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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Global 8D,全球,8D,系统,Welcome,欢迎来到,Course,Content,Section,Overview of the 8D process & analysis tools,DO Prepare for G8D process,D1 Establish the team,D2 Describe the problem,D3 Develop ICAs,D4 Define & verify Root Cause & Escape Point,D5 Choose & verify PCAs,D6 Implement & validate PCAS,D7 Prevent recurrence,D8 Recognise team & individual contribution,Page,6,24,51,74,110,134,162,203,228,246,课程内容,章节,8D,程序及分析工具综述,DO,全球,8D,程序的准备,D1,创建工作团队,D2,故障描述,D3,发展,ICAs,D4,定义并验证根本起因和忽略点,D5,选择并确认永久性改正行动,D6,执行并验证永久性改正行动,D7,预防错误的重现,D8,肯定团队及个人的贡献,页数,6,24,51,74,110,134,162,203,228,246,FTEP Modules,Ford Technical,Education Program,ToleranceDesign,Threaded Fastener,Joint Design,Systems Engineering,Fundamentals,Statistical,Engineering,Product,Reliability,Process,Fundamentals,Process,Control Methods,Parameter Design,Manufacturing,Reliability,Global 8D,FOAS,FMEA,ExperimentalDesign,DV & PV,Applied Consumer,Focus,FTEP,模块,福特 技术培训 项目,公差设置,节点设置,系统工程基本原理,统计工程,产品可靠性,过程基本原理,过程控制方法,参数设置,制造可靠性,全球,8D,FOAS,FMEA,试验性设计,DV & PV,应用顾客焦点,Introductions,介绍,你的姓名,你的工作职责,以前对全球,8D,的了解,你想从这门课程中获得什么,Your name,Your responsibilities,Prior Global 8D experience,What you hope to get out of this course,Course Objectives,课程目标,After completing this course you should be able to: /,完成这门课程之后你应该能够,:,Describe each step in the G8D process,描述全球,8D,课程中的每个步骤的功能和目标,Effectively participate as a G8D team member in your workplace,在你的工作岗位上以一个全球,8D,团队成员的身份积极有效地参与。,Help Ford reach its goal to be the leading automotive manufacturer through product excellence and customer satisfaction,帮助福特达到其远景目标:通过提供优秀的产品和令顾客满意的服务成为世界上汽车制造业的主导公司。,Overview of the G8D Process,全球,8D,程序综述,The G8D process,全球,8D,程序,:,Asks why a product or process is operating outside of a performance standard,考虑一种产品或过程为什么会运行于其性能标准之外,Seeks to define and understand a problem,寻求对于故障的定义和理解,Provides a mechanism for identifying root cause and implementing appropriate corrective action,提供一种识别故障根本起因的机制并执行合适的矫正行为,Identifies the need for systemic changes, preventing the recurrence of a problem and other similar problems,识别系统变化的需要,预防同一个故障以及其他类似故障的重现,Emphasizes team synergy,强调团队的协作,Overview of the G8D Process,全球,8D,程序综述,G8D also aims to:,/,G8D,还致力于,:,Provide a common process that defines and resolves problems effectively and prevents their recurrence.,提供一种通用的程序有效地定义和解决故障并防止故障的重现,Increase management understanding of problems and problem resolution,加强对故障理解和解决方面的管理,Improve concern resolution and prevention,改进故障的解决和预防,Promote frank and open problem-solving,鼓励率直开放的解决故障的方法,Phases of the G8D Process,全球,8D,程序的几个阶段,D0 Prepare for the global 8D process,D0,全球,8D,程序的准备,D1 Establish the team,D1,创建工作团队,D2 Describe the problem,D2,故障描述,D3 Develop Interim Containment Actions (ICAs),D3,发展,ICAs,D4 Define and verify root cause and escape point,D4,定义并验证根本起因和忽略点,Phases of the G8D Process,全球,8D,程序的几个阶段,D5 Choose and verify Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs) for root cause and escape point,D5,能够针对根本起因和忽略点来选择并确认永久性的改正行动,D6 Implement and validate Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs),D6,执行并验证永久性改正行动,D7Prevent recurrence,D7,预防错误的重现,D8 Recognise team and individual contribution,D8,肯定团队及个人的贡献,Types of Problem situations,两种故障类型,There are two types of problem situations:,有两种故障类型,:,Change-induced situations,变异引起的情况,Never-been-there situations,从未发生过的情况,G8D and 6-Sigma DMAIC,全球,8D,和,6-Sigma DMAIC,The G8D process is particularly suited to the resolution of change induced problems, or,special cause,.,G8D,程序对于解决变异或者说特殊起因导致的故障的效果是显著的。,The 6-Sigma process is especially suited to the resolution of never been there problems, or,common cause,.,6-Sigma,方法尤其适合解决从未发生过的或者说共通起因导致的故障。,Change Induced (G8D),变异导致,(G8D),Initially, the system operates as expected, but at some point it suddenly deviates from the expected performance level.,起初,系统按预期效果运行,但是在某个节点上它突然背离了预期的性能水平,The deviation might be ongoing, intermittent, or a one-time event (where there is always the potential it can reoccur).,这种背离也许会持续、间断或者仅仅是一次事件(在潜在的某个位置会重新发生),If the deviation is intermittent it might happen randomly or in a pattern.,如果这种背离是间断的,它也许会无规律地发生,或者按照某种模式发生,Change-induced problems do not go away until the root cause is found.,变异导致的故障直到根本起因发现之后才会消失,Never Been There (DMAIC),从未发生过,(DMAIC),The performance of a system has never achieved the expected level.,一种系统的性能从未达到过预期的水平,The system has operated below expectations from day one (incapable process).,系统从施行那天起就低于预期水平(无法胜任的程序),Never-been-there problems sometimes are called a day-one deviation.,从未发生过的故障有时称为本身背离故障。,Never-been-there problems may be due to a number of factors including inadequate design and common cause variation,从未发生过的故障可能是由于许多因素所致,包括不适当的设计和共通起因的变更,G8D process tools,/ G8D,过程工具,Flowcharts,that step through the G8D process and show the transition from D0-D8.,流程图,描述,G8D,的整个过程并显示从,D0,到,D8,的转变,Assessing questions,to help determine when each phase of the G8D process is complete.,评估故障,帮助确定,G8D,过程的每个阶段什么时候完成,Problem-Solving Worksheet,to,help G8D teams to work through the G8D process.,故障解决工作表,帮助,G8D,小组完成,G8D,过程,G8D Web application / Lotus Notes IC8D,to track the status and progression of a G8D.,G8D,环球网应用软件,/Lotus Notes IC8D,跟踪,G8D,进行状况和级数,Flowcharts,流程图,Flowcharts are designed to:,流程图用来,:,Keep the team and the champion focused on tasks,使小组和负责人集中精力于目标范围,Serve as an advanced organizer,作为一个先进的组织者为整个过程服务,Perform an interim check on progress during the process,在过程中进行项目进展程度的过渡性检验,Help identify what resources are needed and when,帮助识别哪些资源是需要的,什么时候可以获得,Be a guide for completing G8D steps,作为完成全球,8D,步骤的向导,Assessing,Questions,Assessing questions help G8D teams determine if the steps of the Global 8D process have been completed appropriately.,Assessing questions are designed to:,Ensure consistent application of the G8D process,Assist the team in achieving G8D discipline objectives,Keep the team and the champion focused on tasks,Provide a quality assurance check,Serve as an advanced organizer,Perform an interim check during the process,Help identify what resources are needed and when,Be a checklist and a memory jogger for successful and effective completion of G8D steps,评估故障,评估故障帮助,G8D,小组确定,G8D,过程的每个步骤是否都是完全合适的,评估故障用来,:,确保,G8D,过程一致的应用程序,帮助小组达到,G8D,学科目标,使小组和负责人集中精力于目标范围,提供一品质保证检查,作为一个先进的组织者为整个过程服务,在程序进行中实施过渡期间检查,帮助识别哪些资源是必需的以及什么时候需要它们,是成功有效地完成,G8D,步骤的检查清单和存储器,Problem-solving worksheet,故障解决工作表,Primary tool used by teams in identifying the root cause of a problem,工作表是小组在识别故障根本起因时使用的主要工具,Includes worksheets for: /,工作表包括,:,Problem Description,故障描述,Comparative Analysis,比较分析,Root Cause Theories,根本起因推测,Testing Root Cause Theories,测试根本起因推测,G8D Web application,G8D,环球网应用软件,The G8D Web application provides:,G8D,环球网应用软件,:,G8D teams with a valuable tool to track and document the G8D process. /,为,G8D,小组跟踪并证明,8D,过程提供了一个有价值的工具,Additional structure to the problem-solving process by asking for key information at each step /,通过在每个步骤寻求关键信息为解决故障过程提供了一个额外的体系,A communications tool for teams not located together geographically /,为位于不同地理位置的小组之间提供了通信工具,A lessons learned database of past problem-solving efforts within Ford Motor Company /,在福特汽车公司内部提供了一个对以往解决的故障回顾的数据库,Problem Correction and Prevention,故障修正和预防,A reliable product or process is one in which failure modes are avoided.,可靠的产品或过程产生于失败的模式被避免之后。,Unfortunately, even with the most disciplined process in place, some level of mistakes is inevitable, and mistakes lead to problems.,不幸的是,即使在适当的位置设置最合适的过程,某种程度的错误还是不可避免,而这些错误又导致了故障的出现。,The goal of G8D is to:/,G8D,的目标是,:,Correct a problem,修正故障,Prevent recurrence of this and similar problems,预防同一故障和其他类似故障的重现,Inductive vs. Deductive Problem Solving,归纳法,vs.,演绎法,An,inductive,problem solving approach starts with data based on observations and sets out to develop a theory consistent with the data.,归纳法基于观测数据,旨在形成一种与数据一致的推测。,A,deductive,problem solving approach starts with a theory and attempts to prove that a theory applies in a particular situation by collecting and analysing data and seeing if the data is consistent with the theory /,演绎法以某种推测为基础并将这种推测运用于某一特殊情况,通过收集并分析数据,验证数据是否与推测一致。,G8D uses both inductive and deductive approaches to resolve a problem /,G8D,运用归纳法和演绎法来解决故障,6-Sigma (DMAIC),DMAIC is a systematic and disciplined approach to reduce defects resulting from a process.,Each letter in the DMAIC acronym represents a different phase in the method:,Define:,A problem is defined and a potential 6-Sigma DMAIC project is scoped out.,Measure:,Data on the current performance of the process is measured.,Analyse:,Data is analysed to determine the source of the problem and how the outcome of the process might be improved to eliminate it.,Improve:,An improvement option is selected and implemented.,Control:,Ongoing performance is monitored and controlled.,A sixth phase,Replicate, has been added, which involves replicating the improvement in other areas of the company and updating the corporate knowledge base.,6-Sigma (DMAIC),DMAIC,是一种减少过程中产生缺陷的系统的、统一的方法,DMAIC,中的每个字母都是只取首字母的缩写词,分别代表了这种方法中的不同阶段:,定义,:,定义故障及潜在的,6-SigmaDMAIC,项目范围确定,测量,:,测量当前过程的数据,分析,:,分析数据,确定故障来源以及过程改进方法,从而消除故障,改进,:,选择并执行合适的改进方法,控制,:,监控执行,新增的第六阶段,,重复,致力于在公司的其他领域重复同样的改善和知识基础。,6-Sigma (DCOV),DCOV is Fords implementation of the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) concept,DCOV uses Six Sigma tools to optimise the relationship between customer perceived performance and design parameters.,Each letter of DCOV represents a phase in the method:,Define:,Customer requirements and wants are synthesized into product and/or process characteristics.,Characterize:,Product and manufacturing process design concepts are generated and selected and the manner in which the system meets customer requirements is understood.,Optimize:,The product and the manufacturing process design are optimized to be reliable and robust.,Verify:,The expected level of performance of the new process or product is confirmed.,6-Sigma (DCOV),DCOV,是福特对,6-Sigma,概念的设计施行,DCOV,运用,6-Sigma,工具使顾客感知的性能和实际设置之间的关系达到最优化,DCOV,的每个字母都代表了这种方法的一个阶段,:,定义,:,顾客的需求被综合到产品和,/,或过程特征里,特征,:,产品和制造过程的设计概念产生并被选择好后,满足顾客需求的系统模式也就被了解了,最优化,:,产品和制造过程设计的可靠性和强劲性被最优化,检验,:,新过程或者产品的期待性能水平被验证,Problem Solving & Other Related Processes,故障解决及其他相关程序,A brief description of some of the other problem-solving methods in use both inside & outside of Ford:,对福特内、外部正在使用的其他解决故障的方法的简短描述,14D,High Mileage Resolution Process (HMRP),高程度解决程序,(HMRP),Shainin,Structured Inventive Thinking (SIT),构筑创造式思维,(SIT),D0,Section objectives:,Define the goal of D0,Describe Emergency Response Action (ERA),Determine if an ERA is required,Distinguish between verification and validation,Choose, verify, implement, and validate an ERA,Determine whether or not to use the G8D process to solve a problem,Describe the function of the Assessing Questions/Checklist,D0 “Prepare for the global 8D process”,各章节目标,:,定义,D0,的目标,描述紧急反应行为,确定紧急反应行为是否是必需的,区别核实确认和批准确认,选定,检验,执行以及验证紧急反应行为,确定是否使用,G8D,过程来解决故障,描述故障,/,清单评估的作用,D0 “,全球,8D,过程的准备”,Why Should I Prepare for the Global 8D Process?,我为什么要为全球,8D,过程做准备,?,The G8D process can be intensive. A lot of time, people, and resources can be involved and wasted, if using the process is not justified.,全球,8D,过程应该是彻底的。很多时候,如果过程使用不适当,人力和财力将会很棘手并造成浪费。,D0 helps you focus on the problem so that you use resources efficiently. D0,帮助你集中精力于故障,所以你可以有效地使用资源。,Prepare for the G8D Process,全球,8D,过程的准备,An Emergency Response Action (ERA) is any action taken to protect customers and affected parties,from a symptom,while you determine if a G8D is necessary.,紧急反应行动(,ERA,)是在你确认,G8D,是否必要后所采取的行动,目的在于保护顾客及相关受影响的对象不致因一症状而蒙受损失。,A customer is a person, organisation, or class of driver experiencing symptoms.,顾客可以是一个人,一个组织,或者驱动症状产生的某类事物。,Affected parties are people, organisations, or classes of drivers who are or will potentially be affected by a symptom.,受影响的对象可以是人,组织,或者被症状影响或存在潜在影响的某些类事物。,Emergency Response Actions,紧急反应行动,Problems vs. symptoms,故障,vs,.,症状,G8D distinguishes between problems and symptoms /,G8D,把故障和症状区分开来,Symptoms are measurable events or effects (that must be experienced by customers) that indicate the existence of one or more problems,症状是显示某一或更多故障中存在的可测量事件或效应(必由顾客所经历),Without a symptom, you dont know that theres a problem,没有症状,你就无法得知故障的存在,Using Tools to Measure and Quantify Symptoms,使用工具测量并量化症状,Symptoms should only be considered when they can be measured or quantified.,只有当趋势可以被测量或者量化的时候才应该被考虑,There are a number of tools commonly used within Ford to measure and quantify symptoms,在福特,通常有许多工具可以用来测量并量化故障因素,Paynter Chart / Paynter,图,Pareto /,柏拉图,Run (trend) chart /,运行(趋势)图,Hazard plot / Hazard,图,Paynter charts / Paynte,r,图,Help track one or more symptoms.,帮助追踪与症状有关的一种或多种故障说明,Shows effect of product actions,显示产品作用的效果,Can be displayed graphically or as a table of data,以图画或数据表格的形式显示,Pareto,柏拉图,A Pareto chart ranks all potential problem areas or sources according to cost or frequency,柏拉图将所有产生故障的潜在范围和因素根据成本和频次排列,Can help sort out the important few pieces of data from the trivial many,柏拉图有助于从琐碎的众多因素中挑选出重要的几类数据,Run (Trend) Chart,运行(趋势)图,A run (trend) chart provides a picture of process variation over time,运行图显示了在绩效上随着时间而产生的方向性变化,It is used to discern data trends or patterns.,运行图用来辨别数据变化趋势或数据类型,Hazard Plot / Hazard,图,Uses warranty repair information to create an estimate of how many vehicles will experience a particular failure mode,使用正确的修理信息对即将产生特殊故障模式的汽车数量进行估计,Can describe the type of failure rate (increasing, decreasing, constant),可以描述故障率的类型(渐增型,渐减型,不变型),Most useful for looking at individual part failures as opposed to system failures, as systems have higher likely hood of multiple root causes,对于相对于系统故障的个别零件故障一般都很有用,因为系统故障更有可能出现重复的根本起因,Questions,故障,What two problems are creating the greatest frequency of concerns?,哪两种故障引起关注的频次最高?,Questions,故障,What effect did ERA a & b have on the problem, as shown in the Paynter chart?,关于上表中叙述故障,紧急应变行动,”a”,和”,b”,分别有什么效果?,Emergency,Response Actions,紧急应变行动,Is based on the information you have at hand,它是基于你所掌握的信息而采取的行动,May be as extensive as stopping all shipments or as minimal as doing nothing at all,它可能大到停止所有发运,也可能小到什么都不做,Is an immediate implementation - you dont spend a lot of time researching an ERA,是立即就要采取的措施你不必事先花很多时间来研究应急措施,Determine the need for an ERA,考虑采取紧急应变行动需要作何准备,An ERA is not always necessary,并不是所有故障都需要采取应急措施,The seriousness of the problem and its effect on the customer will determine if an ERA is required,应该根据故障的严重性和它对顾客产生的影响来确定是否需要采取应急措施,Where immediate action is required due to the seriousness of the problem, an ERA may be implemented before the G8D team is formed,根据故障的严重性来决定如何采取应急措施。在成立全球,8D,的团队之前就可以采取应急措施了,Select and Verify an ERA,T,o make sure an ERA will protect customers, you need to verify it to ensure it will work as expected and does not introduce a new failure mode.,为了确定应急措施可以保护消费者,需要验证它以保证它按照期望的状态进行,并且不会导致新的失效模式,You can verify an ERA on a non-production product such as a prototype or computer simulation.,你可以在非产品上面做,ERA,的验证,比如采用模型或者计算机模拟的方式,Implement & Validate and ERA,实施&验证以及,ERA,Pre-customer validation includes:,先于消费者的确认包括:,Tests,测试,Inspections,检查,Observations,观察,Quality checks on products and processes,产品和过程中的质量检查,Customer validation includes:,消费者的确认包括,Warranty analysis (,Paynter,),返修事件的起因分析,NVQS results NVQS,结果,G8D Application Criteria,G8D,的适用标准,s,ix criteria for initiating the Global 8D process:,开始进行全球8,D,需要满足六个要求,Symptom defined,该故障的定义,Customers have been identified,顾客是经过鉴别的,Performance gap exists,该故障存在改进的空间,Cause is unknown,起因未知,Management is committed to fixing the,problem at the root cause level and preventing recurrence,管理层致力于从根本起因的层面去解决故障并采取预防措施防止故障再次发生,Complexity of the symptom exceeds the ability of one person to solve the problem,故障很复杂,不可能单凭一个人的能力完成,Application Criteria Instructions,对运用条件的说明,Read the scenario and then answer the following questions.,根据情况回答以下的故障,1. Does the situation described meet the,Application Criteria?,该情况是否满足应用8,D,的条件?2.,Why or why not?,为什么?,Answer,答案,This situation warrants a G8D,problem-solving team.“,对这种情况可以应用,G8D,的解决方法,D0 Assessing Questions/Checklist D0,评估故障/故障清单,Emergency Response Action (ERA),紧急应变行动,To ensure consistency in application of the process, the list of questions in your handbook has been developed to assist the team in achieving the objectives of this discipline,为确保整个过程的连贯性,需要建立一个故障清单帮助团队达到本次训练的目标,D0 Global 8D Software,D0,全球,8D,软件,Global 8D Software at D0,/,全球8,D,的,D0,阶段,Additional structure to the problem-solving process by asking for key information at each step,在故障处理过程中另外还需要了解每一步中的关键信息,A communications tool for teams not located together geographically,团队的通讯工具不要放在同一个地方,A “lessons learned” database,一个可供学习的数据库,Access to supplier information, part information, CQIS codes, supplier codes, vehicle codes, etc,有权使用供应商信息、零件信息、,CQIS,代码、供应商代码、汽车代码等,D0 Global 8D Software,全球8,D,的,D0,阶段,D0,测验,D0 Summary: D0,概述,Prepare for Global 8D,/,全球,8D,的准备,In this section we have looked at how to:,在这一阶段我们将关注:,Use the G8D Application Criteria to determine whether or not to use the G8D process to solve a problem,如何依据适用标准决定是否需要使用全球,8D,程序来解决故障,Choose, verify, implement, and validate an ERA,如何选择、验证、实施并,validate,紧急应对措施,Use assessing questions at each step in the G8D process as a confirmation that you are ready to move on to the next step in the process,Explain the key functions of the G8D software,说明全球,8D,的关键,functions,D1,D1 “Establish the Team”D1-,成立工作团队,The focus of D1 is to establish the team necessary to solve the problem and implement corrective actions and to begin the team building process D1,首先要建立工作团队,由团队去解决故障、实施反应措施,并开始团队建立的流程,D1 Section ObjectivesD1,阶段目标,Describe the guidelines for determining team membership,选择团队成员的准则,Describe team roles, role functions, and how they are implemented,团队角色、角色构成、以及角色之间如何配合行动,Explain the three elements of team operating procedures,解释团队运作程序的三个要素,Describe characteristics of team synergy,描述团队,synergy,的特征,Establish the Team,组建团队,Why Establish a Team?,为什么组建团队?,D1: Establish the Team is where the G8D process really begins.,建立一个团队是全球,8D,程序真正的开始,The purpose of D1 is to assemble a team of people with the characteristics and motivation needed to solve a problem. D1,阶段的目的是组建一个团队,它的成员需要具有解决该故障的相关技能。,Team Membership,团队成员,Difference between groups and teams,一群人和一个团队的区别,A group is a number of individuals who have a common goal,一群人是由一些带着各自目标的个体组成的,A team is a number of individuals working together as a cohesive unit toward a common goal,而一个团队是由一群团结一致向着共同目标努力的个体组成的,Guidelines for Team Membership,团队成员资格的指导方针,When determining team membership:,当考虑吸纳人员成为团队成员时:,Limit membership to between four and 10 members,团队成员的人数控制在4到10个之间,Choose members with the right skills, knowledge, resources, authority, etc., to solve the problem at hand,选择具有相应技能、知识、资源、权力等的人作为团队成员,这样更利于解决故障,Choose the right,mix,of qualifications,各类成员之间合理搭配,Change team membership as needed,按需要调整团队成员,Guidelines for Team Membership,团队成员资格的指导方针,Read the scenario and then answer the questions that follow.,根据情况回答下面的故障,Team Roles,团队角色,Team members need to work as effectively as possible.,团队的成员应该尽可能以高效率的方式工作,The G8D process depends upon the efforts of all team members to achieve the teams objectives. To do this, each team member performs a role.,全球,8D,的过程有赖于团队所有成员的共同努力去达到团队的目标,因此每个成员都有他们自己扮演的角色,Guidelines for Implementing Team Roles,实现团队角色的指导方针,Roles are not people. Roles are functions,角色不是特指某个人,而是一个组成部分,Members often hold roles for the duration of the meeting or longer,成员通常在会议或更长的时间内充当某个固定的角色,Changing roles during a meeting can be disruptive,会议中角色的互换会导致混乱,Some roles can be shared,一些角色是可以分享的,When the Leader offers an opinion, he or she automatically leaves the role of Leade


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