,的,logistical,adj,.,后勤方面的,opportunity,n.,机会,时机,management,n.,管理,经营,automatic,adj.,无意识的,不假思索的;自动的,suspect,vt. & vi.,猜想,怀疑,n.,嫌疑犯,figuratively,adv.,比喻地,借喻地,broadly,adv.,大体上,基本上,in any walk of life,各行各业,社会各界,leap out,引人注意,cut off,缩短,打断,work out,计算出,result in,导致,in answer to,作为对 的回答,rather than,而不是,宁可 也不愿,Text,Structure,Notes,Phrases and Expressions,Notes,1. Tell a public servant that a bridge is about to be built across the river. 告诉一位公务员那条河上将造一座桥。,此句为祈使句。在该句中, that a bridge is about to be built across the river是宾语从句。在这个宾语从句里, is about to 是一种将来时态的表示法,意为“即将”。,e.g. The train is about to start.,火车马上就要开了。,Text,Structure,Vocabulary,Notes,2. Figuratively speaking, successful business,people get to be successful by exercising their entrepreneurial minds in spending hard time and cash working out exactly where the next bridge will be built across what rivers in this world. 形象地说,成功的商业人士之所以获得成功,是因为他们能运用自己的创业思想花费时间和金钱去准确计算下一座桥将在何时建造在世界的哪条河上。,此句中,where the next bridge will be builtacross what rivers in this world是由where引导的宾语从句, 做working out exactly的宾语。在这个宾语从句中, what 用来修饰rivers。,Text,Structure,Vocabulary,Notes,3 . They are the ones with the best entrepreneurial minds and most likely to succeed. 他们是最有创业思想和最可能成功的人士。,ones在此句中为代词,为了避免重复用来代替前面出现的businessmen。 One 作为代词可以代替前面刚出现过的同一类人或物,其复数形式为ones。如果one不带任何前置修饰语,而是单独使用时,其意义通常是泛指。当one 代替特指名词时,它前面总有定冠词或其他限定词。,e.g. I have no recorder, I want to buy one.,我没有录音机,我想买一台。,此外,one只能代替可数名词,如果所代替的是特指的不可数名词,那就不能用the one,而应该用that。,Text,Structure,Vocabulary,I.,conducts,teamwork,honesty,entrepreneurial,negative,cuts,opportunity,management,record,not,succeed,II.,F,、,T,、,T,、,F,、,T,III.,1. A public servant often has negative thoughts, while a successful man usually has an entrepreneurial mind which immediately identifies opportunity in any situation.,2. One should have some qualities, such as client focus, respect for the individual, teamwork, responsible citizenship, honesty and instinctive entrepreneurial mind, and work on your business rather than in your business.,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,cause,名词:原因,导致某事发生的人或事;动机,目标;动词:引起,导致;使遭受。,e.g. 1) Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of disease.,2) This will cause further belt-tightening in the public service.,lead to,把带到,领到;通向,导致。,e.g. 1) This can lead to bodily weakness.,2) Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression.,bring about,导致,引起,e.g. 1) What brought about the change in his attitude?,2) The only way they can bring about political change is by,putting pressure on the country.,result in,引起,导致,以为结局,致使。,e.g. 1) Fifty percent of road accidents result in head injuries.,2) Such a war could result in the use of chemical and,biological weapons.,Vocabulary Practice,I. 1.,bring about,2.,cause,3.,result in,4.,resulted in,5.,cause,6.,resulted in,7.,lead to,8.,bring about,II. 1. individual 2. negative 3. opportunities,4. suspect 5. conducts 6. broadly,1.,cut off,2.,rather than,3.,work out,4.,leap out,5.,In any walk of life 6. in answer to,Exercises,1. The company requires the client to pay a fee.,2. What was his reaction to the news?,3. Each persons fingerprints are unique.,4. I decided to conduct an event.,5. The gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons.,II. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A,Translation Training,Part,Paragraph,Main Idea,1,Para. 1,Generally,introduce the two parties that have agreed to some intents.,2,Para. 2Para. 13,Listing terms involved in the letter of intent.,Extensive Reading,Structure,Letter of Intent,Applied Reading,Notes,1. Name of Commodity:,Mazut,M100 fuel oil,商品名称:Mazut,M100,燃油mazut为重油,(用作燃料油或润滑油),M100是俄罗斯生产的燃料油的品名,M取自mazut的第一个字母。,2. Unit Price: CIF USD 293.00/MT 单价:CIF 293.00,美元/吨,CIF是cost, insurance and,freight的缩写,意为,“,成本加保险费加运费,” 。,按此术语成交,,,货物价格中包括从装运港至约定目的地港的通常运费和约定的保险费,。,3. Time of Shipment: Within 15 days after receipt and acceptance of BG 装运期限:收到银行保函后的15天内开始发货BG是bank,guarantee的缩写,意为,“,银行保函,” 。,银行保函是由银行开立的承担付款责任的一种担保凭证,,,银行根据保函的规定承担付款责任,。,Applied Reading,Notes,4. .the buyer shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection,certifcate,issued by the CCIC and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the seller.,买方有权凭中国检验认证集团出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索要赔付,。,CCIC是China,Certification & Inspection (Group) Co.,Ltd的缩写,指中国检验认证集团。中国检验认证集团是经国家认定、以,“,检验,、,鉴定、认证、测试,”,为主业的独立第三方检验认证机构,其出具的检验、鉴定证书,已成为国际贸易中交接、结算、索赔、仲裁的重要证明,。,Exercises,1. USD 351 600 000.,2. The 15th day after receipt and acceptance of BG.,3. The inspection certificate issued by the CCIC,and the relative documents.,4. Within 14 days after the occurrence of force,majeure,.,5. The case can be submitted for arbitration to,China International Economic and Trade,Arbitration Commission.,Section C Practical Writing,Greeting Card,Greeting Card,贺卡主要用于联络感情、互致问候和祝福,一般在某些特殊日子,如节日、纪念日等临近时寄送,也可在平时寄送。根据其内容的不同可分为节日贺卡、生日贺卡、结婚贺卡、尊师贺卡、商务贺卡等。,一、,贺卡的基本内容,贺卡的内容一般包括称呼、贺词和祝贺人签名三部分。,二、贺卡的基本格式,贺卡的格式和书信格式基本类似,称呼一般写在贺卡的左上方,祝贺人签名在右下角,中间是贺词。此外,一般的贺词比较简短,所以为了使贺卡美观大方,称呼、贺词和祝贺人签名可以采用居中的格式。,三、常用贺词,节日贺卡,生日贺卡,情人节贺卡,教师节贺卡 商务贺卡,1. 商务贺卡的作用商务贺卡可以促进业务关系、吸引新客户、提醒老客户你的存在、向支持你的客户表示感谢等。,2. 商务贺卡需要注意的细节,(1) 更新你的名单。确保名单上的名字和地址都是正确的,而且是最新的。,(2) 注意传统习惯。弄清楚要寄贺卡的人是否喜欢过相应的节日,确保所写的祝福语是合适的,不会冒犯不同信仰的人。,(3) 亲笔签名。即使已经在贺卡上打印出名字,也要在贺卡上亲笔签名,最精致的商务贺卡通常有手写的签名以及手写的一小段祝福语。,(4) 手写地址。不要用电脑打印的地址,这样会使节日祝福看起来像群发的邮件,很不礼貌。,(5) 留出富余的时间将贺卡寄给联系人。很多人节假日时要度假,要确保他们在度假之前收到贺卡。,I.,Dear Mr. Brown,The holiday season is a wonderful time for us to thank all the friends who make our jobs a pleasure and ensure our success all year long. Our business would not be possible without your continued support. So everyone here at our company would like to take this moment to say thank you and to send our best,wishes to you. May the joy and happiness around you today and always.,From ABC Company,Liu Ming,Exercises,LOREM IPSUM DOLOR,II.,1. To a friend,Dear Lucy,Have a happy birthday! May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you,have begun!,Lily,2. To a teacher,Dear Ms. Yang,Please accept my birthday wishes. May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of,today!,From your student,Lily,Section D Language Guide,Grammar Focus,The following are sentences with verbs showing differences in time and duration of the action. Compare the bold parts and fnd,out their similarities and differences.,I am reading my favorite magazine now.,I was reading my favorite magazine at the time yesterday.,I shall/will be reading my favorite magazine at ten tomorrow morning.,Finding Features,Grammar Focus,TenseThe Progressive Tense,Knowing the Grammar,进行式可与表示现在、过去、将来的时间结合构成现在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时。,一、一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时,的基本结构,二、一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时的用法,现在进行时,(1),表示说话的时刻正在进行的动作,常与时间状语,now, at present,等连用。,现在进行时还可表示刚刚过去的动作,这种用法只适用于口语中某些表示说话的动词,如tell, talk, say,exaggerate等。例如,:,You dont believe it? You know Im telling the truth.,(2),表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,动作在说话时不一定正在进行,常与时间状语,these days,连用。,(3),表示频繁、反复出现的习惯性动作,常与,a lways, constantly, continually, forever,等频度副词连用。这种用法常表示说话人的某种感情,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌或不满等。,(4),表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。此用法主要适用于一些表示位置转移的动词,如,arrive, come, fly, go, leave, stay, start,等。,某些表示心理状态和感觉的动词,如,feel, love, hope, want, understand,等,需用一般现在时表示现在发生的动作,而不用现在进行时。例如:,I feel pain in my head.,我头疼。,过去进行时,(1) 表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的,动作,常与过去某一特定的时间状语连用,。,(2),表示过去频繁、反复出现的习惯性动作,常与,always, onstantly, continually, forever,等频度副词连用。与现在进行时一样,这种用法常表示说话人的某种感情。,(1),过去进行时还可用在特定句型中,表示现在时间和将来时间里的动作,。,1),表示婉转语气。这一用法只限于want, wonder,hope等少数几个动词,主要用来表示礼貌的请求,。,2),用于虚拟语气中,。,(2),过去进行时与一般过去时的用法比较,:,1),过去进行时表示未完成的动作,一般过去时表示已经完成的动作,。,2),一般过去时通常只为说明过去某时发生了某事,而过去进行时侧重在动作的持续时间,而,不仅是说明事实,。,将来进行时,(1),表示在将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,(2),表示预料不久就要发生或势必要发生的动作。,(3),表示推测或希望某事会发生。,1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. D,10. C 11. C 12. C,II. 1. is talking 2. will be wondering 3. was reading 4. was putting 5. shall be doing 6. was traveling 7. will be flying 8. Was, lying,III.,Dont phone me between 7 pm and 8 pm tomorrow. We,are,having dinner then.,will be,2. My mother,shall be,making a dress when she cut her,fingers.,was,3. While I,am,writing my composition last night, someone,knocked on the door.,was,4. At this time tomorrow, Ill,take,a test.,be taking,5. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun,shone,.,was shining,Having a Test,Activities,I.,What did the man think of his co-worker?,He thought that his co-worker was somewhat,conservative.,2. Does the mans co-worker really have good fashion sense?,No, he doesnt.,Fashion Change,Section E Humorous Story,Activities,II.,Key words:,a man, notice, co-worker, wear, earring, conservative, curious, sudden change, say, a big deal, reply, ever since, find, bed,Suggested answer:,One day a man at work noticed that his co-worker was wearing an earring. He was quite curious about it because he,knew his co-worker was conservative. So, he told his co-worker that he didnt know his co-worker liked wearing earr ings,and,asked how long he had been wear ing an ear r ing,. His co-worker replied sheepishly that he had been wearing the earring since his wife found it in their bed.,Thank You,!,


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