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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 5,Travelling abroad,Travelling abroad,1,Do you like travelling?,2,Pre-reading,What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad?,Travel abroad,Money,ID card,Transportation,Local conditions and customs,Accommodation,Weather,Make plans,Apply for,a visa,3,Talking,If you had a chance to study,abroad, which country would you like to visit? And why ?,4,Pre-reading,What are the advantages of studying abroad?,what are the difficulties of studying abroad?,Discussion,5,help us to be independent.,to learn a,standard,foreign language.,easier to learn advanced knowledge and technology.,difficult to communicate with others in another culture,cost a lot of money.,learn about local customs and broaden views.,fun to live in a new country.,have many new experiences,must look after oneself and sometimes feel lonely.,6,2. What do you think a Chinese student will find different from studying at a Chinese University?,They will find its not easy to study in a foreign country. The different,teaching method,different,learning method,and different,situation, they should,adapt to,all things quickly.,7,Reading: Keep it up, Xie Lei,Chinese student fitting in well,8,Heading :,Keep it up,Xie Lei,Chinese student,fitting in,well,Reading :,4. keep it up- continue doing or trying,再接再厉,3. fit in- get on/ along well with,1.Main character?,Xie Lei,适应,2. Does she,overcome,the difficuties,she meets?,Yes .she fits in well.,9,keep it up,保持,继续干下去,如果他能坚持不懈,他就会打破世界纪录。,If he could,keep it up, he would break the world record.,Language points,10,2. Chinese student,(is),fitting in well,fit in,不及物,动词短语,意为“,适应, 融合,”,fit in (well) = get on/ along (well),后常接介词,with, 构成短语:,fit in with sth. 与某物相适应;,fit in with sb. 与某人关系融洽,She doesnt,fit in with,the rest of the class.,Its necessary for us to,fit in with,the times.,11,New words,board,vt.,上(船、飞机),qualification,n.,取得资格,recommend,vt.,推荐;介绍,comfort,n.,舒服;舒适;安慰,substitute,n.,代替品,requirement,n.,需要;需求,12,acknowledge,vt.,承认;确认,occupy,v.,占领,使忙于,enterprise,n.,事业计划;事业心,succeed,v.,成功;继任,Comment,n&v.,评论;批评,13,Number the main idea of each paragraph.,_ Xie Lei , a Chinese girl , is studying in a,foreign area,London .,_,Introduction to Xie Lei and her study.,_,The difficulties Xie Lei met in London.,_The advantages of living with a,host family,.,_,She,is getting used to,the western,way of learning.,_,Xie Lei feels much more,at home,in,England now and is living an active life.,_The newspaper will follow Xie Leis,progress,in later,editions,.,3,7,2,4,6,1,5,14,Reading,First reading,What is,Xie,Lei in England for? How long has she been in England?,Does she do well in her study?,15,What is,Xie,Lei in England for? How long has she been in England?,She is in England for a degree course / to complete a,business qualification,Shes been in England for six months.,16,True or False,When,Xie,Lei went to New York, she felt very excited and relaxed.,Xie,Lei came to the university to complete a science,qualification.,At first,Xie,Lei didnt,get used to,the life in London, now she gets used to it.,Xie,Lei lives in the student,accommodation,.,Xie,Lei found the,preparation course,was very easy to learn at first.,Xie,Leis,tutor,helped her a lot in her study.,Careful reading,17,2. Read the text carefully and complete,the form about Xie Leis life in England.,Paragraph,Main idea,2,She has to complete a business _. In her opinion, the preparation course is most _.,3,She has to get used to a whole new way of life.,qualification,beneficial,课堂学习学案,18,Paragraph,Main idea,4,She lives with a(n) _, which gives her the opportunity to learn new _ in the new country.,5,From the first _ she did for her tutor, she has understood that she has to give her own _and explain them by referring to other authors.,6,She feels much more _ in England and realizes its important to have a(n) _ between study and a(n) _.,host family,culture,essay,opinions,at home,balance,social life,19,board a plane (,para.1,),business quanlification (,para.2,),preparation course (,para.2,),be most beneficial (,para.2,),take up (,para.3,),a passer-by (,para.3,),登上飞机,工商管理资格,证书,预科课程,非常有益,occupy,过路人,20,a host family (,para.3,),be numb with shock (,para.4,),lack confidence to (,para.5,),be occupied doing sth. (,para.6,),have common with sb. (,para.6,),房东家,非常吃惊,缺乏自信,Be busy doing sth.,与某人有共同处,21,III. Translate and analyze sentences:,1. It was the first time she had ever left her motherland,.,这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。,22,2. Living with host families, in which there may be other college students, gives her the chance to learn more about the new culture,.,有的房东家也许会住着其他大学生,跟这样的人家住在一起会给她提供机会,更好的了解新的文化。,23,3. I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities.,我一直忙于学习,以至于我没有时间去参与社会活动。,24,4.He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought that the author of the article knew far more than I did.,他想要知道的是我所想的是什么,这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为该文作者知道的比我多得多,。,25,II. Replacing sentences:,1.You have to,get used to,a whole new way of life,which,can,take up,all your concentration in the beginning.,2.Besides,as far as he,was,concerned, what other people thought was not the most important thing.,26,of doing a,preparation,course,to learn how to get used to western,academic requirements,Benefits,2. to get used to a new way of life,27,of living with a host family, learn more about everyday life and,customs,Benefits,2. to ask host family to explain things not,understood,3.To have a,substitute,family when missing her,family,28,of having a,tutor,1. to explain about why she cant use other peoples works without,acknowledging,them,Benefits,2. to encourage her to express her own ideas,with reasons,3. To get good advice on study,29,at the university,1. Understanding the,academic requirements,Difficulties,2. learning to read widely and analyse the,texts,3. expressing her own opinion with reasons,30,of a new way of life,1.using the phone, paying on the bus ,communicating with,shopkeeper,understanding local peoples speech,Difficulties,2. finding a balance between study and a,social life,31,1.Xie Lei was very nervous when she left for London because _ .,A. she was too young B. she was a shy girl,C. she didnt know what to expect,D. she didnt know where to go,2.You may read the text from a/an _ .,newspaper B. magazine,C. book D. advertisement,C,A,32,3.,Living with the host families can give students the opportunity to _ .,A. go around the new country,B. learn everyday life in the new country,C. get a business,qualification,D. pass the,preparation,course,4. Xie Lei got an E for her first essay because_,A the,tutor,didnt like Chinese student.,B the,tutor,thought the essay was bad-written.,C the essay is a,summary,of an article.,D Xiao Lei didnt know how to write an essay.,B,C,33,5.According to the text, two types of peple helped Xie Lei . They were _ .,A. a host family and a,tutor,B. a host family and her classmates,C. her classmate and a,tutor,D. a shopkeeper and a,tutor,6.About the preparation course, which statement,is wrong?,A. Xie Lei hasnt finished it now.,B. Xie Lei thinks highly of it.,C. Its one of the degree course.,D. Xie Lei learns it because studying,abroad is different.,A,34,Why is,Xie,Lei doing a preparation course first?,Which two types of people have helped,Xie,Lei most since she came to England?,3.What are some of the difficulties she faced when she first came to England?,Further reading/ listening,35,Why is,Xie,Lei doing a preparation course first?,Because studying in England is different from studying in China and she needs to learn about these differences and improve her English.,2. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?,Xie Leis host family and her teachers, especially her tutor.,36,1),Learning how to do everyday things, eg, how to use the phone, how to pay on the bus.,2),Understanding English as spoken in real life, eg, she cant understand the expressions others say.,3),Learning how to reach the academic requirements of a Western university.,4),making new friends,3. What are some of the difficulties she faced when she first came to England?,37,Discussion,How to solve Xie Leis problems?,38,1. listening to the radio or watching television to become accustomed to everyday English,2. asking your tutor for advice before you start your academic writing,3. joining a lot of university societies,39,Homework:,Do Ex.2 on P39 with the help of the tips on P68 of the Best English.,Think about and discuss the questions in Ex.3 on P39.,Prepare for the language points of the reading.,Homework,40,True or False,When,Xie,Lei went to New York, she felt very exited and relaxed.,Xie,Lei came to the university to complete a,science,qualification,.,At first,Xie,Lei didnt get used to the life in London, now she gets used to it.,Xie,Lei lives in the student,accommodation,.,Xie,Lei found the,preparation course,was very easy to learn at first.,Xie,Leis,tutor,helped her a lot in her study.,Careful reading,41,Number the main idea of each paragraph.,_ Xie Lei , a Chinese girl , is studying in a,foreign country,London .,_,Introduction to Xie Lei and her study.,_,The difficulties Xie Lei met in London.,_The advantages of living with a,host family,.,_,She,is getting used to,the western,way of learning.,_,Xie Lei feels much more,at home,in,England now and is living an active life.,_The newspaper will follow Xie Leis,progress,in later,editions,.,3,7,2,4,6,1,5,42,


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