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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,1,face,hair,eye,nose,ear,eyebrow,mouth,tooth,throat,2,head,hand,arm,finger,knee,foot,neck,shoulder,stomach,leg,back,3,Listen,Section A 1b,Nancy_ Sarah_ David_,Ben_ Judy_,4,Whats the matter with her/him?,headache,stomach,toothache,fever,sore back,cold,She/He,has a,5,Section A 2a and 2b,1a.Match the,problems,with,advice,.,toothache a. lie down and rest,sore throat b. hot tea with honey,stomachache c. see a dentist,4. fever d. drink lots of water,2b .Listen again.Fill in the blanks,6,dialogue,A,: I have a sore throat.,Whats the matter?,C,: I have a toothache.,B,: I have a headache.,E,: I have a cold.,D,: I have a stomachache.,You,should,drink,hot water with honey.,You,should,go,to bed and have a rest,You,should,go,to see a dentist.,You,should,lie,down and rest.,You,should,have,some medicine.,A,B,C,D,E,2C Pair work,7,Grammar Focus,1.,Whats the matter,with sb?,=,Whats the trouble,with sb?,=,Whats wrong,with sb?,2.,have a +,名词 “得,病 ”,Eg: have a cold/fever/headache/sore back,3.,Should,是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,。,should +,动词原形,“应该,”,Eg: You should see a dentist.,should + not =shouldnt “,不应该,.”,Eg: You shouldnt go to that party.,怎么了,8,3a. Fill in the blanks,and then make a conversation like this,A: Whats the matter?,B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.,A: When did it start?,B: About _ago.,A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _.,B: Thank you .Thats _.,A: I hope you feel better soon.,cold,two days,have a rest,a good idea,9,Section B 2a,2b,Problem,Should,Shouldnt,Gina,tired,Tony,Julie,Alan,go to bed early,go that party,tonight,stressed out,listen to,music,study tonight,thirsty,have a drink,eat any more,dumplings,hungry,eat an apple,play soccer,10,Yes or no,1. Doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang. ( ),If you are quiet and often tired, maybe you have,too much yin. ( ),3. If you have too much yang ,you should eat hot,yang foods, like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi hurbs. ( ),If you are stressed out and angry, maybe you,have too much yang. ( ),5. If you have too much yang, you should have,some yin foods like tofu . (,),N,Y,Y,N,Y,11,problem,should,yin,yang,quiet and often,tired,eat yang foods ,like Dangshen,and Huangqi herbs,too stressed,out and angry,eat yin foods,like tofu,12,1. - How many f_ does a cat have?,-Four.,2. -Whats the matter with you ?,- I have a s_ throat.,3. The doctor give me a lot of a_.,4. -I m s_ out .,- You need a rest.,5. - _? ( ),- I have a sore back.,A. Whats the matter?,B. Whats wrong with you ?,C. Do you have a sore back?,D. either A or B,6. Billy had a _ fever, so he didnt go to school today. ( ),A. tall B. big C. high D. height,- Whats the matter _ you ,Lucy? ( ),-Nothing much.,A. on B with C. to D. of,eet,ore,dvice,D,C,B,tressed,13,8. - I have a bad cold. ( ),- You should _.,A. drink some coffee B. do some exercise,C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late,9. Hes tired. He should _ down. ( ),A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lied,10. Whats the matter?,- Im not feeling _. ( ),A. well B. good C. healthy D. health,11.- Youd better drink some hot tea. ( ),- That _ a good idea.,A. sounds B. sounds like C.sound like D. A and B,12. Match the answers with the questions,( ) A. Im ok. 1. Whats the matter?,( ) B. Since yesterday. 2. How often do I eat the medicine.?,( ) C. Dont worry .Take some medicine. 3. How long have you been like this?,( ) D. I am not feeling very well. 4. Are you all right?,( ) E. Three times a day. 5. Is this serious?,13. Its important _ good health. ( ),A. have B having C. to have D,. Has,C,A,A,D,4,3,5,1,2,C,14,1. I hope _. ( ),A. you better soon. B. you to be better soon.,C. you are better soon. D. You be better soon.,2. I feel tired.,- _. ( ),A. Why not go to bed? B. You d better go to bed.,C. Why dont you go to bed? D. All above.,3. What would you like ?,- _. ( ),A. Hot tea with honey. B. Hot tea in honey.,C. Honey of tea. D. Hot honey with tea.,4. I got a terrible _. ( ),A. teethache B. toothache C. toothaches,5. There are yin and yang _. ( ),A. food B. foods C. feed D. fed,6. Tofu and bean sprouts are kind of _ food. ( ),A. yin B. yang C. yin and yang D. yin or yang,7. eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs _ also good _ this. ( ),A. is; for B. are ; for C. are ; to D. is;to,D,D,A,B,B,A,A,15,根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。,Have a fever ; doctor told me to stay in bed for two days,Cant go to school today ; tomorrow ; hope,Get well; very soon; thank you,Dear Miss Ding:,Im sorry to tell you that Im net feeling well today.,I have a fever . The doctor told me to stay in bed for two,days.So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope,I can get well very soon. Thank you!,Yours Tony,16,北京股票配资:,北京股票配资,vdg06wgv,小笸箩小兰花儿烟丝大约倒一半过去,说:“俺这一走得几年儿才能回来呢,这些烟丝放着走味儿,你们俩记着端回去抽了哇!”耿憨说:“怎么,难道说你这出去做事就不准备再抽烟了?”耿老爹说:“不再抽了!俺担心一身烟味儿,会影响生意呢,再说俺本来也就没有多大的烟瘾。”董家成说:“不再抽了也好,是有人不喜欢闻这烟味儿的。俺那边的几个娃娃就很不喜欢俺抽这东西,可俺真还有点儿戒不了呢。”于是,董家成和耿憨各自从小笸箩里装上一锅子烟丝,耿老爹用自己的烟锅子给他们对着了以后,磕掉残渣自己也再重新装上一锅子。旁边的耿憨伸过来烟锅子给他对着了。如此,三个人就较劲儿似地“哧溜哧溜”抽了起来。且说仍然还坐在八仙桌边上的三个女人,这个时候她们越发哭得稀里哗啦的了,而三个男人也不管她们,只顾一锅接一锅地闷头抽烟。直到大半个院子里都弥漫起了呛人的烟雾,董家成这才开口说:“俺和憨子商量好了,明儿个早上送你们一程!”耿老爹连连摆手说:“千万别送,俺就怕人送。俺年轻的时候出门在外时,不管走多长时间,一想起来老爹老娘送别时的眼泪,俺就闹心。”耿憨问:“驴车草料什么的可都备好了?”耿老爹非常爽快地说:“一切都准备好了。你们记着,谁也不准出来送!兰儿和她娘俺也不会让她们出门儿送的。俺们爷儿四个一起走,热闹着呢!”耿憨犹犹豫豫地看着耿老爹,猛吸一口以后拿开烟嘴张张嘴,但还是没有说出话来。再扭头望望董家成,看他还不说话,就悄悄推一推他的膝盖。董家成明白他的意思,知道该是自己提起这件事儿了。于是,他轻轻咳嗽了一声,这才对耿老爹说:“俺和憨子还说了,你们父子这一趟还不知道要走多远呢,就这路途上的花费,估计也得老不少呢。没多有少,俺们两家都应该给你们添点儿哇。可憨子说,他本来早就有这个想法了,可就怕你这个倔强的脾气,不敢和你说呢。”耿憨赶快接着董家成的话诚恳地说:“你知道的,俺那边粉坊里这几年有些赚头的,积攒了一些银子呢。你就不要倔了,俺给你们添点儿哇,作为盘缠,路上也好宽裕一些的!家成哥他就不要添了,他光是种那些个地,能有多少进项哇!”转头又对董家成说:“俺们都知道,你这会儿是想给添也没得添,你们家前几年拆盖房子的亏空,如今已经补上就很不错了呢。”董家成说:“没有多的也应该有少的哇!俺昨儿个去岳丈家看望老人的时候,已经向大舅子借了一些回来。娃娃们眼见着长大了,俺这困难也只是暂时性的,一点儿不碍事。这老话不是常说嘛,好出门儿不如歹在家!俺们在家里的人,有什么困难都好说哇。”听了老哥儿俩这一番推心置腹的话,耿老爹内心里虽然非常感激,但他依然是连摇头带摆,17,


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