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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit7,sectionA,1.多少 2.这件红色的T-恤衫,3.那些长的蓝黄相间的袜子,4.那顶大/小的黑色的帽子,5. 那些长/短的裙子,6.上学需要一件绿色的毛衣,1.这件红色的毛衣多少钱?它5¥.,2. 这条黑裤子多少钱?它8$ .,3. 那双长的蓝色的袜子多少钱?它7$ .,4. 你想要点什么吗?(两种)是的。/不,只是看看。,5.我喜欢这条短裤。 6. 你想要什么颜色的?,7. 她想要什么颜色的.8. 它看起来很漂亮。,9. 给你。10. 我买下了。,11.-那些黄色的短袜多少钱?-一双两美元,两双3美元.,12.不客气。,13. 我要两双。,Unit7,短语句子sectionA,1.多少,2.这件红色的T-恤衫,3.那些长的蓝黄相间的袜子,4.那顶大/小的黑色的帽子,5. 那些长/短的裙子,6.上学需要一件绿色的毛衣,1.这件红色的毛衣多少钱?它5¥.,how much,this red T-shirt,those long, blue and yellow socks,that big/small black hat,those long/short skirt,need a green sweater for school,How much is the red sweater? Its 5 yuan.,2. 这条黑裤子多少钱?它8$ .,3. 那双长的蓝色的袜子多少钱?它7$ .,4. 你想要点什么吗?(两种)是的。/不,只是看看。,5.我喜欢这条短裤。,6. 你想要什么颜色的?,How much are those black trousers? Theyre eight dollars.,How much are those blue socks? Theyre seven dollars.,Can I help you? /What can I do for you? Yes, please./ No, thanks.,I like these shorts.,What color do you want?,7. 她想要什么颜色的.,What color does she want?,8. 它看起来很漂亮。,9. 给你。,10. 我买下了。,11.-那些黄色的短袜多少钱?-一双两美元,两双3美元.,12.不客气。,13. 我要两双。,Here you are.,Ill take it.,It looks nice.,-How much are those yellow socks? -Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.,Youre welcome./Thats all right./Thats OK.,Ill take two pairs.,SectionB:,1.价格合理,以优惠的价格,2.你喜欢毛衣吗?,3.我们有绿色的毛衣,仅售15美元!,4.你需要长裤吗?,5.对于男孩子们来说,我们有黑裤子,每条仅售22美元!,6.对于女孩子们来说,我们有紫色的裙子,仅售20美元!,7. 我们的夹克衫多少钱?仅需30美元。,8.三双短袜仅需两美元.,9. 我上学需要一双黑色的鞋.,10.两双白色的短袜,11.快来买衣服我们大减价.,12.Can I help you?(同义句),13.How much is the hat?(同义句),SectionB:,1.价格合理,以优惠的价格,2.你喜欢毛衣吗?,3.我们有绿色的毛衣,仅售15美元!,4.你需要长裤吗?,5.对于男孩子们来说,我们有黑裤子,每条仅售22美元!,6.对于女孩子们来说,我们有紫色的裙子,仅售20美元!,7. 我们的夹克衫多少钱?仅需30美元。,at a very good price,We have green sweaters for only fifteen dollars!,Do you like sweaters?,Do you need trousers?,For boys, we have black trousers for only 22 dollars.,For girls, we have skirts in purple for only 20 dollars!,How much are our jackets? Only thirty dollars!,8.三双短袜仅需两美元.,9. 我上学需要一双黑色的鞋.,10.两双白色的短袜,11.快来买衣服我们大减价.,12.Can I help you?(同义句),13.How much is the hat?(同义句),Socks are only 2dollars for three pairs.!,I need a pair of black shoes for school.,two pairs of white socks,Come and buy your clothes at our great sale.,What can I do for you?,Whats the price of the hat?, 重点短语,Unit 7,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ,),根据汉语提示翻译下列短语,1. (,价钱,),多少,_,2.,给你。,_,3.,不客气。,_,4.,服装店,_,5.,以很好的价钱,_,6,一条,/,双,/,副,_,how much,Here you are,.,Youre welcome,.,clothes store,at very good prices,a pair of, 重点句型,Unit 7,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ,),根据汉语意思完成英语句子,1. “,这件,T,恤衫多少钱?”,“,7,美元。”,_ _ is this Tshirt?,_ seven dollars.,2.,我能帮你吗?,_ I _ you?,How,much,It,s,Can,help,Unit 7,基础知识梳理,英语,新课标(,RJ,),3.,我想要件毛衣。,I _ a _.,4,你想要什么颜色的?,_ _ do you want?,5.,你需要蓝裤子吗?,Do you need _ _ ?,6.,这条裤子怎么样?,_ _ this pair of trousers,?,want,sweater,What,color,blue,trousers,What,about,英语,新课标(,RJ,),能力提升训练,Unit 7,能力提升训练,.,词汇专练,(A),根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词,1,My favorite color is r_.,2. The store s_ many kinds of things. They are,very cheap.,3. The clothes in this store are at very good,p_.,4,I want a p_ of white shoes.,5,Five and seven is t_.,ed,ells,rices,air,welve,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,6. Do you _ (,需要,) something to drink?,7. The sports shoes in all _(,颜色,) are,50,yuan,a pair.,8. How much are the _(,短裤,)?,9. My mother asks me to _(,买,) some apples.,10. C_ and see our clothes at Huaxing Clothes,Store!,need,colors,shorts,buy,ome,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,(B),根据句意写出下列各句中某个词的对应词或反义词,1. Your room is _,,,but our room is small.,2. I dont like this black shirt. I like that,_ one.,3. This skirt is too _. Do you have a short,one?,4. These are my socks and _ are your socks.,5. You can _ to my home, then we go to the,store together.,big,white,long,those,come,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,.,句型专练,1. The boy likes English. (,改为一般疑问句,),_ the boy _ English?,2. The blue sweater is,ten dollars,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ is the blue sweater?,3. This Tshirt is too big for me. (,改为反义句,),This Tshirt is _ _ for me.,Does,like,How,much,too,small,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,4. We have red, green and yellow skirts for you.,(,改为同义句,),We have _ _ red, green and yellow,for you.,5. What can I do for you,?,(,改为同义句,),_ _ _ _,?,skirts,in,Can,I,help,you,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,.,书面表达,国庆节将至,商店纷纷打出促销的标语,假如你是,ONLY,服装专卖店的店主,请写一份促销海报。短文不少于,5,句话。,要点提示:,1,专营各类青少年服装,如,T,恤衫,牛仔裤等;,2,多种商品低价出售;,3,欢迎选购。,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,能力提升训练,One possible version,:,ONLY SALE,Come,and,buy,all,kinds,of,clothes,for,teenagers!,We,sell,T,shirts, jeans, sweaters,and,so,on,.,They,are,all,at,good,prices,.,We,have,T,shirts,in,all,colors,.,Each,is,only,¥,35.,The,jeans,are,only,¥,50.,Come,and,see,for,yourself,at,ONLY!,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,易错点针对训练,易错点针对训练,( )1. How much _ the sweater?,_ fifty,yuan,.,A,is; Its B,are; Theyre,C,is; Theyre D,are; Its,解析,因为,sweater,是可数名词单数形式,所以谓语动词要用三单形式,而且要用,it,来代替,故选,A,。,A,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,易错点针对训练,( )2. This pair of socks looks nice. Ill take,_.,A,it B,they C,its D,them,( )3. Jims _ is red.,A,shoes B,bag C,socks D,pants,解析,因为题干的主语是,pair,,而不是,socks,,,所以应用,it,来代替,故选,A,。,解析,因为后面的谓语动词用的是,is,,所以主,语要用单数形式,故选,B,。,A,B,英语,新课标(,RJ,),Unit 7,易错点针对训练,( )4. I want that bag.,_.,A,You are here B,Give you,C,Here you are D,Here are you,( )5. How much_ the_,?,A,is; clothes B,are; clothes,C,is; socks D,are; shirt,解析,因为根据上句“,I want that bag.”,,,可知答语应为“,Here you are”,故选,C,。,解析,因为,clothes,是集体名词,是衣服的统,称,谓语动词要用复数形式,故选,B,。,C,B,


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