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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1/7/2015,#,The country that launched the “Battle of the Bulge” in World War II is now leading the way in the battle over a different kind of bulge.,作为二战“突出部战役”的发,1,发起者,现在德国又在另一种“突出部”之战中走在了世界前列。,German men went under the knife for 2,786 penile enlargement surgeries in 2013, according to the International Society o,2,f Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), which today released its 2014 global stats report. Thats a much larger tally than the other nine countries that,3,provided sufficient survey data this year, including the U.S., Mexico, Spain, Italy and Brazil. Other than Iran, the U.S. had the fewest penile enhanc,4,ement surgeries, at only 61. The report tallies surgeries performed last year.,国际美容整形外科学会(,ISAPS,)于,7,月,31,日公布的全球行业数据报告显示,,2013,年有,2786,名德国男性接受了生殖器增大手术。和美国、墨西哥、,5,西班牙、意大利、巴西和伊朗等另外,9,个提供了足够调查数据的国家相比,德国在这方面遥遥领先。除了伊朗,美国男性接受这种手术的人数最少,只有,61,例。,ISAPS,的这份报告对,2013,年的整形手术数量进行了统计。,There are other compelling tidbits to be gleaned,6,from the data. In contrast to its lack of interest in penis enlargements, the U.S. is leading the way in breast augmentation surgeries (more than 313,7,000 to Brazils 226,000; those two nations trounced all others in this category). But dont be quick to assume that means American women are more eage,8,r than non-American women to enhance their bodies. The data are broken down by geographic location but not nationality, which means that it was not ne,9,cessarily all American citizens undergoing the surgeries performed in America. For the purposes of the annual survey, the ISAPS reached out to some 35,10,000 plastic surgeons around the world. The countries that responded with the most data were the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Colombia, Italy,11, Venezuela, Argentina and Iran.,该报告的数据中还包含着其他一些有趣的东西。和美国男性对生殖器增大术缺乏兴趣的局面相反,美国在隆胸术方面名列前茅(超过,31.3,万例,巴西为,22.6,万例,这两个数字远远超过其他国家)。但不要因此迅速认定美国女性比其他国家的女性更热衷于整形,12,。这些数据的划分标准是地域,而不是国籍,也就是说在美国接受整形手术的未必都是美国人。为进行本次年度调查,,ISAPS,联系了全球,3.5,万名整形医生。提供反馈信息最多的国家是美国、巴西、墨西哥、德国、西班牙、哥伦比亚、意大利、委内瑞拉、阿根廷和伊朗。,Dr. Eric Halvorson, who doe,13,s cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries at the Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, Mass., had no guess as to why Germany would be leading the penil,14,e enhancement charge, but he told Fortune that, of course, standards of aesthetic beauty vary by country, and the surgeries reflect that.,埃里克,o,霍尔沃森博士是马,15,萨诸塞州波士顿布里格姆女子医院(,Brigham and Womens Hospital,)美容和再造整形医生。他没有猜测为什么接受生殖器增大术的德国男性最多,但他在接受,财富,杂志(,Fortune,)采访时表示,各个国家的审美观点当然不同,整形手术就体现了这一点。,Take women, for exa,16,mple, who had 87% of the total plastic surgeries in the world. “In the U.S., women tend to want to be thin with large breasts, whereas in a country li,17,ke Brazil, women want to have small breasts and a larger buttocks,” Halvorson explained.,女性占全球整形手术接受者的,87%,。以她们为例,霍尔沃森博士介绍说:“在美国,女性往往希望自己身材纤细、胸部丰满;而在巴西这,18,样的国家,女性则希望胸部小一些,臀部大一些。” “,Its amazing: take the same womans body, and in one country theyd be going to get their breasts reduced and their buttocks,19,augmented, and in the other theyd be getting larger breasts,” he added.,霍尔沃森博士表示:“这很奇妙。同为女性,在这个国家她们会缩胸隆臀,而在那个国家她们则要隆胸。”,Breast enhancement was, unsur,20,prisingly, the most common type of plastic surgery worldwide in 2013, with 1.77 million performed globally, beating out simple eyelid surgeries, of wh,21,ich there were 1.38 million. But augmentation is only one type of breast surgery, a category that also includes breast lift, breast reduction, and gyn,22,ecomastia surgery (reduction of abnormally large breasts in men). The U.S. accounted for 15% of breast surgeries in the world, just edging out the 14.,23,9% performed in Brazil. Other operations measured in the ISAPS survey include tummy tucks (Brazil had the most; the U.S. is a close second), vaginal r,24,ejuvenation or labiaplasty (Brazil and Germany both had more than the U.S.) and buttock augmentation or gluteoplasty (the U.S. was only fourth here, a,25,fter Brazil, Mexico and Colombia). 2013,年全球最普遍的整形手术是隆胸术,这并不让人感到意外。此类手术的数量是,177,万例,超过了较为简单的眼睑成形术,后者的数量为,138,万例。但胸部整形并不仅仅是丰胸,它还包括下垂矫正、缩胸和男性乳腺发育(即男性乳腺的不正常增大)手,26,术。美国占全球胸部整形手术的,15%,,稍高于巴西的,14.9%,。,ISAPS,的调查还包括腹壁整形术(巴西最多,美国紧随其后)、阴道修复和阴唇整形术(巴西和德国都超过了美国)以及隆臀和提臀手术(美国仅居第四,前三名是巴西、墨西哥和哥伦比亚)。,This was in fact the first time,27,ever that Brazil topped the U.S. for most surgical procedures performed. Although America has 15.2% of the worlds plastic surgeons (Brazil is catchin,28,g up, with 13.6%), Brazil had 12.9% of the worlds aesthetic/cosmetic surgical procedures, compared to 12.5% by the U.S. Thats not to be confused wit,29,h non-surgical procedures, which have risen more than ever before and which the U.S. leads by a wide margin. This category of shorter, cheaper procedu,30,res includes injections of Botox or soft-tissue fillers, skin lasers and skin-tightening devices, fat-melting and fat-freezing devices.,实际上,这是巴西在整形手术数,31,量上首次超过美国。虽然美国拥有全球,15.2%,的整形外科医生(巴西正在缩小和美国的差距,目前有,13.6%,的整形医生),但巴西进行的美容整形手术数量占全球,12.9%,,高于美国的,12.5%,。不要把这些和非手术整形搞混了,非手术整形正以前所未有的速度增长,而且美国在这方面遥遥领先于其他国家。这种方法耗时短,32,,价格低,具体做法有注射保适妥(,Botox,)或软组织填充剂,使用激光美肤治疗仪、紧肤治疗仪、燃脂纤体仪和冷冻溶脂仪。,Dr. Renato Saltz, who is vice president of ISAPS (and grew up in Brazil), says non-surgical,33,procedures have been riding a wave ever since 2008 and 2009, when there was a slow-down in surgical procedures due to the economic crisis. ISAPS,副总裁雷纳,34,托,o,萨尔茨在巴西长大。他说,,2008-2009,年的经济危机造成整形手术增长放缓,从那以后,非手术整形一直处于高速发展状态。 “,Patients couldnt afford the big-ticket operation, but they still did something,” said,35,Saltz. “They did some laser, some Botox, they still wanted to look better despite the financial crunch.”,萨尔茨指出:“整形者无力接受花费很高的手术,但他们仍有所动作。有些进行了激光治疗,有些注射,36,了保适妥,他们依然想变得好看,并没有受到金融危机的影响。”,In 2010, the U.S. numbers for surgical procedures finally started growing again, and non-surgical procedures have contin,37,ued to rise. In 2013, Americans spent more than $12 billion on cosmetic procedures, according to ASAPS, the American-focused version of ISAPS. That wa,38,s up 12% from 2012. Some $5 billion of that was on non-surgical work. 2010,年,美国的整形手术数量终于再次上升,非手术整形数量也继续增长。美国美容整形外科学会(,ASAPS,)的数据显示,,2013,年美国人在美容整形方面的支出超过了,1,39,20,亿美元,比,2012,年增长了,12%,,其中约,50,亿美元花在非手术整形上。 “,In my practice were seeing more and more patients coming in who dont want to have actual surgery, or dont wan,40,t to pay for it or wait for it,” Saltz said. “They come in, theyre on their laptops during the procedure, and then they leave and 25% of the fat in t,41,heir tummy is gone. These are certified procedures that didnt exist five or ten years ago, and that change were seeing is amazing.”,萨尔茨说:“从我的实际经验来看,,42,越来越多的人并不想真的动手术,有人是不愿意花这笔钱,有人是不愿意等待。来的人在整形过程中都在玩笔记本电脑,离开时他们肚子上的脂肪就会减少,25%,。这些获得认证的手术近,5,年,或者近,10,年才出现。我们看到的变化令人惊讶。”,Ask Dr. Halverson, though, and hell tell,43,you that the general lack of knowledge about non-surgical procedures is one of the frustrating things about being in the plastic surgery field of med,44,icine.,不过,如果问霍尔沃森,他会告诉你,人们对非手术整形普遍缺乏了解,这对整形医生来说是令人沮丧的一件事。 “,I think reality TV and the media has done a lot to show plastic surgeries and raise conscio,45,usness and make it seem okay; people always used to hide it, but now people are much more open about it, its much more acceptable to have had surgery,46,” said Halvorson.,霍尔沃森说:“电视真人秀和媒体已经让人们看到了许多整形手术,提高了人们的整形意识和接受度。以前人们总是要隐瞒这种事情,但现在人们对它的开放程度要高了很多,接受整形手术的程度也高了很多。” “,The downside of reality shows about,47,plastic surgery is that they reinforce the public perception that plastic surgery is nothing more than cosmetic surgery,” he added. “If you look at,48,the classic text for our field, there are ten volumes, and only one of those is cosmetic. We do burn surgery, breast reconstruction, cranial and facia,49,l trauma, tissue transfers, a whole range. But thats one of my pet peeves, is that for the rest of my life, when I go to cocktail parties and people,50,ask what I do, I always have to follow it with various qualifying statements.”,他同时指出:“,整形手术真人秀,不利的一面在于它们让公众越发认为整形手术就是美容整形。看一下我们这个领域的普通记录就会发现,只有十分之一的整形,51,是美容手术。我们治疗烧伤,做胸部再造,修复头部和面部损伤,做组织移植,无所不包。这也是让我头疼的问题之一,当别人在鸡尾酒会上问我是干什么的,我总是得对整形医生这个词做许多解释,不知道会不会这辈子一直这样。”,It isnt just television that has had an impac,52,t, but also the Web, in the opinion of Dr. Saltz.,在萨尔茨看来,产生影响的不光是电视,还有网络。 “,With the Internet, beauty has been sort of globalized,” he noted. “So you h,53,杰森英语,杰森英语官网,杰森英语怎么样,编辑,:yingyu,54,


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