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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10,I am going to be a basketball player,Period 4,1,Lets sing a song,Whatever will be, will be,2,What are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be,(Bill Gates),programmer,professional basketball player,airline pilot,How are you going to do that ?,3,well begun is half done,Whats your New Years resolution?,4,Learn to play an instrument,make the soccer team,5,get good grades,get lots of exercise,eat healthier food,6,New Years,resolution,1. Learn to play an instrument,2. get a part-time job,3. make the soccer team,4. get good grades,5. eat healthier food,6. get lots of exercise,7,Follow your dreams,Who can say the phrases quickly,8,Pairwork,A: What are you going to do next year?,B: I am going to take guitar lessons.,A:,Sounds interesting.,I am going to learn a foreign language.,9,What are they talking about?,They are talking about their,New Years resolutions,.,listen,10,Listening Club,2a Listen and circle the resolutions that you hear,learn to play an instrument,make the soccer team,get good grades,get lots of exercise,eat healthier food,11,Listen again and fill in the blanks,name,Kim,Lucy,Manuel,How are they going to do it?,going to take piano lessons,going to practice really hard,going to go to summer camp,going to play soccer every day,going to study hard and,do his homework every day,2b,12,Reading Club,13,Lucy: Did you make a New Years resolution,this year, Kim?,Kim: Yes, Lucy, I did.,Lucy: What are you going to do ?,Kim: Well, Im going to make the soccer team.,Manuel: How are you going to do that?,Kim: Im going to practice really hard,and Im going to go to a summer camp.,Im going to play soccer every day there.,14,Manuel: How about you ,Lucy?,Did you make a resolution? Oh, sure.,Im going to learn to play an instrument.,Kim: Cool. How are you going to do that?,Lucy: Im going to take piano lessons.,Kim: How about you , Manuel?,Manuel: My New Years resolution is,to get good grades.,Kim: How are you going to do that?,Manuel: Im going to study hard,and do my homework every day.,Lucy: That sounds good!,15,Groupwork,For example :,A:,What are you going to do next year?,B: I am going to learn to play an instrument. A:,Sounds interesting,.,How are you going to do it?,B: Im going to take guitar lessons. What about you?,A: well, I am going to learn a foreign language.,16,Make a survey,name,How are they going to do it ?,What are they going to do?,17,Important phrases,1.,新年决心,New Years resolution,2.,组建足球队,make the soccer team,3.,下决心,make a resolution,4.,演奏乐器,play an instrument,5.,上吉他课,take piano lessons,6.,得到好成绩,get good grades,7.,努力学习,study hard,8.,做我的作业,do my homework,18,Exercises,1,根据对话情景写出单词,词首字母已给出。,Lucy: Did you,46,a New Years resolution this year, Kim?,Kim: Yes, Lucy, I did.,Lucy:,47,are you going to do?,Kim: Well, Im going to make the soccer team.,Manuel:,48,are going to do that?,Kim: Im going to practice really,49, and Im going to go to a summer camp. Im going to play soccer every day there.,Manuel: How,50,you, Lucy? Did you make a resolution?,Lucy: Oh, sure. Im going to learn to,51,an instrument.,Kim: Cool. How are you going to do that?,Lucy: Im going to take piano,52,.,Kim: How about you, Manuel?,Manuel: My New Years resolution is to get good,53,.,Kim: How are you going to do that?,Manuel: Im going to study hard and do my,54,every day.,Lucy: That,55,good!,46,m,47,W,48,H,49,h,50,a,51,p,52,1,53,g,54,h,55,s,Answers: 46,50 make, What, How, hard, about,51,55 play, lessons, grades, homework, sounds,19,Homework,调查一下你小组的,New Years resolutions,并写出书面报告,20,Goodbye!,21,书客吧书客吧,hoq362egk,笼罩下,远远望去像披着了一层薄薄的绿纱,透着几分宁静、几分典雅、几分柔美。马启明满眼温情地看着妻子,觉得幸福像电视特写镜头里的花儿一样慢慢绽放着,甚至都能听得见“啪啪啪啪”的花开声,顿时对未来的生活和工作有了更多的期望,他知道自己的人生又翻开了新的篇章。,6,引 子,|1990,年,7,月,一个烈日炎炎的夏日,天空纯净的没有一片云,也没有一丝风,火辣辣的烈日烤得大地滚烫滚烫的,柏油马路似乎都要化掉了;路两边的白杨树也都无精打采地矗立在那里,树叶垂头丧气地耷拉着脑袋,庄稼地里的玉米苗蔫头耷脑地忍受着烈日炽热的煎烤,叶子都卷了边,田头的草儿懒洋洋地趴在地上;知了躲在树枝中“热死了热死了!”地使劲叫着,仿佛在诅咒着这令人懊恼的炎热;往日东窜西跑的小碎孩、狗儿、猫儿全没了身影。就在这样一个炽热的夏季,马启明从陕西一所大学毕业了。他下车的时候头脑快要爆炸了,用手遮着眼睛、望着毒毒的太阳烦躁地在想:太热了!简直都透不过气来了,现在这里要瞬间变成寒冷的南极,或者来场甘霖就好了。那年代毕业的大学生都要绝对服从组织的分配,就算做梦都不可能出现择业自由的幻景。毕业分配一旦公布,个人档案等关系立即送到分配单位所在地,今生今世,想要自己调换工作比登天还难。在那个年代,档案就像一个人的平面复制品一样相当重要,不是有一部电影,秘密档案,,更增添了档案的神秘性。按照当时国家分配政策,马启明被分配到家乡的一个白酒厂,他的女友刘丽娟则回到了远在两千里之外她的家乡。遥远的距离并没有隔断彼此的思念和恋情,反而像马启明所学的发酵专业一样,-,发酵得越来越浓厚香醇。鸿雁传书、电话费猛增那是自然的,马启明也长途奔波去看他的女友,一来二去,不觉间已过了两年多。工作之余会走到铁路边,他觉得火车驶向的地方就是远方的女朋友、就是他的爱所在的地方,有事没事他望着西去的火车,想着女朋友发呆发愣、越是望、越是想!蓦然间,马启明远远地看到女朋友刘丽娟向他飘来,他想拉住她,但川流不息的人群淹没了她的身影。他无奈地摇了摇头,想,这又是幻觉。马启明的父母觉得儿子也老大不小了,便催促他赶快结婚。新婚蜜月之际,刘丽娟幽幽地对马启明说:“我们现在这样两边跑,挣的几个工资全贡献给铁路和电信部门了,总不是长久之计,要么你就调到我们单位去,要么我就调到你们单位来,你看怎么样?”一提起这个话,马启明胸膛里顿时觉得有一股热热的东西在涌淌,搅得他心烦意乱。他在床上煎了一天“烧饼”,觉得两个相爱的人能够厮守在一起,幸福亦不过如此。一想到新婚的妻子马上要和他分离,去遥远的远方,他的心如同刀割一般,难舍难离。他不想过牛郎织女般的,22,


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