演讲的艺术 chapter 6

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Slide,18,McGraw-Hill, 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.,6,Supporting Your Ideas,by,Ada,Pan,Oct. 2012,Purposes of Supporting Materials,Tea is popular.,Large quantities of tea are consumed by people around the globe.,Tea is second only to water as the worlds most consumed beverage. More tea is consumed each year than all other manufactured drinks in the world put together, including coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and alcohol. Total tea consumption is 4 billion kilograms annually.,L,earning Objectives:,S,up,porting,your ideas by:,examples,statistics,testimony,K,ey Terms,S,upporting,materials,e,xample (brief ,extended , hypothetical ),S,tatistics (single, multiple),T,estimony (expert, peer),Purposes of Supporting Materials,Clarity,Vividness,Credibility,Types of Supporting Materials,1,2,3,Examples,Brief,Extended,Actual,Hypothetical,Tips for using examples,Make examples vivid and richly textured,R,einforce examples with statistic or testimony,Narration,Personal,Third-person,S,econd,Statistics,S,ingle,Multiple,Tips:,Statistics,Dont rely exclusively on statistics.,U,se representative statistics,I,dentify the sources of statistics,F,orm reliable sources,Round off.,E,xplain statistics,Use presentational aids.,Stress their impact.,Testimony,Direct quotation,Paraphrase,Testimony,T,ips:,Quote or paraphrase,Q,uote or paraphrase accurately,F,orm qualified/unbiased sources,I,dentify the people you quote or paraphrase,Tests of Evidence,Is the evidence quoted,in context,?,Is the source of the evidence,an expert,?,Is the source of the evidence,unbiased,?,Is the evidence,relevant,to the point?,Is the evidence,specific,?,Is the evidence,sufficient,to prove the point?,Is the evidence,timely,?,Evaluating Electronic Information,Purpose,Expertise,Objectivity,Accuracy,Timeliness,Citing Your Sources,“Oral footnotes”. . .,Enhance the credibility of what you say.,Help listeners find sources.,


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