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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,left left,right right,go,turn around,go go go,left,right,left left,right right,left left,right right,go go go,left left,right right,go,turn around,go go go,jumping grooving dancing everybody,rooling moving singing night day,lets fun fun together lets play the penguings games,smacking beating clapping all together,rocking bumping screaming all night long,lets go everybody and play again this song,left left,right right,go,turn around,go go go,left left,right right,go,turn around,go go go,Lets sing,1,The Passive Voice,(被动语态),By Zhang Xiaoxue,2,INTERVIEW,playground,garden,classroom,3,I,clean,the toilet,我,打扫,厕所,The toilet,clean,me,厕所,打扫,我,4,一、什么是被动语态?,二、何时用被动语态?,三、被动语态如何构成?,四、怎样把主动语态改成被动语态?,五、被动语态的特殊用法有哪些?,The Passive Voice,5,1、什么是被动语态?,如果主语是动作的执行者,要用主动语态;,eg:,Many people,speak,English.,谓语,speak,的动作是由主语,many people,来执行的。,如果主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。则用,被动语态,。,eg:,English,is spoken,by many people.,主语,English,是动词,speak,的承受者。,6,口诀,主动,主动,主去动,被动,被动,主被动,1、什么是被动语态?,7,1. 不知道动作的执行者是谁,或没有必要指出动作的执行者时。如:,The glass,is broken,.,玻璃杯破了。,2. 为了强调或突出动作的承受者时。如:,The desk,was made,by Master Wang.,这张课桌是王师傅做的。,3. 在上下文中,为了使句子间连接紧密时。,I have a new motorbike. It,was given,to me as a birthday present by my father.,我有辆新摩托车。它是父亲送给我作为生日礼物的。,4.还常用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍以及景物描写等。,二、何时用被动语态?,8,三、被动语态如何构成?,被动语态的句子是由助动词,be+过去分词,这一形式构成的。,注意:人称、数、时态的变化,都体现在助动词be上面,过去分词永远不变。,(阅读构成一览表),9,四、怎样把主动语态改成被动语态?,主语(原句宾语)+be+过去分词+by+宾格(原句主语),把主动语态改为被动语态非常简单,可以遵循以下几个步骤:1.找出句子的宾语,放在句首充当主语。2.把动词改为被动形式“be+过去分词”,并注意其人称和数随,主语,的变化,而动词的,时态,则保持不变。,3.原主动句的,主语,如需要则放在by后面以它的,宾格,形式出现(注代词的宾格),如不需要则可省略。 4.其它的成分(定语、,状语,)不变。,10,口诀,宾变主,主变宾,by短语,后面跟;,谓语动词变被动,be后“过分”来使用。,四、怎样把主动语态改成被动语态?,11,主语+,be,+,过去分词,+by+宾格,一般现在时态:am/is/are+过去分词,The toilet,is cleaned,by me.,厕所,被,我打扫,I clean the toilet.,我打扫厕所,have a try,12,1、,All the people laughed at him.,He was laughed at by all people.,2、,I have repaired the radio.,The radio has been repaired(by me),13,Jim: I wasnt invited .I wish I didnt disturb you.,Cindy: Absolutely not. (当然没有),Excuse the mess-The house is being painted.,Jim: What makes you paint the house?,Cindy: Were going to have a party here?,Some old friends of mine,will be invited,by me. 。,Jim: This house must have a long history. So it is difficult to paint.,Cindy: The house,had been built,by my grandpa by 1960.,Its not an easy job. But everything will have been done by the end of the week.,Jim: House painting is always done by me at home.,I would like to help you if you need.,Cindy: Oh,great ,take this.(),Cindy: Ok,lets go.Ill treat you to dinner.,Jim: Oh,thats great.,Cindy: Where is the door?,Jim: Oh,Its terrible.,Cindy: You have painted the door!,Lets read,14,五、被动语态的特殊用法有哪些?,1.不及物动词无被动语态。 如:happen, break down, come out.,What will,happen,in 100 years.,2.有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。 如: write, sell, ride.,This new book,sells,well.,3.感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带“to”,但变为被动语态时,须加上“to”。,The boss made the little boy do heavy work.The little boy,was made,to,do,heavy work by the boss.,4.如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定。,He gave me a book.A book,was given,to,me by him.,5.一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。,The nurse is taking care of the sick man. The sick man,is being taken,care of,by the nurse.,15,被动语态口诀,被动语态很简单,过去分词永不变,,be动词形式记心间,不及物动词不能变.,Summary,16,Exercises,1、The letter is _in French. I cant read it.,A.writing B.written C.wrote D.writes,2、These glasses _by him this afternoon., going to wash B.are going to be washed, going to be washed D.are going to wash,3、-Have you _to the party?,-Yes,and so has my sister., invited B.invite C.invited D.been invited,4、The headmaster said that the new school building_soon.,A.will build B.would be built C.would build D.will be built,5、She wondered what_over here.,A.has happened B.was happened,C.had been happened D.had happened,B,B,D,B,D,17,6、The bridge_in two or three weeks.,A.completed B.would be completed,C.have been completed D. will be completed,7、Take these books and dictionaries,please. They_in your study.,A.may need B.may be needed,C. have to be needing D.may be needing,8、-_the football match_on TV next Saturday evening?,-Sorry,I dont know. But it_last Saturday evening.,A.Will;show;was shown B.Will;be shown;was shown,C.Will;be shown;showed D.Will;be showing;was showed,9、An interesting story_me by my grandfather last Sunday afternoon.,A.were told to B.was told to told to D.was told,10、The sun_in the east., always rising always raise C.rises D.always raises,Exercises,D,B,B,B,C,18,Bye-bye,19,


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