unit 2:Food and health

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 2,Food and health,1.,能借助图片听懂关于食物的词语:,carrot, stick,celery, grape, cherry, corn-on-the-cob, string,bean, hamburger, chips, chocolate, drinks, juice,等,并能准确认读和听写。,2.,能借助图片听懂、读懂介绍,Auntie Pang,不良饮食,和生活习惯的短文,并能根据短文回答问题。运用句型,3.,能听懂并会唱歌曲,Try new foods。,教学目标,食物(food)类单词,(一)水果(fruit)类,1、banana香蕉 2、orange橙子 3、apple苹果,4、pear梨子 5、tomato西红柿 6、pineapple菠萝,7、peach桃子 8、lemon柠檬 9、plum李子,梅子,(二)主食类,1、rice米饭 2、dumpling饺子 3、noodle面条,4、pizza披萨 5、bread面包 6、cake蛋糕,7、egg鸡蛋 8、hamburger汉堡 9、sandwich三明治,(三)喝的(drink)和零食类,1、juice果汁 2、orange juice橙汁 3、milk牛奶,4、beer啤酒 5、cola可乐 6、tea茶,banana,orange,tomato,apple,pear,pea,ch,plum,pineapple,lemon,rice,dumpling,bread,noodle,pizza,cake,sandwich,egg,hamburger,juice,milk,orange juice,beer,cola,tea,coffee,ice cream,candy,popcorn,chewing gum,chocolate,hot dog,cheese,Guess,carrot,Guess,celery,Guess,grape,Guess,cherry,Guess,corn-on-the-cob,Guess,string bean,Sentences,If you like . ,you can,try . 如果你喜欢,.,,你可以尝试,.,You can try new foods, something new to you.,你可以尝试新的食物,一些对你是新的东西。,If you try new foods, then they can be your favourites, too.,如果你尝试新的食物,然后他们也可以成为你最喜欢的。,Try new foods,If you have a favourite food,You can try a new one.,You can try new foods,Something new to you.,If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites, too.,If you like apples, try a pear.,Like carrot sticks, try celery.,You can try new foods,Something new to you.,If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites, too.,If you like grapes, try cherries, too.,Like corn-on-the-cob, try string beans.,You can try new foods,Something new to you.,If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites, too.,If you have a favourite food,You can try a new one.,You can try new foods,Something new to you.,If you try new foods,Then they can be your favourites, too.,Try new foods,Summary,carrot,celery,grape,cherry,corn-on-the-cob,string bean,What,s your favourite food?,My favourite food is .,red,white,yellow,green,black,blue,orange,brown,Warming up,Red,:,tomato,apple, pepper .,Orange,:,orange, pineapple, carrot .,Yellow,:,lemon, mango, banana .,Green,:,celery,,,string beans,.,Blue/Purple,:,plum, grape .,Food rainbow,My favourite red/orange/,yellow/green/blue/purple food is .,我最喜欢的红色,/,橙色,/,黄色,/,绿色,/,蓝色,/,紫色食物是,.,What,s your favourite food?,. is/are good for .有益.,Red,fruit and vegetable,are good for,your heart.,Orange,fruit and vegetables,are good for,you,eyes.,Green,fruit and vegetables,are good for,your,bones and teeth.,Blue and purple,fruit and vegetables,are good,for,your memory.,Listen and circle,Look and discuss,Shopping in supermarket,juice,milk,hamburger,bread,chocolate,chips,egg,candles,1,. is,/are,good for your health.,.有益于你的健康.,2,. is,/are,bad for your health.,.有害于你的健康,.,4,. and . are good for us.,.和.对我们有好处,.,5,. are healthy.,.是健康的,.,Summary,. is bad/ good for your health.,. and . are good for us.,. are healthy.,Healthy Eating Plate,Warming up,eat?,sleep?,exercise?,I do a lot of exercise every day.,I sleep for 8 or 9 hours every night.,Listen and number Nick,s answer.,2,4,3,Listen and read the text,Who,s she?,What,s the problem with her?,She is Auntie Pang.,Her eating habits are not healthy.,Listen and read the text,Who,s she?,A. Auntie Pang B. Granny Pang,What,s the problem with her?,A. She has a bad idea.,B. She has bad eating habits.,Listen and read the text,1. Auntie Pang is nice and warm. ( ),2. Her eating habits are healthy! ( ),3. She eats too much and drinks too much milk,every day. ( ),4. Auntie Pang does a lot of exercise. ( ),5. She often gets ill and goes to see a doctor.,( ),Listen and read the text,Listen and read the text,1. She likes eating junk food pizza, hamburgers, and,ice cream. She eats too much and drinks too many,sugary drinks every day.,2. She sits in front of the TV most of the day.,3. No, she doesnt.,4. You have to change your eating habits. And you have to exercise every day!,5. Her eating habits are not healthy.,Healthy eating pyramid,. is / are in my meal.,Summary,1. If you like . , try .,2. You can try new foods, something new to you.,3. If you try new foods, then they can be your,favourites, too.,4. Whats in your meal?,. is / are in my meal.,Homework,Review todays content.,Thank you!,


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