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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,双元音,Double Vowels,双元音的发音特点:,1.,发音时由前一个元音滑向后一个元音;,2.,前长后短,即前一个元音发音时间较长,后一个元音发音时间较短;,3.,前重后轻,即前一个元音发音响亮清晰,后一个元音发音轻弱模糊。,e, ,a, , , ,a, e ,发音时由,e,向,滑动,发音过程中下巴稍向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。,e,发音方法:,发,e,音的字母和字母组合:,a,: date late lake paper celebrate,ai,: pain train rain nail waitress,ay,: day say bay play today,ea,: break great,ey,: they obey survey,看音标读单词:,tde ret,stret lek,lwez red,brek tebl,wet etin,朗读句子:,1. No pains, no gains.,不劳无获。,2. Call a spade a spade.,实话实说。,3. Haste makes waste.,欲速则不达。,发音时由,a,(此音发音比,稍稍靠前)向,滑动,口形由开到合,发音过程中舌尖要抵住下齿。,a,发音方法:,发,a,音的字母与字母组合,:,i,: bike shine clime bicycle tiger,y,: my sky cry fly style,ei,: either neither,ie,: tie die lie pie,uy,: buy guy,ye,: bye dye,igh,: fight high sight tight right,看音标读单词:,naf tra,rat sakl,bland nat,da na,klam panpl,朗读句子:,1. Strike while the iron is hot.,趁热打铁。,2. Time and tide waits for no man.,岁月不等人。,3. Great minds think alike.,英雄所见略同。,发音时由,向,滑动,双唇逐渐由圆变扁,口形由开到合。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,oi,: oil coil noise spoil voice,oy,: toy boy oyster soybean destroy,看音标读单词:,d b,vs ts,tltpnt,dn t,nd dfl,朗读句子:,1. A noisy noise annoys an oyster.,喧闹的噪声惹恼了牡蛎。,2. One mans meat is anothers poison.,萝卜青菜,各有所爱。,3. Spare the rod and spoil the child.,玉不琢不成器。,发音时由中元音,向后元音,滑动,嘴唇由扁平慢慢变圆,前一个元音发音稍长,注意防止把第二个元音念成,u,。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,o,: so no old both home,oa,: road goal coat toast boat,oe,:toe foe hoe Joe,ow,: know slow blow throw snow,ou,: soul shoulder though although,看音标读单词:,sld nt,l stn,wnd ft,n,tmt,fel spz,朗读句子:,1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.,滚石不生苔。,2. Joan rowed the boat over the ocean.,琼划船穿过了大洋。,3. Dont go home alone. You dont know how lonely the road is.,不要独自一人回家,你不知道这条路有多荒凉。,发音时由,a,(此音发音比,稍稍靠前)向,滑动,双唇慢慢变圆并稍向前突出,舌位由低到高。,a,发音方法:,发,a,音的字母和字母组合:,ow,: how cow now town flower,ou,: out house sound found cloud,看音标读单词:,ma dat,bat rand,prad bran,trazz klad,aznd atsad,朗读句子:,1. How about going downtown?,去市中心怎么样?,2. Mrs. Brown found a big mouse in the flowers.,布朗夫人在花丛里发现一只大老鼠。,3. There was a loud sound outside. Mr. Brown came out and looked around.,外面一声巨响,布朗先生出来四周看了看。,发音时由,音向,音滑动,舌身向后缩,双唇始终半开。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,ea,: area idea really Korea theatre,ear,: near tear hear dear clearly,eer,: beer deer peer cheer,engineer,ere,: here sincere adhere,看音标读单词:,h d,t f,endn b,kl rl,ad sns,朗读句子:,1. Look at real weird rear wheels.,看看真正怪异的后轮胎。,2. My dear deer is drinking beer.,我亲爱的小鹿在喝啤酒。,3. It is clear that Mr. Lear cant hear with his ears.,很明显,利尔先生不能用耳朵听。,发音时由,e,音向,音滑动,舌头稍向后缩,口型由半开变为扁平。,e,发音方法:,发,e,音的字母和字母组合:,are,: care rare share mare prepare,air,: air fair chair hair chairman,ear,: bear pear wear tear,ere,: there where therefore,anywhere nowhere,看音标读单词:,pe we,spe e,feskwe,ept kefl,mte danstez,朗读句子:,1. There is a bear with a pear over there on the chair.,有一头熊拿着一个梨坐在那边的椅子上。,2. Where will the mayor in the armchair prepare for his lecture?,坐在扶手椅上的那个市长将在哪儿准备他的演讲呢?,3. The boy was scared because there was a pair of bears over there.,男孩很害怕,因为那边有一对熊。,发音时由,滑向,,嘴唇从收圆到半开,注意不要把,发成,u,。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,u,: rural curious during security,oor,: poor moor poorly,ure,: sure pure cure endure surely,our,: tour dour gourd tourist tourism,看音标读单词:,t ,p jul,kj krl,dl kjrs,febrr trst,朗读句子:,1. Im sure this is newer and purer.,我确信这个更新更纯。,2. The tourists were curious to know the story behind the mural.,旅客们对隐藏在壁画后面的故事非常好奇。,3. The doctor wasnt sure whether he could cure the poor tourist or not.,医生不确定他是否能治好这个可怜的游客。,读一读,比一比,fear bear here there,drive drove,near wear,hour tour now know,tile toil care cure,pear peer,loud load,tone town coat count,blouse blow Clare clear,chair cheer,air ear,bay buy boy,day tie toy,mail mile moil,raise rise rose,say sigh soy,


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