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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,words in Book 5,Unit 1,1. The fine was for the company,s p_ (污染) of the air near its plants.,2. A_ (通知) of births, marriages and deaths appear in the local newspaper.,3. Make sure you carry out the doctor,s i_ (指示).,4. There are perhaps two main c_ (结论) to be drawn from the above discussion.,5.Police s_(怀疑) that she had some connection with the robbery.,pollution,Announcements,instructions,conclusions,suspected,6.She stole the money but she,s trying to put the b_(责任) on me.,7.They d_ (打败) our team by three goals in the last game yesterday.,8. I applied for a job as a teacher in a local school, but I was r_(拒绝).,9. Keller is c_ (谨慎的) about making predictions for the success of the program.,10. A small but e_ (热情的) crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.,blame,defeated,refused,cautious,enthusiastic,Unit 2,1. The guides were naturallyu_ (不乐意)to go alone and seek a way out of the difficulty; so we all went together.,2. Pleasecallmetoset upanappointmentatyourc_ (方便).,3. The girl I met was r_ (粗略地) thesameheight as me.,4. Themain a_ (吸引力) ofthepartywasthegoodfood.,5. He has gathered a large c_ (收藏) of prints and paintings over the years.,unwilling,convenience,roughly,attraction,collection,6. We spent a(n) e_ (令人愉快的) evening talking about old times.,7. Tomyd_(高兴),ourplanworked perfectly.,8. Let us u_ (团结) against the common enemy.,9. I am happy to c_ (澄清) any points that are still unclear.,10. Im glad to hear that the first part of the plan has been safely a_(完成).,enjoyable,delight,unite,clarify,accomplished,Unit3,1.I have the i_ (印象) that we have met once before.,2.The direction of the wind is c_ (持续地) changing.,3. You can not believe him entirely, because there is always something u_ (不确定的) in his deeds.,4. He will have to make major a_ (调整) to his thinking if he is to survive in office.,5. The cat jumped from the roof and disappeared into the s_ (周围的) darkness.,impression,constantly,uncertain,adjustments,surrounding,6. We must consider every a_(方面) of the problem.,7. It takes a much shorter period now for the world to gain another billion people than in p_ (之前的) centuries.,8. The school cannot t_(容忍) cheating on exams.,9. The team may be lacking m_ (动机) for nextweek,sgame.,10. The study was carried out in one small town, so we can,t be sure that the results are truly r_ (代表) now.,aspect,previous,tolerate,motivation,representative,Unit 4,1. It took David a long time to a_(获得) the skills he needed to become a professional artist.,2. This test provides an excellent way of a_(评估) students progress.,3. We rely on new sources of energy to meet d_ (需求).,4. I was absolutely d_ (高兴的) with the way things had turned out.,5. The police did a(n) a_ (值得赞扬的) job in keeping the fans calm.,acquire,accessing,demand,delighted,admirable,6. It,s u_ (不同寻常的) to have an adult conversation like that with such a young child.,7. The manager couldnt attend the meeting so his a_ (助理) took his place.,8. Bruce dealt with the problem in a highly p_ (专业的) way.,9. Police have stressed that this is the most a_ (准确的) description of the killer to date.,10. We received a(n) n_ (否定的) answer to our request.,unusual,assistant,professional,accurate,negative,Unit 5,1. In the summer holidays he found a(n) t_ (临时的) job at the post office.,2. Some of the sheep were p_(中毒) to death when they drank the polluted water in the pond.,3. She p_(倒) the dark brown liquid into the cup.,4. The two other passengers escaped serious i_ (伤害).,5. Her eyes were so s_ (肿胀的) that she could hardly see.,temporary,poisoned,poured,injury,swollen,6. I am suffering from u_ (难以忍受的) toothache; I must go to see my doctor.,7. Extra lessons on Sundays put more p_ (压力) on students, who already have piles of homework.,8. His b_ (勇气) in battle saved the lives of his comrades.,9. Some of the patients had to wait weeks to get the _ (治疗) they needed.,10. Regular a_ (使用) of the cream should reduce swelling within 24 hours.,unbearable,pressure,bravery,treatment,application,


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