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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,L o g o,By : Cai Shuling,Chinese Food,Are you hungry?,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,1.rice,(米饭),rice is the most common staple,(固定的),food,in china. Different areas have different type of rice ,it,taste different,.,Cooking method : boiling ,steaming stir-frying,(炒),Types: Porridge , fried rice steamed rice,(白米饭),Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,porridge,fried rice,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,2.noodles,(,面条,),noodles is a very old food and it,originated in China . It has a long history . As a staple food ,it usually used in northeast. Also noodles have many different cooking method. Every kind of noodle may,taste very different .,Next I will give the introduction of various noodles in china.,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,The,First Culture,of Chinese Noodles Festival has released its list of the top ten most popular Chinese,noodles . The,list covers famed dishes from all across China, including Wuhan hot noodles, Beijing,noodles with soybean paste,Shanxi sliced noodles, Henan,stewed,noodles, Lanzhou ramen, Hangzhou Pian Er Chuan, Kunshan Aozao noodles, Zhenjiang pot cover noodles, Sichuan spicy dandan noodles and Jilin Yanji cold noodles.,武汉热干面,Wuhan,hot noodles,北京炸酱面,Beijing,noodles,with soybean paste,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,山西刀削面,Shanxi,Sliced,Noodles,河南烩面,Henan,Stewed Noodles,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,兰州拉面,Lanzhou,Ramen,杭州,片儿川,Hangzhou Pian Er Chuan,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,昆山奥灶面,Kunshan Aozao,Noodles,镇江,锅盖面,Zhenjiang Pot Cover Noodles,Chapter 1 Chinese traditional staple food,四川担担面,Sichuan Spicy Dandan,Noodles,吉林,延吉冷面,Jilin Yanji Cold Noodles,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,China,covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor.,中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人,垂涎。,Chinese,food can be roughly divided into,four regional,cuisines,:,中国饮食可以大致,分为,四,大,地方菜系 :,Shandong Cuisine,山东菜系,Sichuan Cuisine,四川菜系,Cantonese Cuisine,广东,菜系,Jiangsu Cuisine,江苏菜系,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,1.Shandong Cuisine,山东菜系,Introduction,: Shandong cuisine also named lu cai. An important part of four major cuisines of china. It is famous for the representative of north china cuisine.,Development,: Shandong cuisine originated in the QI and Lu areas in spring-autumn and warring states period . Formed in the Qin and Han dynasties . After the Song dynasty ,Shangdong cuisine has become the representative of North China cuisine,Factions,(派别),:,Jinan style dishes,Jiaodong style dishes,Confucius style dishes,Braised shrimp,油焖基围虾,Braised intestine,九转大肠,Sweet and sour cabbage,醋溜白菜,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Jinan style Dishes,Known for : soup,Be good at: explosion , fry , roast , burn,Features: clear , fresh , crisp , tender,Representatives : broth assorted(,清汤什锦),milk soup of cattail (,奶汤蒲菜),sweet and sour carp(,糖醋鲤鱼),Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Jiaodong style dishes,Known for: Fushan dishes in yantai,Be good at : seafood,Features : keep ingredient flavor and focus on the,color,Representatives : quick-fired huangcai(,溜黄菜),Soft-fried meatballs with sugar,(雪花肉丸子),Soft-Fried pork filet,(软炸里脊),Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Confucius style dishes,Known for: guanfu style dises,Be good at :cooking techniques,Features : eat no rice but is of the finest quality , nor meat,but is finely minced(,食不厌精,脍不厌细,孔子),Representatives :,“,yipin ” bean curd(,一品豆腐),go to court with child(,带子上朝),boiled ginkgo,(诗礼银杏),Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Sichuan Cuisine,四川菜系,Introduction :,Sichuan cuisine is one of Chinas four great cuisine, it originated in the Sichuan province (today Chongqing City),Sichuan cuisine is not only loved by residents of Sichuan but also enjoyed by people from all over China and even in a number of foreign countries. In this sense, Sichuan Cuisine will be belong to China and the world as well.,characteristic,:,Sichuan,cuisine is characterized by its spicy and hot flavors, fish,flavor,鱼,香, spicy flavor,椒麻, sour and hot,flavor,醋,椒,.,Cooking method: more than 20 types , including fried , stir frying , boiled , blasting , stewed and so on,Categories: feast,dishes,筵席菜, home,style dishes,家常菜, rural home style dishes,三蒸九扣菜,and local flavor snacks,风味小吃,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Dishes:,sichuan hot pot (,麻辣火锅),Twice-cooked,pork,(回锅肉),Fish flavored shredded pork with garlic,sauce,(鱼香肉丝), Mapo,Tofu,(麻婆豆腐 ),and,Kung Pao Chicken,(宫,保鸡丁 ),Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Dessert:,Onion fragrant glutinous rice ball,(葱,香糯米,团),,Dan dan,noodles,(担担面),Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Cantonese,cuisine,广东菜系,Introduction,: Cantonese cuisine - local,Guangdong flavor dishes - is one of the four major Chinese cuisines,.,“,Eating in Guangzhou,” is a famous word.,It developed as a school of its own as a result of its unique dishes and flavors, enjoying a good reputation both at nationally and,abroad,Features,: The feature of Cantonese cuisine is its,exquisite,cooking techniques, and meticulous cutting techniques,烹调技艺考究,刀工操作精细,.,.Quality,and flavor are of great importance and tastes are light with the purpose of being fresh whilst clear and delicious in combination with light.,并且注重质和味,口味比较清淡,力求清中求鲜、淡中求美。,Cooking method,: The,cuisines commonly employed techniques are those of decocting,熬, boiling, braising,炖,steaming,蒸, frying,炒,/,炸, soaking,泡,and so on.,illustrating,龙虎斗,Wax Gourd Soup,冬瓜盅,Crispy suckling pig,脆皮乳猪,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Siu mei,(烧味),is essentially the Chinese rotisserie(烤肉) style of cooking. Unlike most other Cantonese dishes, Siu mei consists only of meat, with no vegetables. It creates a unique barbecue,(,烤肉)flavor,that a,sauce(调味汁),is usually added but a different sauce is used for each meat.,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Seafood,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Dessert,Chapter 2,Chinese,characteristic cuisine,Jiangsu,Cuisine,江苏菜系,Introduction,: It is,popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. Aquatics as the main ingredients, it stresses the freshness of materials.,江苏菜流,行于,在扬子江下,流。以水产作为主要原料,注重原料的鲜味,。,Features,:,1,.,It pays more attention to cutting technique, made elaborately.,(,制作精细,注意刀工,),2.,It insists,on original taste,,,focuses on how to use soup to make cooking better. It is a light meal, but refreshing!,(,口味清淡,强调本味,重视调汤,风味清鲜,),3. Its,cooking is good at duration(,持续时间),and degree of heating,(火候), and simmer,(炖)、,braise,(焖,)、,stew,(,煨)、,steam,(蒸)、,Stir-fry,(,炒),are,perfect!,4.,It is brightly,colored,and beautifully designed that pleases the eye;,visually vivid and pleasing.(,色彩鲜艳,清爽悦目;造型美观,别致新颖,生动逼真,),Jiangsu cuisine,苏菜,/,淮扬菜,Yangzhou Fried Rice,扬州炒饭,Sweet and,sour mandarin,fish,松,鼠桂鱼,Stewed pork ball in brown sauce,红烧狮子头,END,T,h,a,n,k,y,o,u,!,


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