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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,不完全,爆破和辅音连缀,Do you know how to pronounce the following words:,goodbye football blue bread,What should we pay attention to when we pronounce these words? That is consonant clusters or incomplete plosion.,The Definition of Incomplete Plosion(,不完全爆破,),不完全爆破,又叫失去爆破,就是在某些情况下,爆破音只做出准备发此音的口型姿势,但不发音,短暂停顿后,随即发后一个音。不完全爆破可发生在单词内部,在两个相邻单词之间出现的情况也非常多。,The kinds of Incomplete Plosion,(1) “,爆破音,+,爆破音,”,型,cupboard goodbye blackboard football perfect black coffee a big country stop talking a good girl a cold day,(2) “,爆破音,+,摩擦音,”,型,outside bookstore rickshaw bestseller bedroom a big house good friends a good shirt a red skirt a big shore,(3) “,爆破音,+,破擦音,”,型,picture lecture a good chance a black jeep a good job,(4),爆破音,+,鼻音型,爆破音与鼻音相邻,它爆破时冲出的气流必定是从鼻腔而出,故这种爆破也叫,“,鼻腔爆破,”,。,如:,hiddenhd()n Britain brt()n,good night good morning,(5),爆破音,+,舌侧音型,爆破音与舌侧音相邻时,它爆破时冲出的气流必须从舌头两侧通过,故这种爆破也叫,“,舌边爆破,”,。,如:,middle greatly friendly dont like good luck,III. The Definitions of Consonant Clusters,英语单词中两个或两个以上辅音连在一起称为辅音连缀,如,desk, friend,以及,gifts,等。辅音连缀经常发生在词首和词尾。,IV. The Kinds of Consonant Clusters,词首连缀,读法:在朗读时,辅音连缀中任何两个辅音间都不能加上元音,如把,frend,读成,frend,就不对了。正确的方法是:第一个音或第一、二个音要读得轻而短,很快过渡到第二或第三个音上去。,如:,blue blu fly fla,bread bred great gret three ri smoke smk,词尾连缀,读法:,A.,词尾加,-s, -es, -ed,后的读法,一般情况下,可遵循以下规则:清对清,浊对浊,元音也对浊。也就是说,词尾音是清辅音的,加了,-s,或,-ed,之后,就发清辅音,s,或,t,;词尾是浊辅音或元音的,加了,-s,或,-ed,之后,就发浊辅音,z,或,d,。,如:,cakes,keks bags bgz asked skt loved lvd flys flaz,B. 词尾音为t, d,加-ed 后,分别读成td和dd。如invitednvatd,writedratd,visitedvztd neededni:did,C. 词尾音为t, d,加-s 后,分别读成ts和dz。如:cats kts leads lidz reads ridz gifts gfts,D. 词尾音为sz td等,加-es后读z。如:boxesbksz watches,wtz brushes brz oranges,rndz sizes sazz,Practice,1. Read the following words or phrases, pay attention to incomplete plosion:,basketball bestseller a good girl stop talking a good job a top student pop songs,2. Read the following words, taking care not to insert any vowel sound in the consonant clusters:,smog succeed slim grasp text film milk soft,expression,abroad,Homework,1. Review the knowledge in Chapter1,2. Practice more about incomplete plosion and consonant clusters.,


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