《美国文学》课件2 American Romanticism -Hawthorn

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Early Romantics,Washington Irving (1783-1859),James Fennimore Cooper (1789-1851),The Transcendentalists,The Anti-transcendentalists,(the Dark Romantics),vs.,Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),Henry David Thoreau (,1817-1862,),Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864),Herman Melville (1819-1891),Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849),spirit / oversoul is the most important thing,in the universe,.,It exists in nature and man alike and constituted the universe. It is omnipresent and omnipotent,.,The doctrines,This represented a new way of looking at the world.,It stresses the,importance of individualism,The regeneration of society could only come about through the regeneration of the individual. The individual soul communed with the Oversoul and was therefore divine.,This represented a new way of looking at man.,The doctrines,nature symbol of spirit/the garment of the Oversoul,Nature could influence the human mind. Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence, and youll become spiritually whole again. The physical world was a symbol of the spiritual.,The doctrines,The Anti-Transcendentalists,Challenge to the Transcendentalists,acknowledged existence of sin,explored the human potential for evil, including the psychological effects of guilt, sin, and madness,formed counterpoint to the optimism of the transcendentalists,regarded as “the dark side” in the eyes of Transcendentalists,the Dark Romantics (Hawthorne, Melville & Poe ),B,orn in Salem, Mass. A descendant of a judge in the Salem witch trials,(美国小镇Salem位于波士顿以北25公里处,被人昵称为“女巫城”,早在1692年有一场声名狼藉的女巫审判,当时小镇上1500人口当中,有150人被误认为是女巫而被吊死。镇上的女巫雕像随处可见,巫术氛围浓厚。),The wrong-doing of one generation lives into the successive one.,Nathaniel Hawthorne,(1804-1864),Father dies early, he spent a solitary, bookish childhood with his widowed and reclusive mother.,After graduating from Bowdoin College, he returned to Salem and prepared for a writing career with 12 years of solitary study and writing.,In 1842 married Sophia Amelia Peabody, a transcendentalist, began a friendship with Henry David Thoreau.,Nathaniel Hawthorne,(1804-1864),Financial pressures forced his return to Salem (1845-49) where he secured another political appointment, this time as surveyor,of the port of Salem (1845-49).,P,ublish Puritan tales,and,set many of his works in the Puritan New England world of his ancestors, probing the dark side of human nature and exploring moral conflicts and contradictions.,The,Scarlet Letter,cemented his popularity,His campaign biography of Franklin Pierce (1852) was rewarded with the U.S. consulship,at Liverpool (1853-58).,Nathaniel Hawthorne,(1804-1864),(1) Evil is at the core of human life.,Hawthorne,sense of sin and evil in life, “black” vision of life and human,is haunted,Evil exists in the human heart, human heart is the source of evil. Everyone possesses some evil secret. Evil is mans birthmark.,a most disturbed and tormented one, discus,s,es sin and evil in almost every book,literary world,rejects the Transcendentalist optimism,looks more deeply and more honestly into life, finding much suffering & conflict in it,Hawthornes point of view,Hawthornes,point of view,(2) Whenever there is sin, there is punishment. Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation.,The House of the Seven Gables,Colonel Pyncheon takes the land of Matthew Maule and builds a house on the land-is haunted by ghost-his offspring wither and die out,“,God will give him blood to drink”,霍桑在探讨罪恶时,不是宣扬加尔文教义,而是抨击了它对人性的摧残,是要使人正视罪的存在,并把人从泯灭人性的罪恶感中解脱出来。,Hawthorn,e,s point of view,Hawthornes,point of view,(3) Evil educates.,Achievement is “under the impact of and by engagement with evil”,经历过犯罪,受到其影响,人们才能有所成就,Man is better for the crime which brings about the fall.,人在犯罪后才能更好的完善自己,Hawthorn,e,s point of view,Hawthornes,point of view,(4) Disgust in science.,One source of evil is overweening (too proud of,oneself) intellect.,His intellectual characters are villains, dreadful and,cold-blooded.,Hawthorn,e,s point of view,Hawthornes,point of view,(1) Evil is at the core of human life.,(2) Whenever there is sin, there is punishment. Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation.,(3) Evil educates.,(4) Disgust in science. One source of evil is overweening (too proud of oneself) intellect.,Hawthorn,e,s point of view,Writing features,To tell the truth and satirize and yet not to offend:,t,hat was what Hawthorne tries to achieve.,Trying “to connect a bygone time with the very Present”, he makes the dream strange things look like truth.,style typical romantic writer,a man of literary craftsmanship,,,extraordinary in,the use of symbol,revelation of characters psychology,the use of supernatural mixed with the actual,The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing,He is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology. There isnt much physical movement going on in his works,his stories are parable (allegory) to teach a lesson,use of ambiguity to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty multiple point of view,E,lements of a short story,Setting,Plot,Character,Theme,Freytags Pyramid,Setting,The story takes place in the second half of 17th. century in Salem, a town northeast of Boston in the Masschusetts Bay Colony.,Main characters,protagonist: Goodman Brown,antagonist: Faith; The fellow-travellers,foils: People who are on the surface look good, but in heart, not.,Plot,What happens at the beginning of the story?,Goodman Brown says goodbye to his young wife and departs for a mysterious meeting.,Plot,What happens in the forest?,A man with a stick is waiting for him and they become fellow-travellers.,An old woman who taught Brown catechism in youth and is still his moral and spiritual adviser is jointly with the minister and Deacon Gookin.(p26),Plot,What is Browns first realization of the journey?,Its evil and Brown is determined to give up the journey.(p38),With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm againt the devil!,The voices of two grave men and other townspeople.,Recognizes the voice of Faith and beholds a pink ribbon.,Plot,My Faith is gone! - the climax of the story,There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name.,Plot,What is Browns reaction to this realization?,Brown crushes.(p53),At the ceremony.,They were hesitating on the verge of wickedness in the dark world.,Look up to Heaven , and resist the Wicked one!,Plot,What is the ending of the story?,The next morning, Brown sees.,The ending of the story deals with the influence of this experience on Brown: whether its a dream or not, its real to Brown.,Structure,The first part shows Goodman Brown,s departure from his wife,.,The second part of the story is an extended dreamlike sequence in which Goodman Brown is in the forest for a single night.,The third part shows his return to society and to his,family, yet he is so profoundly changed that in rejecting the greeting of his wife Faith, Goodman Brown has lost faith and rejected the tenets of his Puritan.,Theme,The story is about Goodman Browns loss of faith. His journey to the forest is symbolic of Christian self-exploration in which doubt immediately supplants faith. At the end of the forest experience he loses his wife Faith, his faith in salvation, and his faith in human goodness,Theme,How the Puritans strict moral code and overemphasis on the sinfulness of humankind foster undue suspicion and distrust.,Goodman Browns experience in the forestwhether dream or realitycauses him to lose his faith in others and die an unhappy man. Note the last words of the story: They carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom,.,Theme,The realization that evil can infect people who seem upright.,Goodman Brown discovers that even highly respected people in Salem fall victim to the forces of darkness.,Theme,Its important to have trust in other people.,Symbolism,Symbolism:,t,he practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.,Symbolism,What is the symbolic meaning of the name Faith, Goodman Browns journey through the forest, the forest, the staff, the pink ribbon?,Symbolism,Faith represents Browns religious faith and his faith in others.,The forest stands for,Eden,;,The man in the forest represents,devil,;,His staff as a serpent suggests,the temptation,.,The biblical serpent temped Eve to defy God and eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Like Eve, Brown is confronted with temptation. This ultimately represents his loss of innocence towards temptation and curiosity.,The devil is portrayed as an ordinary man to suggest that every man (Goodman Brown) has the capacity for evil.,Symbolism,The,pink ribbon is used as a symbol of,innocence and purity,.,At the beginning, it,impli,es,a happy, youthful ambiance of Faith and their newly found marriage. When Brown,i,s hiding in the forest and beg,i,n,s,to doubt the goodness of the pure people he knew, the ribbon c,o,me,s,fluttering down. This suggest,s,that the one pure and holy thing to him, faith, had fallen into the devils realm. When reunited with Faith at the end of the story, Brown notices that she,i,s again wearing the pink ribbon. Thus casting doubts on Goodman Brown about whether or not his experience,i,s real.,Symbolism,Goodman Brown,s,journey through the forest compares to,the journey every individual takes to realize their faith and recognize evil.,His character shows both innocence and corruptibility through the change of his belief from the pure goodness of human nature to the recognition of the potential evil within all mankind.,At the beginning of the story Goodman Brown believes in the goodness of his father and grandfather, as well as the Christian nature of Goody Cloyse, the minister and Deacon Gooking. As he progresses through his journey he learns that each of these figures are associated with or acquaintances of the old man, likely representing the devil himself,.,Discussion,1. Is Goodman Browns experience all a dream or not?,Evil is the nature of mankind, declares the devil. (para.65)Does Hawthorn agree with him? (Exactly what do you find in this story to suggest the authors view?)What is your opinion about human nature?,Comment,Herman Melville said Young Goodman Brown was as deep as Dante and Henry James called it a magnificent little romance.,Edgar Allan Poe disagreed, referring to Hawthornes short stories as the products of a truly imaginative intellect,.,Major works,The Scarlet Letter,House of the Seven Gables,Twice-Told Tales,(1837),Mosses from an Old Manse,(1846),The Blithedale Romance,The Marble Faun,“The Ministers Black Veil”,“My Kinsman, Major Molineux”,Young Goodman Brown,A Wonder-Book,(1852),Tanglewood Tales,(1853).,The Scarlet Letter,红字,masterpiece, which established,him as the leading American,native novelist of the,19th,century,Evaluation,The Scarlet Letter,has long been recognized as a classic of the history of New England.,Hawthorne is,b,eing hailed as the,“,American Shakespeare,.”,Background,Boston in the 1640s.,The Puritans came to North America ,sought the freedom to live by,their belie,f,s.,The society is based on their religious ideals,where the laws of the church were the laws of the state.,Background,As for Puritans,Strict standards of behavior.,No aspect of life was truly private.,People kept a close watch on their neighbors.,the main characters,Hester Prynne,Arthur Dimmesdale,Roger Chillingworth,Ma,in,characters,Major characters,in,The Scarlet Letter,Hester Prynne,Arthur Dimmesdale,Roger Chillingworth,daughter,lover,husband,Pearl,Setting,The story takes place,in 17th-century Puritan Boston, Massachusetts during the years 1642 to 1649,.,Plot,Hesters husband, sent her ahead to America, but he,didnt,arrive,in time.,Hester,had an affair,with Dimmesdale,(,minister,),They h,a,d,a child, Pearl.,Hester refuses to reveal her secret.,Made to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her chest at all times.,Hester lives in a small cottage on the suburb of Boston with Pearl,,,and supports herself by working as a seamstress.,Hester works hard to help the others to release her crime.,People would like to consider her as a warmhearted woman.,Plot,Chillingworth returns to witness Hesters shame.,He,is determinde,to find out the man and revenge.,Chillingworth,Refusing to admit the affair, Dimmesdale has the heart trouble.,Finally, Chillingworth discovered the secret. He moves in with the minister .So that he can provide his patient with “round-the-clock care”.,Hester recognizes that the minnisters health is impacted by the revenge . She reveals Chillingworths true identity .,For Dimmesdales safety, they plan to leave for Europe in three days.,However , Chillingworth knows their plan and he books a ticket of the same ship.,The day before the ship is to sail, Dimmesdale,delivers,his,last,sermon,asking,Hester and Pearl standing before the town scaffold. He mounts the scaffold, and confesses publicly.,He falls dead just after Pearl kisses him.,Only,at,this time is he free.,Hester,Passionate,has a love affair with Dimmesdale,attractive, appealing, intelligent, capable,strong and stoic,(,有高度自制力的人,能忍受痛苦或不幸而无怨言或仍泰然自若),she endures years of shame and scorn,caring,cares for the poor and brings them food and clothing,C,haracter,analysis,Chillingworth,Roger Chillingworth,H,is name,a man,deficient in human warmth,His appearance,twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders- his,distorted soul,H,is,interest in revenge,after Dimmesdale dies, Chillingworth no longer,has a victim. Having lost the objects of his,revenge,he,has no choice but to die.,Character analysis,Hester,Dimmesdale,Chillingworth,confesses her guilty, faces the future optimistically,helps others,is able to construct her life, wins a moral success,hides his guilty first,undergoes the physical and spiritual torments,moral growth,morally degrads by his pursuit of revenge,die,sinners,angel,Character analysis,Theme,What is the story about?,It tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an adulterous affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themes of sin,love,and guilt.,Theme,assumes the universality of guilty,explores the complexities and ambiguities of mans choices,Hawthorne,focuses his attention on the moral, emotional, and psychological effects of sin on people,Theme,Everybody is potentially,a sinner, and great,moral courage,is indispensable,for the improvement of human nature,.,Hawthorne,The book is,an examination,of the forces that shape Hester and the transformations those forces effect,a hymn,on the moral growth of the woman when sinned against.,Theme,Unconfessed sin destroys the soul,Hesters sin of adultery has been confessed. As a result, the sin does not destroy her inward spirit; instead, she gathers her strength and courage, and flourishes in spite of the Letter A.,Dimmesdale does not confess his sin until after it totally destroys him. His punishment is guilt and self-condemnation, intensified by the torture of Chillingworth.,Only when he publicly confesses his adultery and stands openly with Hester and Pearl in the final scaffold scene is there relief for him; by admitting his sin, he finally frees himself from his guilt and from Chillingworths hold over him, which allows him to die peacefully.,Theme,S,in and redemption,The Scarlet Letter is a study of the effects of sin on the hearts and minds of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth. In every case, the effect is devastating. Once these characters stumble into evil, they flounder about as if in a morass. Sin changes the sinners.,Yet sin strengthens Hester. It humanizes Dimmesdale. Hawthorne, departing from his Puritan ancestors, considers the possibility that sin may be a maturing force.,If sin is an encompassing shadow in the,The Scarlet Letter, redemption is a fitfully shimmering light. Chillingworth never seeks redemption at all. Hester looks for it in good works, and fails to find it. Dimmesdale alone undergoes the necessary change of heart to find a doubtful peace.,writing characteristics,1)It is a cultural allegory,and structurally compact.,twenty-four chapters,scaffold,scenes,in,the beginning, the middle, and the end,are knitted together,All the four major characters are at the scene,Features,Writing characteristics,2)Hawthornes ambiguity,people offer different views concerning the sign of the letter A on the dead ministers chest.,The author doesnt give his views. So, People come up with different interpretations.,Writing characteristics,3,)Hawthornes use of the supernatural.,The appearance of the symbol A in the sky is : in twilight atmosphere, all things, natural or otherwise, may become probable,.,Writing characteristics,the scarlet letter “,A,”,the central symbol,Adultery,Able,Angel,a token of shame,“A” appears in the sky,4,) His use of symbols,letter “A”:,1. Adultery,2. Admirable;,3. Angel,;,4. Able,;,5. Apostle,(基督教,12,大信徒);,6. Alone,;,7. Alienation,;,8. America,(,American Spirit,),;,9. Adamic,What does “A” mean to the,main,characters ?,For Hester, it means unjust humiliation.,For Dimmesdale, its a reminder of his own sin.,For Chillingworth, its a request for revenge.,For Pearl, its nothing but a beautiful cloth.,It is a guide for Hester to go to heaven, and Dimmesdale hell.,Topics for discussion,Why does,Hester,repeatedly refuse to stop wearing the letter,A,?,Is this a story of love or a story of sin? why?,Is this a story of sin and redemption? why?,A,-,-“her passport into regions where other women dared not tread,”,her behavior,She desires to determine her own identity rather than to allow others to determine it for her,she is determined to transform its meaning through her actions and her own self-perception,She is unwilling to erase her past deed and her past decisions,She is not the example of sin that she was once intended to be. Rather, she is an example of redemption and self-empowerment.,Hawthornes,point of view,(1) Evil is at the core of human life.,(2) Whenever there is sin, there is punishment. Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation.,(3) Evil educates.,(4) Disgust in science. One source of evil is overweening (too proud of oneself) intellect.,Hawthorn,e,s point of view,Writing features,To tell the truth and satirize and yet not to offend:,t,hat was what Hawthorne tries to achieve.,Trying “to connect a bygone time with the very Present”, he makes the dream strange things look like truth.,style typical romantic writer,a man of literary craftsmanship,,,extraordinary in,the use of symbol,revelation of characters psychology,the use of supernatural mixed with the actual,The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing,He is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology. There isnt much physical movement going on in his works,his stories are parable (allegory) to teach a lesson,use of ambiguity to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty multiple point of view,S,he took the baby on her arm, and with a burning blush, and yet a haughty smile, and a glance that would not be abashed, looked around at her townspeople and neighbours. On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A. It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore, and whic


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