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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Gaius Julius Caesar,(100 - 44 BC),前三巨头同盟,:,Marius,马略,Sulla,苏拉,Pompey,Crassus Caesar,庞培 克拉苏,Gaius Julius Caesar,(13 July 100 BC 15 March 44 BC) was a military commander, politician and author at the end of the Roman Republic.,Caesar became a member of the First,Triumvirate,traimvirt, -,reit, (,三人执政,),and when that broke up he fought a,civil war,against Pompey the Great. Winning the war,Caesar became Dictator for life of the Roman Republic.,He was assassinated by his enemies in Rome.,Troubled youth,At sixteen he was the head of his family, and soon came under threat as Lucius Cornelius Sulla became Dictator.,Sulla,set about purging Rome of his enemies. Hundreds were killed or exiled, and Caesar was on the list. His mothers family pleaded for his life; Sulla reluctantly gave in, but stripped Caesar of his inheritance. Then Caesar joined the army, and left Rome. He only returned after Sullas death in 78 BC.,On the way up,On his return to Rome he was elected,military tribune,(护民官),. He was elected,quaestor,kwi:st, ,kwe,-,(,财务官,) for 69 BC. His wife Cornelia died that year. After her funeral, Caesar went to serve his,quaestorship,in Spain. On his return in 67 BC, he married,Pompeia,(a granddaughter of Sulla), whom he later divorced. In 63 BC he ran for election to the post of,Pontifex,Maximus, high priest of the Roman state religion. Caesar won comfortably, despite his opponents greater experience and standing.,Caesars civil war,In 50 BC, the Senate, led by Pompey, ordered Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome because his term as governor of Gaul had finished. Caesar thought he would be prosecuted if he entered Rome without the immunity enjoyed by a magistrate. Pompey accused Caesar of insubordination and treason. But when Caesars army approached, Pompey, the lawful Consul of Rome, and his friends, fled from Rome.,Pompey managed to escape before Caesar could capture him. Caesar decided to head for Spain, while leaving Italy under the control of Mark Antony. In 48 BC, he defeated Pompey, at the Battle of,Pharsalusf,:,seils,.,Assassination,On the 15 March of 44 BC , Caesar arrived at the,Senate,and then was assassinated by his enemies in Rome. According to,Eutropius, around 60 or more men participated in the assassination. Caesar was stabbed 23 times to death.,After his death, Rome fell in chaos. In the chaos Mark Antony, Octavian ,kteivin(屋大维,), and others fought a series of five civil wars, which would end in the formation of the Roman Empire,.,Some of his achievements,Obtained a seat in the,Senate,around 68 B.C. (Age 32),Elected,Pontifex,Maximus,(Chief Priest) in 63 B.C. (Age 37),Soon became appointed,governor of a province in Spain,in 61 B.C. (Age 39) This could make him rich!,59 B.C. Caesar elected,consul (,n.,领事;(古罗马)执行官员,),with another named,Bibulus,.,Caesar strong-armed many things including a 5 year (later extended to 9),proconsul,(,地方总督;殖民地总督,),of Gaul.,His conquest of,Gaul,extended the Roman world all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, and he was also responsible for the first Roman invasion of Britain in 55 BC.,The First Triumvirate,In 60 B.C.,Caesar took power with,Pompey,the Great and,Crassus,. These,three men ruled Rome and were called the,Triumviratetraimvirt, -,reit, (,三人执政,).,Caesar was the go-between for Crassus and Pompey. They had been at odds for years, but Caesar tried to,reconcilereknsail, them. Between the three of them, they had enough money and political influence to control public business.,A government ruled by three people equally,During this period, Caesar,proposed a law for the redistribution of public lands to the poor, which was supported by Pompey.,They dominated politics and often bullied or bribed,the Senate,to attain their goals.,Remember the three rulers,The Triumvirate?,Caesar, Pompey, Crassus,They started to disband, Actually, Crassus died and Pompey became Caesars rival,Changes that Caesar made,as absolute ruler,Granted citizenship to people in provinces outside Italy,Expanded Senate to 900, making it more,representative of the Empire,Land owners must use free men rather than slaves for at least 1/3 of the workforce,Set up public works program for jobs,Found colonies in Spain, France and,Switzerland to provide land for poor,Roman citizens,Set up new Julian Calendar,But he didnt rule for long.,What happens next.?,The Second Triumvirate,formed to avenge Caesars death in 43 B.C. The following ruled for 10 years,Octavian grand nephew of Caesar,Marc Antony not the singer but a general,Lepidus a powerful politician,Later they also disband and become rivals creating the third Civil War.,This includes the story of Antony and Cleopatra,The outcome was that,Octavian,became,The Sole Ruler (Emperor),of the now,Roman Empire,in 27 B.C.,The End,


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