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,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1,Machine,Guarding,机器防护,2,Introduction,简介,Crushed hands and arms, severed fingers, blindness - the list of possible machinery-related injuries is as long as it is horrifying. Safeguards are essential for protecting workers from needless and preventable injuries.,手部挤压、手指切断、失明这些都是机器事故可能造成的可怕后果。安全防护是保护员工避免不必要的和可预防的事故的基本保障。,A good rule to remember is:,Any machine part, function, or process which may cause injury must be safeguarded,.,记住一条规则:可能造成伤害的机器的任何部件、功能或流程必须进行防护,Where the operation of a machine can injure the operator or other workers, the hazard must be controlled or eliminated.,设备运行中能够伤害操作人员的部位,危害必须得的控制或清除。,3,Causes of Machine Accidents,机器事故的原因,Reaching in to “clear” equipment,伸手进入设备内清洁,Not using Lockout/Tagout,没有锁定挂牌,Unauthorized persons doing maintenance or using the machines,未经授权的人员维修或操作设备,Missing or loose machine guards,缺失机器防护,4,Where Mechanical Hazards Occur,机器危险存在的位置,Point of operation,运转部件,All parts of the machine which move, such as:,设备移动的所有部件,例如:,flywheels, pulleys, belts, couplings, chains, cranks, gears, etc.,飞轮、滑轮、皮带、链条、曲轴、齿轮、联轴器等,feed mechanisms and auxiliary parts of the machine,机械进料装置和机器辅助部件,In-running nip points,运行中的咬合点,5,Point of Operation,运转点,That point where work is performed on the material, such as cutting, shaping, boring, or forming of stock,must,be guarded.,对原料进行操作的部位,例如切断、钻孔、修整或成型加工的位置必须有防护。,6,Rotating Parts,转动部件,7,In-Running Nip Points,运转的咬合点,Belt and pulley,皮带和滑轮,Chain and sprocket,链条和齿轮,Rack and pinion,齿条和锥齿轮,Rotating cylinders,转动的滚筒,8,Requirements for Safeguard,安全防护的要求,Prevent contact,- prevent workers body or clothing from contacting hazardous moving parts,防止接触-防止员工身体或衣物接触到危险的运动部件,Secure,- firmly secured to machine and not easily removed,牢固-牢固的安装在机器上不易被拆除,Protect from falling objects,- ensure that no objects can fall into moving parts,防止坠物-确保物体不能从运动部件坠落,Create no new hazards,- must not have shear points, jagged edges or unfinished surfaces,不产生新的隐患-无切口,锯齿边和未打磨的表面,Create no interference,- must not prevent worker from performing the job quickly and comfortably,不产生冲突-不影响员工正常操作,Allow safe lubrication,- if possible, be able to lubricate the machine without removing the safeguards,可以安全的润滑-尽可能的能够在不拆除安全防护的情况下进行润滑,9,Methods of Machine Safeguarding,机器安全防护的方式,Guards,防护,Fixed,固定的,Interlocked,连锁,Adjustable,可调式,self-adjusting,自动调节,Devices,装置,presence sensing,接近感应,Pullback,回拉装置,Restraint,限位装置,safety controls (tripwire cable, two-hand control, etc.),安全控制(拉发线,双手控制等),Gates,安全门,Location/distance,位置/距离,Feeding and ejection methods,进料和出料方式,automatic and/or semi-automatic feed and ejection,自动或半自动,Robots,机械手,Miscellaneous aids,其他措施,awareness barriers,栅栏,protective shields,防护屏障,hand-feeding tools,手工进料工具,10,Fixed Guard,固定防护,Provides a barrier - a permanent part of the machine, preferable to all other types of guards.,设置屏障-机器的永久部件,优于其它的防护类型,11,Interlocked Guard,连锁,When this type of guard is opened or removed, the tripping mechanism and/or power automatically shuts off or disengages, and the machine cannot cycle or be started until the guard is back in place.,当防护被打开或移除时,跳闸装置或/和能量自动切断或隔离使得机器无法运转直至防护回复。,Interlocked guard on revolving drum,滚筒上的连锁防护,An interlocked guard may use electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic power or any combination of these. Interlocks should not prevent “inching” by remote control, if required. Replacing the guard should not automatically restart the machine.,连锁防护可以采用电、机械、水动会气动能量。连锁必要时应不会防止通过遥控装置点动。更换防护应不会导致机器自动启动。,12,Adjustable Guard,可调式防护,Provides a barrier which may be adjusted to facilitate a variety of production operations.,所采用的屏障可以通过调节来适用于多种的生产操作。,Bandsaw blade adjustable guard,台锯可调式防护,Adjustable guards are useful because they allow flexibility in accommodating various sizes of stock, but, because they require adjusting, they are subject to human error.,可调式防护很有用,因为可以根据不同尺寸的进料调节。但是, 由于是可调节的,所以就会有人为因素。,13,Self-Adjusting Guard,自动调节式防护,Provides a barrier which moves according to the size of the stock entering the danger area.,所采用的屏障能够根据进入危险位置的物料尺寸调整,Circular table saw self-adjusting guard,圆盘锯的自动调节防护,14,Pullback Device,回拉装置,Utilizes a series of cables attached to the operators hands, wrists, and/or arms,使用绳索连接操作人员的手、腕和胳膊,Primarily used on machines with stroking action,主要用于机器的进料操作,Allows access to the point of operation when the slide/ram is up,当刀片/锤头上升时能够进入操作位置。,Withdraws hands when the slide/ram begins to descend,当刀片/锤头下降是收回手,15,Hands in die, feeding,双手在模具内,进料,Point of operation exposed,操作位置打开,Pullback device attached and properly adjusted,回拉装置连接并调整适当,Die closed,模具关闭,Hands withdrawn from point of operation by pullback device,双手被回拉装置从操作位置收回,16,Restraint Device,限位装置,Uses cables or straps attached to the operators hands and a fixed point,采用绳索或皮带将操作人员的手和一个固定点连接,Must be adjusted to let the operators hands travel within a predetermined safe area,必须调节以使操作人员的手只能在限定的安全区域内活动,Hand-feeding tools are often necessary if the operation involves placing material into the danger area,如果操作需要将物料放置到危险为止,需要采用手工进料工具,17,Safety Tripwire Cables,安全绊网,Device located around the perimeter of or near the danger area,装置安装在危险位置的周边或附近,Operator must be able to reach the cable to stop the machine,操作人员必须只能越过绳索去关闭设备,18,Two-Hand Control,双手控制,.,Requires constant, concurrent pressure to activate the machine,需要持续的,一致性的压力来启动机器,The operators hands are required to be at a safe location (on control buttons) and at a safe distance from the danger area while the machine completes its closing cycle,操作人员的在设备完成操作循环时双手处于安全位置(在控制按钮上)并且和危险区域保持安全距离,19,Gate,安全门,Movable barrier device which protects the operator at the point of operation before the machine cycle can be started,在机器工作周期开始前,保护操作人员的移动式的屏蔽装置,If the gate does not fully close, machine will not function,如果安全门没有完全关闭,机器将不会启动,Gate Open,安全门打开,Gate Closed,安全门关闭,20,Safeguarding by Location/Distance,位置/距离防护,Locate the machine or its dangerous moving parts so that they are not accessible or do not present a hazard to a worker during normal operation,机器或其危险运行的部位的位置处于人员无法接近的区域。,Maintain a safe distance from the danger area,同危险区域保持安全距离,21,Automatic Feed,自动进料(,shown on power press),Transparent,Enclosure,Guard,Stock Feed,Roll,Danger,Area,Completed Work,22,Robots,自动机械,Machines that load and unload stock, assemble parts, transfer objects, or perform other tasks,用于装卸物料,装配零件,传送材料或实施其他作业.,Best used in high-production processes requiring repeated routines where they prevent other hazards to employees,常用于大量生产的流水线上,实施重复性的作业操作.,23,Protective Shields,防护屏障,These do not give complete protection from machine hazards, but do provide some protection from flying particles, splashing cutting oils, or coolants.,这种防护不能完全对机器的危害提供防护, 但是可以防护飞溅的碎片,喷溅的机油或冷冻液,24,Holding Tools,送料工具,Used to place and remove stock in the danger area,用于将工件从危险区域放置和取出,Not to be used,instead,of other machine safeguards, but as a supplement,不能替代其他机械的安全防护,只是作为补充,25,Guarding Fan Blades,风扇叶片的防护,When the periphery of the blades of a fan is less than 7 feet above the floor or working level, the blades must be guarded with a guard having openings no larger than 1/2 inch.,当风扇的叶片距离地面或工作面小于7英尺必须对叶片加装防护,防护的间隙不大于0.5英寸.,26,Abrasive Wheel Machinery,砂轮机,Work rests on offhand grinding machines must be kept adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of 1/8-inch to prevent the work from being jammed between the wheel and the rest, which may result in wheel breakage.,砂轮机的工件架必须调节的尽可能接近砂轮片,最大的允许间隙为1/8英寸.这样可以防止工件被夹进砂轮片和机架之间而导致砂轮片破裂.,27,Abrasive Wheel Machinery,砂轮机,The distance between the wheel periphery and the adjustable tongue must never exceed 1/4-inch.,砂轮外缘和可调舌形板的间隙决不能超过0.25英寸.,28,Power-Transmission Apparatus,动力输送装置,Power-transmission apparatus (shafting, flywheels, pulleys, belts, chain drives, etc.) less than 7 feet from the floor or working platform must be guarded.,动力输送装置(转轴、飞轮、滑轮、皮带、链条等)如果距离地面或工作面小于7英尺则必须加装防护。,Unguarded belt,and pulley,没有防护的皮带和皮带轮,29,Machine Safety Responsibilities,机械安全的职责,Management,管理人员,ensure all machinery is properly guarded,确保所有机械有合适的安全防护,Supervisors,主管,train employees on specific guard rules in their areas,培训员工有关专门防护规则,ensure machine guards remain in place and are functional,确保安全防护在合适的位置并且功能完好,immediately correct machine guard deficiencies,及时纠正安全防护的缺陷,Employees,员工,do not remove guards unless machine is locked and tagged,不要拆除安全防护装置,除非已被锁定挂牌,report machine guard problems to supervisors immediately,及时向主管报告机器安全防护的问题,do not operate equipment unless guards are in place,不操作没有安全防护的设备,30,Training,培训,Hazards associated with particular machines,特定设备有关的危害?,How the safeguards provide protection and the hazards for which they are intended,安全防护如何工作以及所针对的风险?,How and why to use the safeguards,如何和为什么采用安全防护?,How and when safeguards can be removed and by whom,如何和什么时候可以拆除安全防护和由谁拆除?,What to do if a safeguard is damaged, missing, or unable to provide adequate protection,当安全防护已经损坏、缺失或失效时如何处置?,Operators should receive training on the following:,操作人员应接受以下内容的培训:,31,Summary,总结,Safeguards are essential for protecting workers from needless and preventable machinery-related injuries,安全防护是保护员工免受不必要的和可预防的机械伤害的基本措施,The point of operation, as well as all parts of the machine that move while the machine is working, must be safeguarded,运行部位,和机器的运动部件必须有安全防护,A good rule to remember is:,Any machine part, function, or process which may cause injury must be safeguarded,记住一条原则:所有可能造成伤害的机器部件、功能 或过程必须有机械防护。,


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